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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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Thanks! I really like that color (i.e. black with just a touch of dark green). I could see an entire Mantis Warrior army done this way & looking really good. Not mine of course, my color scheme's set... but still, worked out very nicely in the end.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out I'm not *quite* done yet. Tried my hand at some weathering and battle damage... not much mind you... just enough to make the built-in battle damage on the original armor plates not look completely out of place. Still have to paint the head and tail lights too. Scratching my head about that a bit. Might try some doming resin in them once the painting is done, just for a fun experiment.


So, give me a day or so and I should have another pic up. But thanks Tryo, I do appreciate the support.

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I think that you've done a fantastic job on that Vindicator. The paint job work is so good that I had to do a double take before it sunk in that it's the old Mk I version of the model and not the current plastic one. Very impressive stuff mate!
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Thanks Doghouse, very much appreciate that. Funny that for 20 years of 40k, I never met another Mantis Warrior player. Still haven't met one, but to share the topic on B&C with one is a real pleasure. People seem to love your work too, I sure do.
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Thanks Kierdale!


It's my first serious attempt a weathering a vehicle. I didn't want to overdo it since the rest of my vehicles are rather pristine... so I wanted to look like it's only been through one or two actions... thus most of the damage is up front by the dozer blade and forward-facing edges of the tank. The shell impact mark in the front right of the tank near the top is to account for the fact that I just couldn't get all the old, metal parts to line up perfectly during assembly so there's a gap between plates where there shouldn't be. So I put a shell impact mark there as if the tank had taken a hit that hadn't penetrated, but had buckled the plates a bit. I'm sure I'll get better with practice... but this was a decent start.


I've never been a big fan of vindicators... but I must admit, this is a pretty spiffy looking tank now that it's all together. I have one more of these to play with. I think the pair flanked by my two razorbacks would make a nice mechanized set. It's missing one of the side-armor plates though, so I'll have to figure out how to construct a replacement.

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Very nice vindicator! Loving the weathering and battle damage and even the rear lights! I also really like your take on the storm bolter.


Just a quick question, where did you get that tool set from on the side of the vindicator? I swear I have seen it before, but can't remember which kit its form...

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@Razblood: Thanks Raz, would love to see what you did. Those armor plates are so thick... not sure how I'm going to go about manufacturing one.


@IronDragon66: Thank you sir. Those would be my sternguard. I was going for that "tranquility sniper" feel from the original article in WD many years ago. Between the sternguard's special ammo, the extended & suppressed bolter barrels & the tall grass on their bases... I think they turned out pretty well.


I'm working on a second assault marine squad presently. Pretty much identical to the last one with different poses of course. Hope to have something for you by the end of the week.

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@Razblood: Thanks Raz, would love to see what you did. Those armor plates are so thick... not sure how I'm going to go about manufacturing one.

@IronDragon66: Thank you sir. Those would be my sternguard. I was going for that "tranquility sniper" feel from the original article in WD many years ago. Between the sternguard's special ammo, the extended & suppressed bolter barrels & the tall grass on their bases... I think they turned out pretty well.

I'm working on a second assault marine squad presently. Pretty much identical to the last one with different poses of course. Hope to have something for you by the end of the week.

Here is the best pic I could get


I just mixed up a good amount of GS and put it over the plain plate, then cut and sanded it till I had a reasonable facsimile.

It's not perfect, but thats only because I couldn't be bothered to spend any more time on it when I have so many marines to paint :)

Anyway I hope this is in some way helpful :D

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Here is a shot of the Mantis Warrior motor pool. I think you can really see a difference in the early vehicles (razorbacks and pods) and the more recent LS Storms, and the brand new vindicator. Granted the Storms aren't really finished yet... but the major airbrushing and such is complete... it's just some details that are still lacking. Anyway, the paint jobs seem to be getting richer and more dynamic as I go... which is a good thing.




Amusingly, I never noticed until just now that I'd never finished the yellow on the top of the fins of the left-most pod. Have to put that on my "to do" list.

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I love the mixture of "New" and "old" in this army (Beakies FTW ^_^ ), plus the shade of green is awesome. If I didn't have an aversion to Ebay (long story :P ) and am perpetually broke, I'd love to get some plastic Mark VI Marines again ^_^
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@Stonedog: Thanks! Appreciate your stopping bye.


@Aquilanus: I get that a lot... & is one of the things (for me) that keeps it interesting.


@lee: Glad you took the time to stop bye again lee, and especially that you found something worth you while when you got here. Closing in on a second assault squad, so hopefully will have something for you to enjoy in a couple of days.

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