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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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I like the pwersword on squad sergent. Also that is an old school flamer and is awsome. finally i am glad I ain't the only one that likes beakie helmets with jumpacks. now I find I'll be stuck waiting for the next instalment.
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Apothecary is finished! This is an old-school method for handling white. White undercoat (in this case, primer), black lining the dilute white over the top to brighten the plates and clean up the shade lines. I think it works well with the figure and the feel of the army. Not as slick as air brushing... but very early 40k.




One more figure to go!!

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Thanks Doghouse... I'm pretty happy with him. Had a last minute list change and I'm having to paint up a second one quick. Going to try airbrushing this one. Build went well but the initial AB work was a bit rocky. Hope the rest goes smoother.
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Well, the fork is officially stuck in my Adepticon army for 2012!


First, the new Apothecary.




Then he and his mate. Note the book-ended shoulder pads. Particular bit of stupidity there on my part. For the era, the guy on the right is correct.




Lastly, my completed Adepticon 2012 Army:




All the pic's are quite large and very zoomable..



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In contemplating my army as I was fooling around with pics for our historical tome... it really started to bother me that the librarian... as with Knightley's apothecary... just didn't fit the feel of the rest of the army. While it wasn't as physically large as the apoth, it just had the feel of a modern figure... and not the OP feel I've spent so much time and effort cultivating. So I dove into my mini case and pulled out my favorite apothecary from the olden days. Gave it a bath in acetone & re-painted it. Yes... the whole figure in less than 24 hours... in-between working on the historical tome... and shooting things to pieces in post-apocalyptic Nevada. I know the eye-glow is a bit over the top but I wanted him to look menacing. There are a myriad of other flaws that I won't point out... however in spite of them I think this is a better fit for this particular army.


For your entertainment... Brother Artemic.



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@Kierdale: Thanks! As to the backpack... it just seemed he needed something to frame his head a bit... the epistolary bit works nicely for that.


@Razblood: Thank you sir. It is rather funny considering the normal beakie helmets are very pig face bascinet-like.



Just for the record... an updated shot of my Adepticon force with the new librarian in place.



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For the record those glow eyes look awsome. and seeing that Librarian makes me think ferral beast that hates you and everything you stand for so it's menacing in the way sapce marines should be unless your playing ^_^ pretty marines. do keep up the excellent work.

Do tell when you will be posting more? did you ever work any more on the twin knife vanguard dragonfly wings concept?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lee: I think I've posted everything I've done on the post-crusade marines. I should be starting to actually work on units for that army some time later this year.


Finished my version of Tycho (since I'm experimenting with the BA dex). Got him all tranquility sniperified...



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@Ace: I'm very flattered, thank you! While I'd be delighted to point you to some of the fantastic artists that can be found on the B&C... I must admit that I'm pretty happy with him. I just wish I could look at him without seeing more and more things that need fixing. This figure's been "done" about 4 times already, and each time I see more things that I have to go in and touch up. I'm starting to hate Tycho...


@Kierdale: Thanks mate! I modified his combi-weapon so that it matched the way I've modified all of my sternguard's bolters... gives them more of a sniper feel which is very fluffy for the chapter.



Next up: Finally finishing my MoTF which I built and "mostly" painted for Adepticon last year. Guess it's "unfinished business" month at the Gitsplitta residence.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I just wanted to perform a bit of threadcromancy on my own thread. I haven't abandoned it or given up on the old Mantis Warriors... but I needed a break. They were getting to be more of a chore than a joy. Been diddling around with orks, necrons and nids... and doing summer things that have nothing to do with painting or gaming. However, I'll be firing up the forge world soon again. Will post when I have something substantial to show.


Thanks for stopping by,


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