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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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Finally a little progress to show. This is my first complete "set" of connecting pipes. A central plinth with 4 radiating arms. I actually have a couple of more pieces done (another pipe section and another plinth, tall risers and long pipe section close to done, but for now these work best for illustrating what I've been up to). There are a ton of little signs on these pipes. Room for a ton more but I didn't want to overdo it. I can always add more later if I want.

So, first the mini-tut on hazard striping.

- paint yellow

- 2mm tape lines

- paint black

- remove tape

- add edge highlighting (the edge highlighting looks less eek.gif when you don't have the glaring photo lights blazing away on it). Looks fine with normal room lighting.

Next the pipes.

Low Risers:

Short Pipe Sections:

Low Plinth or 4-way Junction:

And the whole thing together...

Still have a ton to do but this is a good start.

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Really nice work, and there does seem to be a lot of detail in there, as you said.

Was it expensive?

I'd like to try to scratch build something like that sometime.


One thought: a ladder or two would be a nice addition. A good excuse for how minis get up on top.

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I'd been thinking about the ladder idea myself.  I think Zinge Industries makes an appropriate ladder, either that or I might be able to find something made for O scale MRR trains that would work.


You can head on over to Armorcast's web site to look at prices.  I've been collecting these for years now & even got some used, so in-total it's a bit cheaper than normal... but still, I don't feel they're overpriced.  The Pipelines are made to cradle a 25mm base, so figures are pretty secure up there.  When we use them, we say that the pipelines are valuable to both armies, so the soldiers try to avoid damaging them, thus they convey a 5+ cover save to the figures on them.  Works pretty well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost forgot to post the final image.  You'll have to excuse the orks... not very B&C but it's what struck me as appropriate.



Ork Big Mek Buzzgob and his grot henchmen examine a recently captured imperial refinery transfer point. 
"Weez gunna tap inta dem pipes 'n draw off some a da juces fer da boyz. If'n we duz it right da humies won't know wez doin' it. Hah!"


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  • 2 weeks later...
Been a while.  After Adepticon I've been taking a break from my marines (and painting in general), but I did finish up this guy for a friend of mine.  It was originally for a "Make a Deathwatch Marine" competition he was sponsoring but I wasn't able to finish it in time.  Finally got around to doing so over the last week.  It's supposed to be a Mantis Warrior scout that has been afforded the rare opportunity to joint the Deathwatch.  His "sniper rifle", named "Long Tall Sally" is indeed a modified las cannon.  It's not so obvious here but he is giving the "thumbs-up) with his left hand.



"Uncle John" Grobowski enjoying leave right before being shipped out to serve as a scout specialist with the Deathwatch.  John enjoys long walks on the beach, slaying heretics in the name of the Emperor, pranking his squad mates and spending time in the brig (after accidentally pranking his Captain).  Pictured here on Zegama Beach with the misses "Long Tall Sally" and his wing-man "Chip".  Turn ons: Caressing Sally's trigger until she goes off.  Turn offs: Night fighting (nights are for loving, not fighting).  "Uncle John" has become his nickname among his fellow scouts.  The stories as to how exactly he got this name vary depending on who you ask.  Some say it relates to the huge family he came from where every child in the region seemed to be related in some way, others attribute it to his mentor-like nature tinged with a real mischievous streak... and then there was that unfortunate latrine incident with the Captain last October...



I tried a dead-on shot (which is the shot I envisioned from the very beginning of this project), unfortunately the lights wash out all the shading details on his head and it just looks like a blob of flesh with a cigar sticking out... so I had to settle for a profile shot instead.
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, been a very slow summer for painting.  Got a FW ork Runt Bot and about 1/3 of a normal squiggoth painted... and this.  Some years are more productive than others I guess.  :)  I'm actually having a friend do several tech marines and servitors for me just to make me feel like I've gotten somewhere with the army as a whole.

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Sorry, been a very slow summer for painting. Got a FW ork Runt Bot and about 1/3 of a normal squiggoth painted... and this. Some years are more productive than others I guess. smile.png I'm actually having a friend do several tech marines and servitors for me just to make me feel like I've gotten somewhere with the army as a whole.

The only reason why I have had so much painted this year is because of ETL (I'm up to about half a Company now! blink.png ). Were it not for that, I'd have had little motivation to paint ether laugh.png
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@Aquilanus: That sounds great!  Good progress is always a welcome thing.  I don't think that I've been specifically lacking in motivation... I just seem to be taking an inordinately long time to finish anything.  Life gets in the way sometimes I guess.


@Kierdale: Thank you sir!  Glad you guys haven't given up on me yet (given the long delay in the updates).  Nice to reconnect with hobby brothers-in-arms.  :)

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Love that hatch. Might have to get another one of these just to try that.


I do however feel I'm in a similar boat as you. Been doing lots of Fantasy, but 40k has kinda fallen behind lately. Hope the new dex will spark my creative fire.


Either way, I always enjoy seeing your models, as they are always worth the wait.

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Thanks Syth. Once I'd figured out my "system" for doing hatches (a-la the Rhino upgrades I did prior to Adepticon) it's became my fall-back method of adding things like gunners, open hatches or characters to tanks. It's just not all that difficult and really adds character and uniqueness to a standard vehicle. It's also a great way to modify a vehicle that's already built and painted as it has zero impact on the existing model.


Lack of progress is always frustrating, but I only have so much time to paint. Much as I love it, I love my family more and want to spend as much time with them as I can (kids are getting older & won't be "kids" forever). The models on the other hand, will always be there... mocking me.

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As a Space Sharks player i feel the urge to curse your gene-progenitor and add your filthy green helmets to a very large trophy rack.


But because they're so nicely painted i'll make an exception just this once. 


Love the Rogue Trader camo schemes and marines/vehicles. That Land Raider is really spectacular.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This isn't my work but I wanted to post it because it's part of my army.  Have discovered a young artist that paints in a very old style.  She's amazing.  I also figured out that I just am going to need help getting my minis painted... I just have too many.  So, I'll divest myself of some, save most to paint myself of course... but I'm also sending some (specifically some Nids and Orks) to professionals to paint up.  I wanted help with my marines too, but that's a bit tricky as they'd have to try and match my style.  


I solved this by rounding up all my tech marines and servitors and sending them off to be painted.  It's just fine if they have their own distinct look as they're a clear sub-set of the army as a whole.  Man what a good decision... check these bad boys out...



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She goes by weetyskemian44 over on dakka.  She just started accepting commissions even though I've been admiring her work for a long, long time.  She doesn't have an independent web page yes as she's just feeling out the market.  When I had the chance to engage her services I jumped at it though.  Being her first commission is a source of pride... she's pretty darn good & once word gets out, I'm sure her painting skills will come at a premium.


Unfortunately, the two tech marines she did for me were damaged in the mail so now she has to walk me through her painting style so I can make repairs.  The upside is... I get to learn a new style of painting.  Not a bad trade for a little bit of rescue work.

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A friend of mine is holding what he calls a "re-purposing" contest on another forum.  The point of it is to take a figure that wasn't made for 40k, and use or convert it into something that can be.  My entry is a gun servitor made from a D&D mini (though to be honest there isn't much of that left), an Epic land raider and a piece of jewelry chain with clasp.  Extra points were earned for basing (thus the display base) and for re-purposing things on the basing (the fence is from one of my many, failed model railroading attempts).  Hope  you like it!



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Actually, now that I look at it (thanks mate)... they've done it twice, how nice!


My thanks to the good folks At Spikey Bits for showcasing our teams on their excellent blog.  You can find them by following this link: Spikey Bits Blog  (gotta give them some props)  ;)
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