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The quest for Abaddon


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This was original a work log of my efforts to create a new and updated Abaddon model. I am now expanding it to be a more general work log of my efforts to update several character models.


So, the characters I'm planning on under taking in this project are:


85% complete.






So recently I entered... well Maverike Prime's 4th conversion challenge...I mean my challenge... but it wasn't.... Yeah bottom line: I entered this. As you can see I entered a converted Abaddon.



I wasn't displeased with it, but there is certainly room for improvement. So with that point in mind I'm embarking on a quest, a quest to update Abaddon! This is going to be a work log of my efforts, but due to time and money, updates are going to be somewhat in frequent I'm afraid. With that being said, I do want to encourage suggestions and feed back. So lets get this party going:



Here we have the present Abaddon model. By no means a bad model. Even considering it's 14+ year age, the model still stands well amongst the newer models released in recent years. But what kind of converter settles for 'well'? Still, there are certain features I think characterize the model and would needed in any model that is supposed to be representative of Abaddon.


1) The Talon of Horus.

-Abaddon's trade mark. Rendered as claw with storm bolter. The fingers of the current model have become the basis for Chaos Lightning claws.


2) Daemon Sword Drach'nyen

- A large sword containing the power of a bound Warp Entity.


3) Terminator armor.


4) the Long hair.

- When I originally did my Abaddon conversion I was going to have the hair unbound and flowing freely cause I mean lets face it, Abs is not going to stop in the middle of a fight to fix his hair. But when I planned it out I relised I was going to be sculpting hair over nearly 1/2 the front of the model. So I think the bound hair will be a necessity for an Abaddon model.


Those are the key points that I think absolutely must be on any Abaddon model.


With those points listed, here are my thoughts concerning them:


The Talon of Horus. Previously, the fingers have always been rendered as solid blades and only have a single joint. Previously that is until the Eye of Terror Codex came out. If you look at the cover image, you'll see Abaddon is shown crushing a planet/globe in the fingers of the talon.



Honestly, I think the Talon's claws should be articulated. With that thought in mind, I took the other lightning claw from the Chaos Lord box set, the one that I didn't use for the prior conversion and I managed to built this:


Considering it's a first attempt at an idea, I'm not displeased with it. but I know I can do better. For one thing, I want to make the joints smaller and more integrated to the fingers themselves. For another, I want to incorporate some minor mechanics into the claws. Piston arms along the back of the fingers perhaps.


The Daemon Sword on the current model I think looks somewhat cartoon-ish. On the conversion I used a Blood Crusher sword, and I think it worked pretty well. Though what I'm considering doing the next time is taking 3 swords and splicing the hilts together to give it a bit more barb with it's bit.


That about wraps up my thoughts for the project right now. If I think of something else I'll post it. As I make head way on the project I'll post more. If you have any thoughts on this, I ask that you post them. Questions, comments, suggestions, all of 'em.

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Wow! i really love the larger finger joints you've made in the new talon. It makes it look even more Pre-heresy and brutal in my mind.

The blood letter sword hilt in the topknot is a really nice touch. It reminds me a bit of the archaon on the front of the new DE codex.


Great work.

I like your converted abaddon and your articulated claw, i also agree with the dislike on the current model sword not because it looks cartoonish but the fact that hilt and guard extendes to far up. always liked the faces on the sword though if i was going to convert one myself i would use less faces as i belives it makes the sword look to "busy".


But saying that i think that the sword that you have used looks very good as it is simple yet it has a quality that means it is seen but wont draw away from the main of the model meaning that the extra convertion work can pop though



< disclaimer >

I am quite tipsy at time of posting and if anything dont make sence my bad and i will fix in the morning


< / disclaimer >

I like it. It's better than the frankly too-old Abby that's out there now. He is in real need of an update, since he hasn't aged as gracefully as other CSM champs like Ahriman or Typhus. At least he's not "I'm a little teapot" 'ing.



No, he's not doing the teapot dance. he's just saying "Hey, come pull my finger."

That is an absolutely gorgeous model. i love it!


i hope nobody from GW is reading this, but you have already done better with that than a lot of the recent models all of those paid professionals have put out :P (dark eldar excepted)


apply for a job working in the modeling studio at GW!



That is an absolutely gorgeous model. i love it!


i hope nobody from GW is reading this, but you have already done better with that than a lot of the recent models all of those paid professionals have put out :wub: (dark eldar excepted)


apply for a job working in the modeling studio at GW!




Sure, if they'll cover expenses of moving to England.

Okay, a bit of a so-so update in my work on a new Abadon model: The marks of Chaos. Abaddon is unique in the current Chaos Codex that he earned the patronage of all four of the major Chaos gods but actively serves none of them. This is shown by the combined benefits of all the Icons in game. Well I was thinking about it, and I started wondering how exactly this could be represented on the model itself.


Thus far I have come up with 2 ideas:


1) Use small icons attached to the model. A Talisman in the shape of the Tzeentch Icon, one of the Khorne Icons from the Berzerker Sprue. I'm sure there are other little details amongst the sprues, I just need to find them


Any suggestions for parts? or what to use in lieu of pre-made bits?


2) The Trophies. For a man to best a daemon, he must be at the zeneath of normal abilities for a man. What about mounting a head of a daemon from each of the four powers on the trophy rack on the top of his armor? Obviously it can't be Greater Deaemons due to size. But a Blood Letter, a Daemonette, Plague Bearer and Horr... well, the face of a horror maybe.




So with those ideas laid down, does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on these?

I really like what you've done so far with the claw, it's awesome. And I like the idea of deamon trophies, but I always thought that when they died they were banished back to the Warp and didn't leave any body parts behind?


If I may put my tuppence in, a defeated champion from each of the Ruinous Powers might do the trick just as well?

yeah, not sure about the daemon head thing but the helmets of slain rival champions could be cool. Maybe Abaddon keeps the helmets of slain rivals as a reminder to their legions that he is da boss.


hmm, good idea, and it's probably something I will incorporate into the model, but that doesn't really show the favor of the gods. I mean I want the favor to be shown somewhat subtly and in a subdued fashion. It's Abaddon after all. He makes use of the Chaos Gods. The only other Chaos Character who can possibly make that claim would be Ahiremin and even that's debatable. The point is I'm trying to find a way that Abaddon has obtained the favor of each of the four gods and yet isn't a champion of any of them.

Well, I don't have many interesting things to say about your model, except that it's awesome!!!! Far more realistic than the current model, which I've always thought was too small for the most evil man in the galaxy... ;)


Love the Talon of Horus (or whatever it's called), I Really wish I could make one like that :woot:

yeah, not sure about the daemon head thing but the helmets of slain rival champions could be cool. Maybe Abaddon keeps the helmets of slain rivals as a reminder to their legions that he is da boss.


hmm, good idea, and it's probably something I will incorporate into the model, but that doesn't really show the favor of the gods. I mean I want the favor to be shown somewhat subtly and in a subdued fashion. It's Abaddon after all. He makes use of the Chaos Gods. The only other Chaos Character who can possibly make that claim would be Ahiremin and even that's debatable. The point is I'm trying to find a way that Abaddon has obtained the favor of each of the four gods and yet isn't a champion of any of them.


How do the heads of slain deamons show the favour of the Gods? Surely it shows that they try to kill him by sending deamons at him.

yeah, not sure about the daemon head thing but the helmets of slain rival champions could be cool. Maybe Abaddon keeps the helmets of slain rivals as a reminder to their legions that he is da boss.


hmm, good idea, and it's probably something I will incorporate into the model, but that doesn't really show the favor of the gods. I mean I want the favor to be shown somewhat subtly and in a subdued fashion. It's Abaddon after all. He makes use of the Chaos Gods. The only other Chaos Character who can possibly make that claim would be Ahiremin and even that's debatable. The point is I'm trying to find a way that Abaddon has obtained the favor of each of the four gods and yet isn't a champion of any of them.


How do the heads of slain deamons show the favour of the Gods? Surely it shows that they try to kill him by sending deamons at him.


Well it doesn't so much show the gods favor as it shows that Abs isn't the only one who's trying to be Top Dog. It's just everyone who has tried has come up against Abs and failed.




Plus I figure the Chaos Gods have actually tried to kill Abs before. I mean, I figure Khorne would be a little pissed because at some point Abs had to work for him in order to obtain his favor, but then later Abs was like "Yeah, I'm done with you. Peace!" I figure Khorne would be somewhat pissed about that and would probably have tried to kill him for that. So Khorne sends a killer to kill Abs, and Abs bitch smacks the snot out of the killer.

  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm getting closing to pegging down details for my prototype of an improved Abaddon model but I've recently come to a thought. More speccifically a pose for the model.


if you look at the cover of the Eye of Terror Book


you see that Abaddon is crushing a globe/planet in his talon. I want to emulate that pose but with an space marine helmet. The metaphorical "I Destroy not only you, but your brothers" kind of pose, or rather the slightly more honorable version of ":) YOU!". So I'm going to model the talon as piercing into the helmet of a space marine. Now I noticed that the Sicarius model comes with a very ornate helmet that is obviously Ultra-smurf and I bloody near pass out from joygasm as I imagine having Abbadon's talons piercing the helmet with blood trickling out of the eye socket and dropping down Abaddon's arm. Now, here's my question:


Which chapter should the talon actually be crushing? I mean what Chapter has the most reason to hate, or be hated by Abaddon? I know The Blood Angles have a long standing fued over his previous campaigns, but the Imperial fists were actually there at the seige of Terra and helped to thwart Horus' attack. So what do you think?




or Twillite wannabes?


Which chapter would be most fitting for Abaddon to have recently decapitated the leader of and is now holding the severed head/helmet up for all to look upon in horror and shock?

Here's my 4part answer to your question Mav.


1. Abaddon is the Chaos equivalent to Gargamel so him crushing the Smurf helm with the Talon of Horus would be fitting. Might I suggest a red helm to depict a Captain / Veteran / Papa Smurf?

2. Everyone hates the Smurfs [ well at least everyone in my LGS ]

3. He'd be giving the Fists the finger if he was holding a broken sword, so they're right out.

4. Crushing a Team Edward helm with the Talon of Horus would just be adding insult to injury since it's the same weapon used to kill their beloved canary. Cruel, and right up his ally but the Smurf reference is just too comical to pass up IMHO.



Hope that helps ya.



  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm gearing up to build my first prototype of my new Abaddon model. As I draw closer to being ready, I'm making some choices based on some things I've read. Since this is Abaddon we're talking about, he needs to be on a suitably heroi... er... villianous base. So I was flipping through sites and I found Dragon Forge studios. They've got some nice scenic bases. For the prototype I'm thinking of using this "Lost Empires" base, they offer. I think the statue's face looks very Sister of Battle Saint's rendition look to it, like perhaps it was a statue of a saint that Abs has toppled and now stands over. I think it would carry a very nice "I stand on the rubble of what you believe in." kind of feel. Figure I can paint the points where Abaddon's feet are touching the statue with a burned look, as if his presence on the statue is burning it.


But for the final build, I'm thinking of getting the Brother Artemis Inquisitor model and casting a broken part of it in plaster and making that the base. That way I can incorporate some definite Imperial iconography into the base.


As a follow up on my previous question, about what helmet Abs should be crushing in his claw, I'm going to use one of the Sanguinary Guard Helmets. Firstly because the SG are supposed to rock hard when it comes to Space Marines. But secondly because it will echo the act of Horus killing Sanguinius. using the jointed Talon I developed prior, I'm going to attempt to have Abs piercing the eye socket of the helmet. That way it's deliberate, concentrated effort and afront to the blood angels. A devoted "I destroy your best, even beyond defeat!" sort of insult. It's not enough to simply kill them, Abaddon will utterly crush and destroy his enemies.



So thoughts anyone?

  • 4 weeks later...

And so the Tyrant begins to take shape!


After several months of planning and discussing and contemplating and re-thinking I ordered a series of parts and kits I intended to use for my New Abaddon model. I am not finished by any stretch, but the model is begining to take shape and I though you all would like to see it as it stands now:



The base is from Dragon Forge's lost empire series while the cables on the torso are from the conversion bits they sell.



Here we have the Daemon sword. Careful observers will be able to spot why it takes 2 blood crushers to make the sword.



I figure Abs is a man of action, not words. Deeds, not stories. He's not going to waste his time explaining why he should be in charge. You're going to know why he should be incharge and just to remind you, he carries some his more worth while trophies with him. Here is the battered and broken helmet of a World Eaters Champion that challenges Abaddon once before.



Let's face it: If there's one character in the game today that would be likely to show the helmet/trophy they acquired from killing a Legio Custodes member, it would be Abaddon. I'm looking for a Chaos Helmet plum to add to the helmet, but haven't found one yet. Really don't want to buy a full box just for that.


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