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So here it is.. You have 1k Points.. What HQ model would you pick in an assassination game where the only objective is to kill the other players HQ model Normal FOC applies. I am having a hard time being that you can single out a daemon prince.. Most of our named HQ do not have eternal warrior and can thus be instant killed. Anyone have any ideas?
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Abbadon is the only non DP character we have that can't be insta killed. While he's really expensive, he's also pretty much the toughest unit we have. You could go another route though and try a Nurgle lord with death guard squads. You have a fair amount of options here. While a DP might seem tougher, with a full squad of death guard it'd take more to kill him if he's attached than it would to kill a lone DP.
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So here it is.. You have 1k Points.. What HQ model would you pick in an assassination game where the only objective is to kill the other players HQ model Normal FOC applies. I am having a hard time being that you can single out a daemon prince.. Most of our named HQ do not have eternal warrior and can thus be instant killed. Anyone have any ideas?


I would look for something... that has a 2+ save... some form of ++ save... eternal warrior... that can hide in a squad in a land raider... that costs less than 50pts... alas I know of no such HQ...

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well first thing is that if an eldar player doesnt want you to kill his seer or autarch and the table is normal , he has a very good chance to do it.

2x5 csm naked [scoring is unimportant]. biker unit , biker HQs[is the limit on HQs] MoT [to get as close as possible to the SS save]. maximum on deep striking oblits . bikes always in reserv , oblits too. always go for being second . pray for 2 or 3 unit of oblits deep striking on the same turn , so you can both pop a transport and the HQ inside or at least hurt it enough that the next wave of oblits finishes it [maybe with the help of the biker unit, but that is tricky because hth for chaos non DP HQs is too deadly] .


but frankly speaking there is not much you can do against a 1k pedro build with 2 tac[5 naked guys ] with pods and 2x10 sternguard melt/plas load outs[ 4 pods so first turn drop the weak ones to counter reservs and second or third you see sternguard drop , then combat squad , smoke transports and then the second unit double taps HQ+bodyguard].

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IN chaos, I would probably go with a lord or sorcerer, with MOT for the better invul and possibly termy armor. Stick him in a 9 man Plauge marine squad (for shooting defense) and Stick the squad in a Land Raider. Or maybe a larger plague marine squad and stick them in cover.


I might try this





GIFT (to snipe that IC)


20 Plague Marines

2 Plasma

Champ w/ fist


5 CSM in Rhino with Melta


5 Chosen with 5 melta in Rhino



The 2 Stern guard squads would have a pretty hard time killing 20 plague marines in cover especially if they come down split.

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What HQ? Slaanesh Prince with Lash. On the off-chance that the opponent didn't spend the points on antipsyker gear with only 1000 points to play with, use Lash to suck the enemy's HQ out of wherever they're hiding and slaughter them. If they're sneaking in a transport, make that target priority for Oblits to flush them out, then Lash them into firing range for something with low AP and high S, or mob them with Berserkers.


All the other options available are either too fragile to be expected to survive themselves (Slaanesh Sorc might be able to pull it off if you stick him in a bus), or are CC monsters with high price tags that you may have trouble keeping out of a crossfire or getting assaulted by something Lysander-shaped and horrible.


Of course, if they did buy antipsyker gear, you'll have to go at them old school, but a Slaanesh Prince is just as good at CC as just about any other configuration of Prince, so if you pick your battles it's not wasted points to field one.

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I take a TDA lord with demon weapon and 10 terminators. 2 PF, 2 CF, 2 Combi-flamer, 2 Combi-melta, 2 HF. Either 1 10-man or 2 5-man. Seeing as it's assassination you'd better stick with the 10 man.


I'm serious. 10 TDA in 1k points since a single TDA lord looks stupid to me without TDA friends. It's pretty nasty.

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With so much point expensive units, we'll end up surrounded by threats and die by peepeew weapons (fire volume). With Terminator, TDA and a LR, we'll have 2*5 marines as troop. How much units do we have ? 3 units is too low. Troops with quickly die. And the lord will still hide with the Terminators alone, surrounded, and unable to hide. In the same time, our army won't be able to kill (or even threaten) 2 units in a turn. We all know how much it is easy to run away from foot Hammernators. That's not much different there. It's even worse.


Help yourself, think about it.

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I'd definitely go for a a lord over a prince... too easy to single out. Best (but not really nice to your opponent) would probably be to tak two land raiders and a cheap HQ. Park them at the back of the board and in the rare instance that one raider gets popped by shooting, jump into the next one. If it gets destroyed in CC, keep the other one cca 11 inches away (3+6+3) and after it is destroyed, jump out, jump into the next one and drive it away. The rest of the points can go to suicide units attempting to kill the other HQ (along with the lascannon fire) ignore everything else besides the opponents HQ.


(Maybe keep some berzerkers in the other LR, just to tie up the pursuing close combatants.

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All really great ideas...



Here was my thought....


Sorc Lord.. Wings.. MoS... Lash In a rhino (yes a rhino) with 7 plague marines.... Give the plagues plasma guns or something of the sort. Then roll up. lash the unit. pull the HQ out of consolidation and dakka dakka dakka dakka dakka.


my math may be a bit off as I havent played my chaos in a few months but.. Sorc, lash, wings (this is more or less so i can get away if i need to) This would be something like 150ish points.


7 plagues in a rhino is pushing 200ish points


in the other rhino take.... 10 csm combi melta power fist champ with 2x meltagun. this runs like 260ish points


2x oblits


2x oblits


vindi or defiler.



Yes i know the 2x defiler or vindi works best but this is not a normal game. You cant deepstrike and can hold no units in reserves. In addition to this when the HQ model is killed the game ends.. So this forces the enemy to make a choice... Vindicator or HQ... Defiler or HQ...


botch that without the vindi or defiler its approxiamtely 921 pts..... Could upgrade a plague marine to a champ and fist him up.

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Hmmmm, good call. Well i can still lash him closer to me or out of cover. Into dangerous area. I know with lash you can move units out of coherency. Its still not bad. Would work with some HQ better than others but you could take the wings off the sorc and give him a familier and gift... for the 10% chance to snipe the model.



I have never really used lash myself. I didnt jump on the wagon...

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According to the Chaos FAQ you cannot lash a unit out of coherency. Lash is by no means bad, especially as you could move the HQ to the edge of a squad so that you could put a fist in BTB with him, or at least make sure you can allocate attacks to him
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I know with lash you can move units out of coherency.

While the idea is interresting, I saw somewhere (tournament conventions, or Faq) that all figs of the lashed unit moved the same distance in the same direction.

Yes, it's useful to move some units out of cover and to get in/out assault range.

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Damn, see this is what i get for never using it.. Hahaha.


Well then I guess the use would be to pull it closer or out into the open where i can destroy the HQ and whatever unit he is attached to. Granted this would not work everytime but i could pull him into the open and use the plague marines to dakka his unit down then use the blits to multi melta or las cannon and go for the instant death. I suppose an MoS Sorc would go before most HQ in CC and i could force weapon him if i got lucky. That would of course put my own HQ at risk.


Its very Warmachine esque

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I suppose an MoS Sorc would go before most HQ in CC and i could force weapon him if i got lucky.

a slany lord has more attacks , more chance of pulling an assasination run off[demon weapon does stun on 1 , but it does not get stoped by hoods + the bigger number of attacks is essential when overcoming stuff like SS].

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11 combi-plasma then. There is enough room for 2 10-man squads with IoCG. I thought the objective was to kill the other HQ and any bodyguard? Go straight for the throat and forget the rest of their army.
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Yeah, I could take two HQ models though.. Just nominate one as my primary.


So its a 1k Tourney.. 4 rounds..

it looks like


Round 1 - Seize Ground w/ 3 Objectives - Spearhead

Round 2 - Capture and Control - Dawn of War

Round 3 - Annihilation - Pitched Battle

Round 4 - Assassination - Nominate one HQ Independent Character model as the General, game ends upon first General's death - Spearhead, no Reserves




So... You cant really deepstrike and snipe or outflank and snipe.. Although This brings up another idea that would be better put in the space marine index astartes area.. Telion would have a role.. Scary stuff.... little bit of BOOM HEADSHOT action.



I am pretty happy with two troops choice. I am confident that I can force my enemy around the bored with the general fear of chaos space marines codex. (not many people at the local store really know codecies outside of their own)


I can see a lot of options utilizing bikes and what not. Usually at our local shop there is one board that lacks a lot of terrain but most of them will be flooded with it. Without deepstrike I think other than utlizing obliterators to bust transports and plasma template squads i can not see how they could "snipe" the other guys HQ. We dont really have many options for survivable HQ as a Termy is going to need a land raider. Our daemon prince wont always get the grace of hiding behind cover. So this leaves us with power armor.. Wings can still fit in a rhino..

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I'm not sure I'd really move away from a Nurgle or Tzeentch DP to be honest. Both might be able to be targetted but they also have more wounds, more durable and can move further then alot of the other options. They are also cheaper then many options, coming out to 150 if you don't take any powers.


If it was me, I'd just take one of these guys and play hide and seek with my opponent. The cheaper HQ leaves me more points to take other units which I can use to wipe out their HQ.


EDIT: Or if I need to, I can always throw my DP into the fight if I think it will win me the game.

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I know it would be expensive but jeske what do you think about Slanny lord on bike? then a squad of like hmmm 6 bikers?


bike is big and bike is seen. I would use a bike body guard and only use the lord to get in to hth when there would be no other way to deal with opposing HQ , it is too big of a gamble[specialy against all those SS, eternal warrior guys] to send a lord that can stun himself on a 1 or a sorc that has his force weapon stoped witha hood or fail to kill because of low A . remember our slany sorc hits other hq on +4 wounds on +4[well if they arent on a bike , IoN , TWM etc] and then its 50% hood and +3 inv from SS. Bikes yes , in reservs , but 6 maybe a too big unit .not that it wouldnt be good 6 bikes is the optimal size , but it aint optimal because of the points it eats up from the part of the list that is suppose to kill stuff. I dont think we are building here a list that is suppose to be super resilient but can only draw because it doesnt have the kill power.



but from the looks of the scenarios on the tournament , I would just ignore the game 4 . play a normal chaos build and run away [yes play with 170 pts less] with nominated HQ , hoping that my opponent does not play something like orks or nids . an IG or BA should be a realy good opponent for this scenario .

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