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Gitsplitta's Mantis Warriors


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Latest work. Sergeant of a 5 man scout bike squad on an old RT era jet bike. Really like the way these are turning out.





Makes me think of Blade on a bike. *thumbs up*


Big thumbs for the Jet Bike, though the rider makes me think of Bill Cosby.... :)

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Thanks Shotgun!


Let's see... that's either Bill Cosby, Ray Charles or Wesley Snipes... LOL! I think Ray Charles brings up the funniest mental image. Bike cruising along, swerving from left to right... but oh, the sweet tunes the engine would make!!


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Okay. I like the zany and kit-bashed units you have. Hands down to you, Gitsplitta.


I have a challenge for you!


In the Trial of the Mantis Warrior short story, the Chapter had an unique flaw in their gene-seed, allowing them to become a nearly invincible monster of lightning quick reactions and strength, inducing a battle haze. The Praying Mantidae, I recall.


What will you make to accomplish this? Some Terminators?


Also, I would like to see make Neotera himself, along with his beloved spear at hand. I know it's quite a legendary weapon the Chapter upholds.


Love to see them.



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@CsC: In my thinking, it's the vanguard that will play that role. And they are the most mantis like in appearance.

I intend to do the MW characters eventually, but at the moment my priorities lie with building a playable army.


Been taking some time off to spend with the kids before they go back to school. Should be back in the saddle next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK guys, finally got my scout bike squad completed, have been carefully hoarding these bikes for 20 years. I'm quite happy with them. Made from modern scout bikers riding RT/1st Ed. jet bikes (but I'll field them as normal bikes) with some really nice non-GW heads. First experiment in painting African-American skin. Crude... but effective at gaming distance.


The Squad:



Sergeant Blade:




Scout Morpheus: (who I just noticed needs some clean-up work on his left shoulder and upper lip)




Scout Barak: (Leaning to the right... *sigh*)




Scout "George" Foreman: (Maybe I should model a little red grill on his back?)




Scout "Simon" Phoenix: (His eyes are a little catiwumpas but I can't see well enough to fix them. At normal distance they are not noticeable.)




Hope you like them!

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I remember buying a box of those RT Marines, £9.95 for 30!! I spent all day glueing them together. I never used them or even painted them but I loved those marines like they were my family, lol.


Awesome paint jobs btw, I love the more peculiar chapters. They add so much depth to the Imperial universe and remind us that there's more to the 41st millenium than moody Dark angels, vain blood angels and Armour polishing Ultramarines.

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@tyro: Thanks my friend. Yeah, he seems to be the favorite. I remember I got a lot of questions about him at the building stage because he was so unorthodox... now that he's painted however, seems to be a crowd pleaser! Besides... how can you NOT like the thought of George Foreman on a jet bike!? :P


@lee265: I really appreciate that lee, thank you.


@Bolt Thrower: I couldn't agree with you more about the unusual chapters. They add so much character without necessarily tipping the balance of power on the table top like some of the principal chapters can. I think I almost like it that way more... which is why I've always played these guys out of the vanilla dex. I don't want a "power dex" diluting or diminishing what I've been trying to do with them. I don't have any issues with people playing out of powerful dexs... I just don't think I want that distraction (or pressure?) when I put my guys on the table. The vanilla dex is always decent... perhaps a bit less gimmicky than some of the others.


@Zincite: Thank you sir!



Well, have one more photo to share with you all. I've been working on rebuilding and repainting this old army of mine for a couple of years now and I thought it was time for a whole army pic. Usually I don't like these because even with a decent camera the figures and up as just blurry blobs of color against the background... but I must admit that getting everything out and laying them down in squads and such did give me a feeling of accomplishment.


So, for your entertainment... I present you with my Mantis Warriors at 2700 pts (give or take, depending on war gear). I can field the whole thing in one shot minus one HQ as it all fits within the FOC, and the next two MW projects (LS Storms & attack bikes using the original RT land speeders) will still fit within the constraints of a single army.


Since this represents my Badab era army, the only figure with Mk-7 armor is the chapter master (Pedro in the center there). Everything else is as original as I can get it. There are still plenty of other older painted models (done 10-20 years ago), but they aren't painted up to my current standard so I've left them out for now. Hopefully, most will get stripped and re-painted so they can take their place amongst their brethren. I will also eventually work on a post-war, post-crusade army (they guys with the mantis-style helmets that I post occasionally) but for now, the Badab era army is my primary focus.


The current army stands as follows:


HQ: Chapter Master (counts-as Pedro Kantor)

HQ: Terminator Librarian



EL: Sternguard (8) w/ pod

EL: Iron Clad Dread w/ pod

EL: Venerable Rifleman Dread w/pod

EL: Dread (assault cannon, CCW & HF)

EL: Dread (TL las cannon, CCW & HF)


TP: Tac Squad (5) w/ las/plas razorback

TP: Tac Squad (5) w/ las/plas razorback

TP: Scout Sniper Squad (10) w/ Telion

TP: Scout Sniper Squad (10)

TP: Scout Assault Squad (5)

TP: Scout Assault Squad (5)


FA: Scout Bike Squad (5)


HVY: Devastator Squad (6) w/ 4x ML


Two of the dreads can be fielded as heavies if I take the MoTF, which is how I can bring the whole thing in under a single FOC.



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I am incredibly envious of your jetbikes, those are amazing. I always liked them a lot more than the current bikes.. they look like solid fuel rockets with guns bolted on them that could explode at any time. Nothing says 'dark age of technology' like 5 dudes riding missiles into battle.
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Git, if you're in need of old school bits, let me know, and I'll rummage through my bitsbox and see what I can find for you. I'm thinking the oldschool plasmapistols and such. I just need to know if you require any more of them. I won't be near my bitsbox for three weeks anyway, so that gives you some time to think.


Awesome army man. Awesome.

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@Nied: Thanks Nied... I'm of the same mind on the jet bikes... they're just... nuts. *grin* Love 'em!


@Tulkas: Thanks Tulkas, I appreciate that very much. I *think* I'm OK with my current bits with relation to the projects I'd like to pull off... but if you dig around and find something you think would be useful... drop me a line. I'm a sucker for bits.


Thanks for reading all. More to come (eventually... taking a little break for sanity's sake).

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  • 1 month later...
Thats one sternguard with the Chapterhouse combi-weapon. Initially, it doesn't look much like a bolt gun... but a little conversion and while not identical (for obvious reasons), it looks perfectly compatible. And good heaven's the ease of swapping load-outs! I have two of these for my squad of 10. Most are permanently equipped with combi-plasmas or combi-meltas... then I have two swing-marines that I can shift as needed to meet the challenge.
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