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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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That's fantastic news!  There are so few people who do the Mantis Warriors it's wonderful when someone new takes the plunge.  It'd be exciting to see what you do with them.  Be sure to drop me a PM if you start a thread!  :)





Love the quad gun figure.  Could have spent a couple of weeks fiddling around with it but just no time.  This'll have to do for the nonce.  Enjoy!
Only 1 more figure to paint and my Adepticon army will be complete!  
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Man I remember when you first started up this log. You're greens have gotten more luminescent which I think is awesome! The whole log is just stunning from start to finish my friend. I gotta say I still love the yellow you started out with. Need to bring some more Badab Mantis back, also, how about a complete army shot of what you've done to date?

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Thanks Ravenfield, I appreciate you sticking with me all this time. Yes, the greens have gotten much more dynamic. So much so that the first airbrushed figures and the most recent don't go together so well any more. Ah, well... that's how you improve right?? There should be at least a few more tranquility pattern marines on the docket... never fear.

Funny you should mention that. A full shot of the army should be on it's way soon. wink.png

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Thanks Ravenfield, I appreciate you sticking with me all this time. Yes, the greens have gotten much more dynamic. So much so that the first airbrushed figures and the most recent don't go together so well any more. Ah, well... that's how you improve right?? There should be at least a few more tranquility pattern marines on the docket... never fear.

Funny you should mention that. A full shot of the army should be on it's way soon. wink.png


So awesome in fact I broke out the capslock. You, sir, are a miracle worker!

God I'd love to have some.

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The whole shebang... Points out to 4450 in 5th Ed. C:SM, that's only counting war gear that is actually modeled onto the figures. A few BA models were pointed out as captains or sergeants.... but this is pretty much it. Scouts and LS Storms still need a little attention, but I think everything stands up pretty well. This is roughly 3 1/2 - 4 years worth of effort. Though in that same time period, I've done and equal amount of orks and as much again in Necrons & Tyranids combined (though not all to this standard).

Note that I haven't included any of the trade marines here because they've become their own army! smile.png But you can figure there's about 25-30 more mantis warriors out there (somewhere) that I've painted over the years that are my halves of swaps. The razorbacks are here as rhinos due to an unfortunate accident last year that left the turrets smashed to bits. Still have to fix that.

Doesn't look like much... but it's slowly getting there.

What's next?

Well, I'll eventually get around to finishing the LS Storms, touching up the pods, re-basing the assault scouts and re-doing the green on the sniper scouts. *sigh* As for new projects though... terminators and land raiders! Been wanting to do them for years but they keep getting pushed back. Think it's time to make them a priority. yes.gif

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That is truly an army to be proud of! ^_^ I love how you have integrated their "variant" colour scheme into it to give them enough variety.  Regarding the Terminators, are you continuing the "Old School" trend and using the old metal Termi's, or using the newer ones?  I have a fair few of the former and the size difference is quite noticeable.

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I've struggled over that same question Aquilanus. I have a whole bunch of the original termies in various configurations. I also have a good chunk of modern terminators. I did however, pick up two packs of the tartaros pattern terminator suits from Forge World as well as a contemptor dread. Stylistically... I think these all go together really well and I prefer the tartaros pattern to either the old termies or the new ones. So I think "the plan" is to take the tartaros guys and convert them with bits and bobs into the configurations I want.

Which of course... leaves with what... 25 or more terminators of various eras and configurations that I can't use.

Hmmm.... I need to start planning better. Either that or start selling off my old stuff! wallbash.gif

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I've struggled over that same question Aquilanus. I have a whole bunch of the original termies in various configurations. I also have a good chunk of modern terminators. I did however, pick up two packs of the tartaros pattern terminator suits from Forge World as well as a contemptor dread. Stylistically... I think these all go together really well and I prefer the tartaros pattern to either the old termies or the new ones. So I think "the plan" is to take the tartaros guys and convert them with bits and bobs into the configurations I want.

Which of course... leaves with what... 25 or more terminators of various eras and configurations that I can't use.

Hmmm.... I need to start planning better. Either that or start selling off my old stuff! wallbash.gif

Or start another army... :lol:

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Very impressive indeed, Gitsplitta!

Could we get some close-ups of...hmm...are those jet bikes on the left side? And your non-sniper scouts.

EDIT: ah! I found them in their awesomeness back on page 8. Outstanding work!!



Very much looking forward to seeing some Mantis Warrior terminators!!!


I know you can't post images here but I'd love to see some of your other (xenos) armies. Got links? :)

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Hmmm... a tall order my friend.  Let's see what I can come up with.  OK, here we go... both from earlier in the blog (but I'm not adverse to re-posting).


Scouts bought used, repainted a bit.  Just loved the builder's interpretation... somewhere between marines & guard.  Still need to do the bases up right... just hasn't been a priority since they got nerfed (as far as how I used them) in 6th.




Jet bikes (scout).



OK guys, finally got my scout bike squad completed, have been carefully hoarding these bikes for 20 years. I'm quite happy with them. Made from modern scout bikers riding RT/1st Ed. jet bikes (but I'll field them as normal bikes) with some really nice non-GW heads. First experiment in painting African-American skin. Crude... but effective at gaming distance.

The Squad:

Sergeant Blade:


Scout Morpheus: (who I just noticed needs some clean-up work on his left shoulder and upper lip)


Scout Barak: (Leaning to the right... *sigh*)


Scout "George" Foreman: (Maybe I should model a little red grill on his back?)


Scout "Simon" Phoenix: (His eyes are a little catiwumpas but I can't see well enough to fix them. At normal distance they are not noticeable.)



Link to Bad Moon ork blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/301952.page

Link to Doom Eagle & Necron blog (my son's armies): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/285111.page


These are both WIP blogs so if you just want to see the short version, check right below my avatar and at the bottom of a bunch of drivel is a link that says "Filter Thread".  That'll just give you my posts so you can skim through and see what I've been doing rather quickly.  I also have a WIP Mantis Warrior blog but since it's over 350 pages long, I'll refrain from linking it here.


I apologize to the admin for pointing people off-site.  I usually make it a point not to do that, but since it was a direct request, I obliged.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Helping a friend get his army (Fire Hawks, another Badab War chapter) ready for Adepticon.  I'm donating two Mk-1 Razorbacks to the effort.  Here's the first.  Please note that this is a rescue and painted to a limited standard given the time consideration.  He can do the detailing on his own so they're consistent with the rest of his force.




I also came up with a very simple method of making an open hatch for my Rhinos.  (I hate having representative guys standing on top of the vehicle... looks so dumb.)  Have the first one built and hope to get it painted up today.  Will post a pic when it's done.

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Hey Ravenfeld! Unfortunately no. I have a nicely painted libby that's kind of my fall-back for all basic equipment libbys. I've have had it in my mind for a while to really focus on turning out a special figure for Redth, but he's nerfed quite a bit in 6th (at least in my opinion) and considering he was marginal to begin with... it hasn't really been much of a priority. I may still do him just for argument's sake some day... I guess a lot will depend on how much free time I have and how inspiring my bits are. smile.png

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I have two points to make my friend.


Firstly - You are, in my mind at least, the paramount Mantis Warrior player. That being said, you need to represent them as best you can and that means having a badass Redth model. Do it, do it nao!


Secondly - Redth isn't bad: He has a 5+ Invuln, gives all your non-mounted troops (without TDA) Infiltrate, you can re-roll failed seizes and you hinder enemy reserve rolls, Mirage gives you shroud when at a notable distance (As per night fighting) and removes the bonus attack when being charged (as per defensive grenades). All that for a little over 150 points seems like a steal to me. I mean just a mastery level two libby costs 150... so all those additional rules are for the cheap. Just having the armywide Infiltrate makes your Mantis Warriors into true Mantis warriors in my mind..just my two cents!

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