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Marines Malevolent


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The Mauler is not a FW model....just a kitbash of sorts.

The Mauler......Brother Varen came up with the name,its summat I had on the go with my first Army The Sons of Heracles.Its a Rhino with side sponsons that can also carry 10 Marines as it carries the ammo for the side sponsons on the outside!

So you have 2 H/Bolters,Flamers or Las cannons letting rip as the Mauler unloads a squad of the Emperors finest!!


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The Mauler is not a FW model....just a kitbash of sorts.

The Mauler......Brother Varen came up with the name,its summat I had on the go with my first Army The Sons of Heracles.Its a Rhino with side sponsons that can also carry 10 Marines as it carries the ammo for the side sponsons on the outside!

So you have 2 H/Bolters,Flamers or Las cannons letting rip as the Mauler unloads a squad of the Emperors finest!!



I'd ditch the idea of side mounts for the Lascannons; the powerplants for the shots are rather large and one direct hit would make your tank go boom.

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Dont worry Juan....the Malevolents are a tough bunch and would just take a "boom" like its a pfffft! :lol:


Dunno why I put LC as they are not Mauler weapon mounts anyway!!! :P


Basically, a Mauler with Heavy Flamers is a Hellhound on 'roids?



:ermm: Yeah big fat ROIDS!! :huh:




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Darn, here I though t I missed something brilliant and official. It's nothing I can actually use at my LGS. Maybe I'll just make one with my new Magnet-project anyway :lol:


Regardless, the work here is amazing and I had to favorite your album. Simply great stuff :P

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Greetings brothers,


I see alot of you out there like the Mauler, so let me answer some of your questions.


Actually the Mauler is an official vehicle. It is in book 4 of the horus hersey. It actually looks like a repressor tank from FW. But the Repressor tank was not a pre-hersey tank. FW comfirmed it in their information on the Repressor tank. The name of the picture is Thunder of Horus, Mauler in the Horus Hersey book. So i developed ideas on how to make the Mauler.


The Mauler comes in 3 varients:


Varient 1 : carries a 10 man squad and has side mounted sponsons, like zxyogi's model.


Varient 2: carries a 5 man squad, has side mounted sponsons, and has a top mounted weapon system like a Razorback.


Varient 3: This varient carries no passengers, it is a pure weapon of hate. It has side mounted sponsons, a top mounted razorback weapon system, and a forward mounted heay bolter, like the land raider. It is sent in with the purpose to shredd, maim, burn, disable, and neturalize the enemy.


These are my versions of the Mauler tank based on an offical tank in the horus hersey book. There are also a few other vehicles in the horus hersey books with no representation model wise that i'm looking at.


One is a vehicle called the Malestrom Cannon. The title of the card is Conjectus. It looks to be a land raider chasis mounted with a Medusa cannon. Also there are a tank called a thunderstrike cannon from the Audio book "Raven's Flight". I base these vehicles on canon fluff.


So what do you think?

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All sound great!


I don't mean to sidetrack a PCA thread, but the Mauler still is not official game-wise. Assuming units-to-army is made on a premise on game balance, then these variants change the list. Then there is the issue of points. VDR is now 2 editions old and the premium points would not justify their use in the 5th edition world (I think).


I need to just buy a Baal Predator and stick the BA parts in a bin for later. :)

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Very nice work. will the rest of your work spring up here, or will you make a new topic? I only ask as it's so much eiser to keep track of your work if it's all in one thread :huh:


I love the land raider, the mauler is very good, but just doesn't activate that little spark inside me for some reason...

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lookin really good

how are you doing the chapter symbols are you free hadning them or are they transfers?

i've just picked up a commission to do a force of these so if there's any transfers anywhere that would be a BIG help :-)

Or just freehand that sucker like so. It's not that hard of a symbol, honestly...


Whatever floats your boat...

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Very nice vehicles there. Good to see Marines Malevolent, cool chapter.

I dig the idea of the Mauler, although I think that it'd be more realistic if it transported 6 marines...

I also think that it's armour values should be similar to a Predator. :)

Would be great to see it with hurricane bolters! :)

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