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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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  • 3 weeks later...



These Missile Launchers were badly damaged in acetone, but because it took me so long to accumulate them I couldn't just toss them. Been a long-time dream of mine to field a dev squad with the original plastic beakie MLs. To compound matters I had a primer malfunction, so they turned out really grainy. In spite of everything though, I did my best to make them look decent. Hope you like them.



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Dude, you are even more awesome than usual.


The Missile guy on the floor, to the right, looks like he has a different helm? Is that an original beakie? Sorry, my 40K knowledge doesn't extend much further behind 3rd Ed.

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Thanks gents! A little visual distraction can really cover up a lot of flaws.


Helmet is made by Chapterhouse. One of their Heresy designs. I really love them and they're excellent casts. I throw one into my Badab era army once in a while just for giggles.

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Still going strong. whats next?


Well, I'm trading marines with some friends from time to time. The mini I'm working on now is a proof-of-concept for my vanguard that will ultimately end up in New Zealand. The build is done and the green is complete. He has a rather unique jump pack thanks to another Kiwi buddy and I'm scratching my head a bit as to how to paint it. I hope to get some significant work done on it this evening & my "grand scheme" is to be done by the end of the week. We shall see. I'll post 'im up when complete.


Next will be another trade marine... the Mantis Warrior special character libby from IA 10. However, if the vanguard model works out well, I may knock out a small vanguard squad... mainly because my current army is totally devoid of assault capabilities and it's really crippling me when I play in tournaments. (I don't need to win, but I just hate getting crushed all the time.) I know they aren't and efficient use of points... but they are very fluffy for my army and heck... that's what keeps me interested and modeling.


@Zincite: no problem :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since I checked in... and have been busy. Have a Badab War campaign game at my FLGS on Saturday vs. the Red Scorpions! Funny bit is it would be the only "historically accurate" battle between two Badab War opponents in the entire campaign!! LOL We're just the only two chapters from the war in the campaign. Anyway, I'm excited... been waiting 20 years to play a real Badab War game and my opponent is a great guy, so we should have a lot of fun.


So in preparation, I've had to ramp up my 1000 pt army to 1850 rather quickly & have done some really fun conversions. Today though... just a couple of shots of the things that are completed.



First, a pair of Mk-1 dozer blades. The one of the left is the second one I did and the better of the two, but they'll both work fine.




Next, two scout squads for my LS Storms. These are actually minor re-paints of some kit-bashed scouts I bought from the consignment room at our FLGS. Love the builds. Just painted parts of them green and converted the sergeants... easy as pie! Now all I need are the LS Storms.




Some really cool stuff should be making an appearance in the next couple of weeks (well, I think it's really cool anyway).

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Actually, these scouts were originally built and painted by someone else. I bought them used and just re-painted them enough to get them to look good with my army (I was up against a deadline). Eventually, I intend to make the shoulder pads a different color... probably yellow/gold. I also want to add squad markings to them. The white shoulder pads are actually just the undercoat for the yellow, I just ran out of time. I'll post another pic when they get fully finished.
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Glad you like them! Have a couple of *much* more interesting things in process, but it'll take a bit of work to make them photo ready.


@Brother Cambrius: I *think* I have most of what I need, but I'm always open to new opportunities to pick up something classic to add to the "to do" list. ;-)

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Thanks Grimdarkness, I appreciate that.


Minor update, with a more significant one coming shortly. Finished off the scouts with appropriate shoulder pad colors and squad markings. Unfortunately you can't see the squad markings on the guys that are facing to the right... but they're there.



The markings are subtle (in white), but that's the look I was shooting for.

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Well now, that's something you don't see every day! Very cool and unique, I'd love to see a whole squad of these guys. Y'now, the jump pack almost looks like the digital parachute in 'Tron'. I like it a lot! Awesome bro, keep up the great work!
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Thanks guys, I am very flattered. I have some pretty neat plans for several of the weapon systems in my vanguard. Too bad they're so overpriced... but they're so fluffy I'll use them anyway! ^_^


More to come, thanks for looking!

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I really like the wings. But, the pose of the arms seems a bit awkward. He's have no actual leverage like that. It's a small nitpick I know. I'd actually like to see you go further with the mantis theme of his weapons by giving him mantis style hooked scythe claws instead of having him holding swords.
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