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For tips, I think the main thing you need to work on is thinning you paint and getting good coverage. Thats what ppl keep telling me, and my minis look somewhat like yours =D And try to use washes. For pure gold guys I'd try out white spray absecoat and then a few coats of gryphonne sephia, with some metal/gold-washes in between. On the whole model. =D


Agreed. Also, I wouldn't go for eyes unless you can make them TINY. Just flesh with badab black wash looks just as fine as the eyes are generally too small to be seen very well anyway. No eyes is better than big drugged-out poppin' eyes ^_^ Oh, and for gold I like to dab it with really watered out Gore Red/Scorched Brown mix, and then highlight with gold again to make it a bit dull/dirty, but that's just a personal opinion :D

Skin looks ok, but could use a wash as well. Maybe thinnes down scorched brown if you want a darker look, or Ogryn Flesh Wash if you want a more "white" apperance. About the eyes - I hate them :blush: I almost never paint them, as no eyes are better then big drugged-out popping eyes, and GooseDaMoose said. If you have a really steady hand you can try to paint them black, and then put a white dot in each corner of the eye to make it look like the pupil in the middle. Dunno how else you can do it :P


- Nat

Thanks, but is there a good way to paint eyes that dont look cracked out?


There is no way!


Nah, what Nataneal described is pretty much it but you've gotta have a really steady hand and actually be able to see what you're doing (a problem I have myself).

Thanks, but is there a good way to paint eyes that dont look cracked out? Also is his skin tone ok?


Just brace your hands together, exhale, hold your breath. And do it.


...I don't paint eyes (haven't had to yet) but...thats what I'd do. :lol:

Okay I adjusted his pupils and added some more shadows to his eyes, I also painted fine eyebrows so he doesnt look perpetually surprised I mean how can you take him seriously lookin like that...







Well, someone suggested using a black wash to deepen the gold so I did, there is still more work to be done on the gold, this is a halfway point.




Also for christmas I got a LR Redeemer, a tactical squad and a dev squad!

Here is the sergeant from said tactical squad.




The paint is merely blocked out, no highlights nothing is finished.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi guys, exams are finally over so now I actually have some time to get things done, I am aiming to repaint 10 termies, 5 of the FW mk5 marines, a command squad and some other surprises.

For now I have a finecast Coteaz that I did a little review in the finecast thread, what you didn't know is that he is no longer "Coteaz" He is now.... Inquisitor Arkadin Reznov.





Here is a commander I finished, I really liked his pose and weapons choice but I think i messed up the red on his legs a little, too stark highlights...


http://i51.tinypic.com/21ezxf.jpg <- his gun is kind of..meh

http://i56.tinypic.com/js0g3t.jpg<- ouch the white loooks...contaminated



^ look into my hate filled eyes...they will be the last things you see.


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