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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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@Ravenfeld:  Sincerely... thank you.  Problem with Redth is that without being able to do a T1 assault, a lot of the utility of having everything infiltrate is lost.  OK, so you effectively get to deploy second, even if you get to go first.... but on average you'll be deploying second in half your games anyway & with the normal restrictions on where you can infiltrate... it's a very marginal advantage.  Add that to the fact that you only get one real psychic power and you're paying significant points for a libby who helps you a little... around the margins... but really doesn't have a major impact on the battlefield.  That being said... if someone thinks they've got a good idea how to build an army that can be successful around him, I'm all ears!


@Iceyeeye:  4 1/2 years of my life... hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours away from my wife and kids... what you YOU ask for??




@Kierdale:  Yeah, there's a 1/2" foam block in the bottom of the interior of the rhino (which I painted in the same color as the door "bottoms") with a piece of diamond plate plasticard on top (also painted).  So he had a little platform to stand on & things look painted, at least a little... as you look around the passenger.

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I don't accept that excuse Git, even if you never use him you have to have a model for him! I mean he IS -THE- Mantis Warrior character. Don't spit on it, some of us don't even have our own character! I don't count the Son's of Medusa guy.. cause I play Iron Hands. It could be a fun project anyway and make a badass piece for your display if little else.

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I don't accept that excuse Git, even if you never use him you have to have a model for him! I mean he IS -THE- Mantis Warrior character. Don't spit on it, some of us don't even have our own character! I don't count the Son's of Medusa guy.. cause I play Iron Hands. It could be a fun project anyway and make a badass piece for your display if little else.

I don't think I stated that I'd never do it... just that it hasn't been a priority.   I certainly will do Redth at some time in the future.



@Iceyeeye:  4 1/2 years of my life... hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours away from my wife and kids... what you YOU ask for??


1 billion dollars!?!?!?!

... and sharks with frikkin' laser beams on their heads!


Honestly Iceyeeye, I've no idea how to value it.  I'm not a top level painter so there's a hard ceiling on what someone would be willing to pay for it, likely a lot lower than I'd value everything I've put into it.  Anyone who could offer enough to make me consider selling it, could afford to buy a professional painter to custom paint exactly what they wanted.  They wouldn't get all my conversions... but then again I'm sure a lot of paint shops can do the building part as well.

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On the topic of Redth: 


For 15 searchlights more than a Epistolary librarian (a upgrade that he also has!) you get +1 I (which means that with a force sword he will on average kill other librarians before they get to hit) and +1 WS, access to Divination (thanks to the FW FAQ), a power that makes opponents charges disorientated and gives you shrouded (at any range, again thanks to the FW FAQ), 5+ inv save, you can re-roll 1 failed psychic test a player turn, re-roll sieze the initiative, and finally (and most importantly) you replace combat tactics with infiltrate on infantry that is not wearing terminator armor and has not bought a dedicated transport. 


Infiltrating a whole army is just awesome. You get to always deploy second, and you get to deploy outside of normal deployment restrictions. However, with the restrictions that you DO have you must tailor your list. If you are bringing a bunch of transports and terminators, then Redth is not the HQ for you. However, being able to infiltrate (for instance) devastators would make them much more effective. In my opinion, if you want to infiltrate a SM army you should go for a shooty one.


Just my two cents :)  

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I really appreciate the input Sinful Eyes. I'd *love* to use him... just not savvy enough to figure out how to do it. I'll keep your comments in mind as I make decisions about what to paint this year. Perhaps I can come up with something good after all. thanks.gif

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On the Friday night of Adepticon at approximately 7 PM (or as soon as we can find a free table in the main hall), the Wardens of the Maelstrom and the Redeemers of the Maelstrom will revive the epic stuggle of the Badab war.  8000 points (or two full Adepticon teams), 4 rebels, 4 loyalists will vie for superiority on a desolate battlefield in that far-flung region of space.  The Fire Hawks, Red Scorpions, Marines Errant and their Adeptus Mechanicus allies will try to bring the four rebel chapters... Tiger Claws, Lamenters, Executioners and the Mantis Warriors to heal.  


We invite all of you to come join us to witness this historic event, and well as joining us in a mixer of sorts.  A chance to meet us, see the armies in person & maybe even run one of these storied chapters whilst it's owner takes a pee break!  We'll provide some limited quantity of libation and nosh to get things rolling... but it's probably best if you bring your own lest you be disappointed.  We'll start to set up 7ish... but if you want to wait until the battle is rolling to swing by, 8 PM is probably a more reasonable time to join us.


I hope you can join us... it's going to be a really good time!


Feel free to cross-post this as you like.  This is an open invitation to B&C and the 40k community at large.  


See you there!



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Actually, it's worth quite a lot.  Thanks Aquilanus!


OH, finished up the Fire Hawk rhinos/razorbacks yesterday.  Turned out pretty nicely for a quick job.  The friend I'm making them for can handle adding the details and insignia (and how he wants to handle the bolters on the one rhino), but otherwise these are ready to field!



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Actually, it's worth quite a lot.  Thanks Aquilanus!


OH, finished up the Fire Hawk rhinos/razorbacks yesterday.  Turned out pretty nicely for a quick job.  The friend I'm making them for can handle adding the details and insignia (and how he wants to handle the bolters on the one rhino), but otherwise these are ready to field!





Could you share the recipe for the yellow?  Love that shade ^_^

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It's an odd mix of paints.  My friend gave me his progression that I was trying to match, but I found I didn't have one of the colors so I kinda add-libbed it.


Yellow is all airbrushed.


Vallejo "Olive Drab" primer.

Vallejo air "Sandy Brown": 0 degree spray (basically from the side-on & up)

Vallejo Air "Ochre": 45-50 degrees, about half the side panels

Vallejo Air "Gold Yellow": 90 degrees (i.e. straight down)

Vallejo Game Color "Moon Yellow" cut with a little airbrush medium: very outside edges of the tread covers and innermost points of the hatches... just to give it a little pop.

Vallejo Air "Satin Varnish" tinted with GW "Sepia" wash: spray liberally but do not saturate... this tones everything down so it looks quite subtle & realistic, gives it a nice warm feel.  I've tried spraying straight wash before and it just doesn't work.  I think the wash dries in the airbrush and mucks everything up.  Tinting a varnish that I already know will flow through the brush was a simple and elegant solution.  It's doesn't pool or seek the corners like a wash, but it smooths everything out wonderfully (and it might go to the low spots if you really poured it on, but that wasn't the effect I was looking for).


That's it! 

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Finished up the second rhino in time for a team tournament (Adepticon run-up) last weekend.



You can see from the insets that I made a last minute adjustment to my list, dropping the melta bombs from my sergeant and adding an extra storm bolter onto each vehicle.  MUCH more useful in the long run. It's simply the two bolt guns that came with the rhino, filed off a bit and stuffed into a cowl of sorts made from a piece of square plastic tubing.  The handles were from the storm bolter on the "upgrade" kit (the storm bolters included in the kit were God-awful big).  I just mounted them on pins so they could be easily dropped into the hole already on the top of those little hatches & removed again.  They're raised to give the impression of being controlled by a gunner in the hatch (just for some variation).  I would have liked to have magnetized them & made them the same style as the other one (which is remotely controlled by a crew member) but I had neither the proper gun nor the time to do the magnetizing. I also painted and "decorated" the inside with an Imperial eagle and a propaganda poster or two.  I may do something more elaborate if I make another one of these from scratch.


Here's what they look like together.




Tournament was a mixed bag.


- We won the first game handily against two very cool, very funny opponents with a crazy fluffy army.  They went on to chew up their next two opponents and placed 7th overall (out of 18 I think).

- We got destroyed in game two by a Nid list that had 6 monstrous creatures.  We had no hope of stopping it (it won the battle points prize).  They took 2nd overall.  Interesting that there were more 1000 pt Nid lists than any other dex.

- We got destroyed by an ork/eldar list that we should have beaten... we (mainly me) just misplayed it.  Combine that with the worst dice luck I think I've ever experienced while our opponents were rolling fantastically well.  It was very frustrating.  They placed 9th.


On the bright side, we won the painting competition.  I used my prize to pick up the "Honoured Imperium" set... which I have long coveted.  Going to enjoy painting that!


Now it's final team prep for Adepticon.  No models... stuff for our display and what-not.  I will get that pic of the bottom on the land speeders though.

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Here's a close up of the lower gun mount taken back when I was building.  Unfortunately, I don't remember where the "cradle" bit came from.  I think one of the flyers perhaps?  In any case, there's a recessed magnet in the hull of the speeder, another on the bottom side of the cradle (I mean bottom as you see it here, as in closest to the table top), then one more buried in the gun.  it all fits together quite nicely, holds well, swivels and the gun can be changed out or the mount removed entirely with no problems.



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As always, expectionally good work on those Rhinos :tu: I'm sorely tempted to start some Mantis Warriors, but I still don't know, especially since I really like the new Tau (both rules and models).


Anyway, looking forward to your next update :)

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That cradle on the heavy bolter looks like the heavy stubber mount from a valkyrie (the inside bit with the gunner and swing-arm) .


Nice work on all your models Gitsplitta, and the latest stuff makes me want to dig out my old school rhino and show it some much needed love :D

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I'm pretty sure you nailed it darkwrath... I do seem to remember mooching those from a guard player.  Need to scrounge one more for my third typhoon but I'm in no hurry... I think I've got a few other things to do first.


Thanks for the comments & compliments guys... much appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Gitsplitta! I've got two question for you:


1) Which paints do you use for the green armour? (Apologies if you've already answered this question further back. Had a quick look, but didn't find anything)


2) Do you have an update for anytime soon?





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Hi Ludovic!


I use a series of Vallejo Air paints, starting with "Bronze Green" spray primer, then "Field Green" followed by "Chromate Green".  For the highlights, I move away from the air paints to their Model Colors (which I have to dilute a bit).  First highlight is "Livery Green", second is a blend of that and "Moon Yellow", final highlight (if you want to push it) is pure "Moon Yellow".


After pushing myself so hard on my Mantis Warriors for Adepticon, I'm taking a bit of a break.  Painting gets to be a chore and not very fun so I take time after the event to catch up on old projects, tie up loose ends, do some non-marine things.  Things that I can take my time on that are very satisfying.  At the moment, I'm helping my 9-year-old paint some gaunts for his Nids and am conducting a major upgrade of the paint job on my Armorcast overhead pipeline terrain.  I'll post a pic of that when it's complete.


Thanks for checking in during a "quiet period".



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