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Novamarines inbound


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The models are very well done. Sharp, clean lines. Looks like you spent alot of time on them and they turned out great. If I may humbly offer one suggestion though; add a tiny bit of grey or another color when you paint the purity seals and parchment, they seem to blend into the bone side of your nova marines and you lose a bit of the definition. Its the same issue I had on my DW Terminators and Dreads. Otherwise though they are superb examples of Novas.
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Thanks for all the replies guys. There will be more to come I assure you!


Dremmen do you have any pics of your DW purity seals? I've tried to figure out how to make them stand out some from the bleach bone side since I started. I'm interested to see how you used a grey in there. All I could think of was graveyard earth in the centers and then a heavy sepia wash :cuss.


Thanks again!


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My camera is currently experiancing some small technical dificulties... otherwise known as my dog knocking it off the table. When I'm able to get pics I'll try and get a good one of them for ya. They look more like a strained paper than true parchment though.
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