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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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Thanks Brother Malice, I am steadily making progress...



Speaking of which... here the are, pods I, II & III.



Pod I: MELIUS TARDE QUAM NONQUAM (Better late than never) - sternguard and MoTF

Pod II: AUT VINCERE AUT MORI (Either conquer or die) - Iron Clad Dreadnought

Pod III: IN HOC SIGNO VINCES (In this sign you will be victorious) - Rifleman Dreadnought



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I agree 100%, I just have my back up against a wall trying to get this army ready for Adepticon, so that'll have to wait for later.


Here's a shot of the army so far. Still have 10 marines to paint and a MoTF + servitor to build and paint.



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I agree 100%, I just have my back up against a wall trying to get this army ready for Adepticon, so that'll have to wait for later.


Here's a shot of the army so far. Still have 10 marines to paint and a MoTF + servitor to build and paint.




Been waiting for a group shot for a while and didn't disappoint, absolutely stunning man. Your chapter master is so well camouflaged I can't even see him, as is the green fella with the custom helmet :) Are the 10 marines going to be green or camo yellow?

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I occasionally get asked to post pics of the entire army (not just the Adepticon stuff) and since I've been laid out by this cold for the last several days (can't focus well enough to paint), I thought I'd take a group shot. Here are my current Mantis Warriors... only the repainted models. Comes out to 2417 points, and there are more-or-less invisible upgrades I could give to push it a bit higher. The laugh is it's all troops and elites & once I add a MoTF, will be all legal to field. Granted with no assault troops or heavies it would get slaughtered... but I *could* field all but the extra HQs.





Chapter Master (Kantor counts-as)

Libby w/ jump pack

Captain w/jump pack & relic blade



8 sternguard w/ mixed weaponry

Venerable dread

Iron Clad dread

2 standard dreads (assault cannon & TL LC)



10 scout snipers w/ heavy bolter & Telion

10 scout snipers w/ heavy bolter & PF srg

10 marines w/ plas & hvy plas (Inquisitional squad)

5 marines w/ las/plas razorback

5 marines w/ las/plas razorback


Operational Support:

3 drop pods


I think the Mantis Warriors will probably be between 5000 & 6000 points before I'm "done", this encompasses two different armies and either side of their penitential crusade.




My green? Very simple actually.


All using vallejo air colors & an airbrush


Field Green base

Chromate Green for first blend

Pale green for second blend/first highlight

Pale green + yellow + white (10:2:1) for upper highlights


Extreme highlights (plate edging) would be done with the above mix at a 5:1:1 or 5:1:2 ratio (can't remember off the top of my head).

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Well, here's a close up of my Inquisitional Squad (kind of pseudo Deathwatch... I just use them as a tac squad) that I got through trades.




And here are the scouts. They're shoulder pads are still my old sold green... eventually I'll get around to repainting them properly.




I'm not quite finished painting the tac marines for the razorbacks... hopefully they'll be done over the next couple of days. Will post when they're complete.

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Once again, loving your stuff here Gits (I should also mention I love the name Gitsplitta as well) I am an avid fan of snipers so the prospect of having a whole squad of marine snipers pleases me. I've been following the log for quite awhile, don't know if I've commented yet or not. Regardless, loving you're work and I can't wait to see some batreps! Also, I love the green on Telion and I encourage you to redo your scouts to match!
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@tyro: No problem!


@Putrius: Thank you very much, I really appreciate your kind words. I'm sure there will be some batreps coming out of Adepticon, though given the quality of competition there they may be a bit one-sided (our team is pretty fluffy). I will certainly give the scouts the "Telion treatment" in the pads... just a matter of finding the time. My re-entry into the world of 40k after many years off was to build a Bad Moon army. Gitsplitta is my war boss, complete with old-school funny ork stories to go with him.


Here's a pic of the completed tac squads for the razorbacks. Top squad was modeled by a friend who was hoping to join us at Adepticon but could not, most of the bottom squad was modeled by me.




I'm working on my Master of the Forge as we speak (just taking a break). Will post a pic when complete. It's unorthodox to be sure, but fun!

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In case anyone is curious, our team "The Wardens of the Maelstrom", did participate in the team tourney at Adepticon last weekend & featured the 4 rebelling chapters of the Badab War. We hardly lit the world on fire with our game play but we all had a wonderful time. I did go 2/4 on the day and was actually quite happy with our performance in all 4 games win or lose. For a fluffy, vanilla force we put up quite a fight against some excellent opponents.


I was saddened by our painting score (35/60) but since I was manning the booth when the judges came by I have no one to blame for it save myself.


I am totally hooked on Adepticon however. It was the single best gaming experience of my life and I'm sure to be back next year!

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Rogue Trader.... though... depending on where you found that quote it might have been a mistake on my part (age and years showing I'm afraid).


The Mantis warriors appeared originally in an early White Dwarf and then were reprized in the "Warhammer 40k Compendium", which I believe was a collection of WD articles on various subjects, including the Badab War. It's all kind of fuzzy to me now, too many years of college and the alcohol that went with it to remember the details clearly. But, the Mantis Warriors have been an official GW chapter for a very long time, they just never did anything with them... so were largely forgotten (save for a few, old, die-hard adherents like myself) until their re-emergence in Forge World's IA 9 and 10.

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Rogue Trader.... though... depending on where you found that quote it might have been a mistake on my part (age and years showing I'm afraid).


The Mantis warriors appeared originally in an early White Dwarf and then were reprized in the "Warhammer 40k Compendium", which I believe was a collection of WD articles on various subjects, including the Badab War. It's all kind of fuzzy to me now, too many years of college and the alcohol that went with it to remember the details clearly. But, the Mantis Warriors have been an official GW chapter for a very long time, they just never did anything with them... so were largely forgotten (save for a few, old, die-hard adherents like myself) until their re-emergence in Forge World's IA 9 and 10.


I am going to take this brief opportunity to hop onto my pedestal because, as you have said Git, the Mantis Warriors have been around for ages and have rarely received love from GW, and thats a shame right? But then when you think about it, if GW can't even give the Iron Hands (A founding chapter) any freakin attention at all, then how can we expect them to hone in on the Matis Warriors! (I mean they have a tiny caption in the Codex, where the Crimson Fists get their own half page, grrr)


I think part of the appeal of the diehard adherents is that they make the chapter their own and thats what you've done here. They look amazing no matter what the judges think. My only complaint is the older models.. they look so squishy? Stunted? I dunno.. just old I guess! They don't mesh with the new dreadnoughts and what not. The painting is solid though!

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