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Novamarines inbound


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First of, I'll apologize ahead of time for anything wrong with the pictures. It's my first time posting painted models...ever. Secondly, I don't claim to be professional by any means but I am proud of how they turned out. Any helpful tips are welcome as always!


Last month me and two friends decided to start our own little painting challenge to help motivate us to paint armies. We start out painting 500 pts, then we increase it by 250 after each due date. At the 750 pt mark it has to be a playable army. I chose Novamarines, one guy chose Imperial Fist, and the last guy went with Tau. So here's my 500 pts minus the librarian that will be done by tomorrow night(its the due date >.<)






















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As promised here is the librarian for the army. Doubt he'll even be in my 1750 list but we'll see. He was a pain in the arse to paint for some reason and I'm not completely happy with how he turned out. But he's as done as hes gonna get except for the chapter decal whenever I get around to it.


Oh yea, I didn't paint his human eye. I suck at doing eyes and I would rather it just not be there, at least for now.







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Isn't that guy a DA special character? *Something* keeper of the keys? Anyway, good work, I must say I'm not a fan of the color scheme, but you pulled it off pretty well and they have a nice, crisp look to them, oh and you might want to at least paint a black dot on the front of your melta gun muzzle (or drill it obviously) since right now it just looks like a solid block :woot:
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Yes that is the DA Ezekiel model. It's the only good PA librarian model IMO. You know I've played this game for like 10 years and painted tons of meltaguns and have always left that a solid silver :P . I'll see if I can get him out of the stores display case and fix that for once hahaha. Thanks again guys!



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  • 2 months later...

Long time no update, sorry for that! Wife wanted to wait for her new camera before doing more pictures... I have the second tac squad finished and photographed. She's gonna edit the pictures tomorrow (takes out the background). A 5 man terminator squad is waiting to be based and washed and then they'll be photographed and posted before the weeks up. After that it's Pedro (can't stand to use sternguard without him) and 1 or 2 razorbacks. Heres a pic from my phone of the terminator sarge, he's not been based or washed just yet.





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As promised, here is the second tactical squad. I wasn't as pleased with these guys as the first batch but other people say they like them more... As always C&C is welcome!















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Here's the terminator squad I finished. I kinda rushed on the assault cannon guy but I still think he turned out ok. The shoulder shields could have been cleaned up a bit more but it was hard enough thinking of different designs for each guy. As always I'm pleased with the overall outcome. They look great standing with the rest of the army thats painted so far. C&C is welcome as usual!


Oh yea, no human eyes painted again. I refuse to ruin their faces with giant blobs of white dotted with black lol











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Good work IamCaboose, you can see the improvement with each squad. The shading on the Termies for example is much better than the previous squad ;)


Chapter and squad markings would really round things out now too. Home made decals aren't too hard to do if free hand isn't your strength. You also need to drill out those weapon barrels or at least paint that black dot though, it's glaringly obvious in most every picture and such a simple fix really will go a long way to 'realism' on the models.


Otherwise, keep painting - at the rate you're improving you'll be past good tabletop quality in no time...

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Loving your work! I once had aspirations to do a Nova army, but sadly knowing my own high standards, couldn't devote the proper amount of time. I like you newer posted PA marines and Termies, the scheme seems to have darkened up and the little details are improving. My only crit is the scout head, but i suppose i'm just biased because i don't enjoy ANY of the scout heads. Keep it up and keep posting.



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Thanks for the replies guys. I don't current own any drills for the barrels but I plan on picking some up this weekend since I won't paint the black holes. As for the darkening I'm not sure why its doing it. It doesnt seem to stand out as much in person as it does in the pictures though. I guess my water/Future/wash mix isn't consistent for each squad.


Thanks again!!



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Really nice clean miniatures, mate. Love the venerable dread. The last Novamarines army I saw was nice, but just looked really boring. The individual heraldry is a nice touch too.


I don't paint eyes on my models either. Ironically, the best eyes are those you can't see from a distance.


Generally, on the gaming table, the only time you notice painted eyes is if the guy looks like he's just soiled himself.

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  • 4 months later...

It's been far too long since I've posted anything new for this army. And sadly it's only a small update. Between work, class, and planning a wedding there just hasn't been a lot of time to spare.


I felt like I could have done more for this model like adding some purity seals and other tank extras, I may add them on later before I ebay it off. As usual the barrels don't have black holes in the front and no drilled holes, again something I'll fix before it's sold off. The searchlight flips over to be the storm bolter so it can be rhino or razorback, just gotta paint the rhino top hatch.


Comments are welcome as always!










No picture of back hatch, it came out great but it's got no extra detail to show off so I didn't bother.




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  • 1 month later...

Here's my Pedro for my Novamarines. Couldn't have a Pedro clone running around so I changed it up a little. The pictures make his bleach bone look a little more brown than it actually is. Comments welcomed!


Sternguard are next up!










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