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Forge of souls


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Since the forge of souls is a seperate group to the other 4 gods could any renegade marines pledge alligence to it.


Essentially thinking of having soul ginders instead of defillers, maybe using molten metalic orges as deamon smiths (count as terminators, or obliterators) Possess any vehicles. Use blood letters but remove swords and replace with hammers/pincers.

Give every marine smithy hammers. Icon of (undivided) the anvil.

TS rules might be good for captured and possesed suits of armour or constructs.

Landraider could be a mobile forge with a big furnace in place of the engines. Demons throwing lightening bolts instead of lascannons. etc etc

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Well I guess so. There isnt that much fluff around concerning the Forge but given that the demons who use it have to give up any other allegiances to the big four or anybody else and pledge sole allegiance to the Forge would imply that whoever could just forsake their patron (if they even have one) and join the Forge. However, I wonder if the Forge would accept CSM followers...(They cant possess technical objects or anything else, so where is their use?) and having a body already what would they gain?

Concerning dedication Id say the Forge is undedicated, being a chaos god by and in itself.

Oh and if you do a Forge-List you should definately include Obliterators. They are probably the fluffiest unit for a Forge-List in our whole codex!

I like the idea of using 1k sons for possessed armour. Might want to consider plague marines too (marines fused to their armour with slower than usual reflexes and FnP sounds fitting to me).

Hope that helps.

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I was actually using the Forge of Souls as the entity that granted my IW Daemon Prince daemonhood. It made perfect sense to me, as its not a representative of any of the 4 major powers but appears to be strong enough to have carved out its own little warp domain, so I reasoned that it would also be strong enough to grant daemonhood. Plus a variant of the Oath of the Iron Pact seemed quite fitting for an Iron Warrior.
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Yeah, although it's not canon, I imagine it's feasible for the Iron Warriors to form pacts with the Forge and possibly provide the Forge with souls in exchange for daemon weapons and engines. In fact, wasn't this kind of implied in Dead Sky Black Sun as the source of the IW daemon engines? It's been a few years and I didn't really like the book so I don't remember exactly, but I seem to remember something to that effect.


Also as many daemon princes leave the mortal world upon ascension and choose to remain in the warp, it would make sense for a previously unaligned Iron Warrior daemon prince that spent his life creating armor and weapons to spend his daemonhood in a similar capacity at the Forge.


Oh and I don't think that the Forge is a god or entity onto itself, it's more a kind of guild or organization, and one that daemons actually have to swear fealty to above and beyond actual gods. Kind of like a daemon NGO except, y'know, way more awesome.

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Oh and I don't think that the Forge is a god or entity onto itself, it's more a kind of guild or organization, and one that daemons actually have to swear fealty to above and beyond actual gods. Kind of like a daemon NGO except, y'know, way more awesome.


Sorry for the confusion, I was using the term "entity" to mean a group or faction, not a singular being. I agree with your assessment.


As for Chaos Marines working for it, I would imagine that offers of battlefield scrap and damned souls would be just as welcome regardless of whether they come from Soul Grinders or Marines and so some sort of pact or trust could be entered into with the Marines providing material support in exchange for daemonic/warp support of some form.

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Yeah, although it's not canon, I imagine it's feasible for the Iron Warriors to form pacts with the Forge and possibly provide the Forge with souls in exchange for daemon weapons and engines. In fact, wasn't this kind of implied in Dead Sky Black Sun as the source of the IW daemon engines? It's been a few years and I didn't really like the book so I don't remember exactly, but I seem to remember something to that effect.


I just got done reading Dead Sky, Black Sun a couple days ago. I hadn't heard of the Soul Forge until earlier today when I checked out this thread and then looked it up on Lexicanum. If there was a reference to the Soul Forge in that novel I completely missed it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think tat the "forge" is an entity in its self, and a very demanding one, and that some may want to check their mythology/folklore. Some of the more interesting bits will be around the industrial revolution, with the many furnaces and smog belching chimneys. The "forge" does not have to be a forge at all in a philosophical sense, any place of work will do, where the work it hard and/or tedious and/or repetitive, from the sweatshop to the showroom floor.


Well that my view of it anyway from what I have read, and where did you think Microsoft came from :)

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