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A Slow Return


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I've stared long and hard at my piles of sprues, and after receiving motivation from a friend, I've decided to once again attempt to return to the hobby. Thir-...fou-...fifth time's the charm, right? I've toyed with a list, and messed around with bits and pieces enough that I figured I should actually -do- something. So I started right at the top - the Captain! He's just slapped together for now, a quick job held together with poster gum, but I figured I'd display him proudly. So here he is.








The images are not of the best quality, but the idea gets across. He's assembled out of some of the most choice parts nowadays (SG and DC), with some unconventional ones thrown in. The gap between his torso front and the back piece needs some GSing, said back piece needs some sanding/filing, and his belt line'll have grenades and pouches to cover up unsightly mistakes. Now, I'm not sure how I want to outfit him, which is where I'm open for ideas and suggestions. I'm a sucker for the Tycho clones, so I thought of giving him a personalized combi-melta and some 'special artisan weapon'. Anyway, comments and suggestions?



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@shatter: Thanks! And it is indeed the AoBR captain's cloak. It was a pain to carve the legs out of it, and it needs a little bit of sanding to get smoothness back. As for a halo, I think I do have a few spares floating around.


@JamesI: Thanks! And I'm glad to be back. =D

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Welcome back to the BA! I know how it feels when you lose your mojo. First of all I like the kitbashed conversion, nice pose and use of parts. As for weapon loadout my preference is for dual LC's but tbh I've not tried the Tycho style loadout. Either way it's going to look good.
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No real progress today. Doing a bit of putty work to fit his torso together, but I did find a different head that I think fits. While I like the Maximus-type, I've always been a sucker for Crusade-type helms. So, after a bit of rummaging, I came across the head from the VenDread kit. Abhorrent-quality pictures of the mock-up follows.






I'm still trying to decide what I want to give him, as far as weapons go. I've been toying with the idea of gluing magnets into his shoulder sockets so I can swap out loadouts (Tycho, Seth, and LCs) based on the mission/points. I've never used magnetizing, so it'd be a new foray for me. What do you all think?




Edit: Minor putty work's mostly complete. Have to do the ribbing between his shoulders and the torso. The head's not glued in, but I must say I do like the look of it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Minimal update!


After a short period of lack of motivation, I've returned to it once again! And with pictures! Yes! Encouragement!




I have also decided on his identity. Presenting Brother-Captain Eros Sendini, Keeper of the Arsenal, 5th Company. I also created a bit of background, since he's got no real background, to explain why he has a bolter with special rounds (and therefore a cheap Tycho knockoff). I'm still working on his sword-thing, which as of this moment is a chainsword with the front half of the weapon/teeth removed and replaced with a power blade, though I've come to wonder if maybe a melta-blade would be more in line with the whole 'hey, it does an extra D6!' thing. I will have to explore that one a bit further...ANYWHO! On to more pictures!






This is the Bloodculler, Sendini's personal, custom-crafted bolter. I should add that I plan on finding and chopping a melta/flamer canister and attaching it where the slim plasma coils are present, or making my own out of GS. Haven't decided yet. But here's a bit of history that I made up for it/him: some time after ascending/being promoted to the rank of full battle-brother, Eros Sendini was delegated to the Deathwatch as part of the Blood Angels' tithe to the Ordo Xenos. With them, Sendini served with distinction for a number of decades before returning to the chapter with tried-and-true tools and tactics. Of these tools, the Bloodculler was one of them. That's pretty much it.


So, opinions? Criticism?



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I use powerfists and combat blades to make custom three bladed lightning claws. I cut the handles off the combat blades, and then cut them at an angle so they fit onto the knuckes of the powerfists straight. The result is amazing and costs nothing but extra time to make. ;) Good luck with your model.
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I'm never happy with my conversions. I found this out last time I made a successful conversion, and it's doing it again with this one. However, I think I have hit a rather pleasing assembly that requires some moderate use of GS to fix. The putty work mainly covers the fold in the cape, which yours truly snapped off in an attempt to bend it back, and the waist line to make it fit. Otherwise, at this point, I'm just waiting on bits and pieces to work on his arms/weapons. But enough of my spiel, here's a picture. And pardon the muffintop.




I had a headless, armless Emperor's Champion figure, so I decided to experiment. At first, it wasn't that...pretty. But now it's rather appealing. It needs minimal work, some covering up, and then voila. What do y'all think?



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Updates! Sort of. I stared at Mr. Captain man long enough that I decided the old-type legs just didn't fit with the new bodies properly, and regardless of the 'artificer' look the running DC legs were a better fit. I also decided that the quick patch job I'd done on the cape just wouldn't do, so I snapped it off and went about rebuilding the piece altogether. I think it was a good choice, as the new fix looks much better (especially in person). I also did a test fit of some wings for the shoulders; initially, they were going to be placeholders to give me an idea of how good the BA ones would look, but I actually really like how they look, so I think I'm going to keep these on.








Once its cured enough that I know it won't flex too hard, I'm going to take a small bit of sandpaper and smooth out the joins and all the snaggleteeth that remained from when I chopped up the legs/groin that used to be attached to the cape. I also did a bit of work on both Bloodculler and his still-unnamed custom CCW.








The Bloodculler needs a bit of filing/sanding, too. And the CCW still needs a hilt/handle, as well as a tooth to fill in the gap between the power blade and the chainsaw. I'm still waiting on the remainder of the bits to complete him (backpack, sword hilt, etc). But otherwise, I think his final fit's pretty much done. And on an unrelated note, after checking out a tutorial on FTW, I decided to give making a chaplain head a try. This was the semi-final result, which given my limited GS skills, isn't too terrible.











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As for sanding the GS... I use a soft nylon toothbrush instead. It gives wonderfully smooth results with GS-plastic joins. Nylon is slightly harder than GS and the plastic of the models, so it slowly wears both down with zero texturing. Just take your time.


Support it while you do it by applying the whole thing to a bed of plasticine to evenly spread the pressure load.

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@shatter: Thanks! And thanks for the pointer. I know I've got a few spare brushes running around, so I'll definitely be giving that a try.


@Ebsolom: Please, feel free! =D I know there's some comment about imitation being the best form of flattery, and I'm sure I'm not the first to have thought of this. As for the head, it's definitely not going on him. I mainly did it because I had spare GS clippings after working on his cape, but now I'll have to build a chaplain to fit it. Might have to throw a halo on it, too. We shall have to see...


Right now, I'm in the process of assembling more of the Baal Predator. I've decided to turn the rear hatch inside out so the grating faces outwards as a sort of radiator/ventilation for the over-charged engines. We'll see how it looks.



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  • 2 months later...

After a long time away from it, here's some updates! I decided to give him a different head, so I gave sculpting hair a try, and I think it turned out pretty good. Also, I scrapped his original custom blade and redid it with positive results (and an explanation for how it works, courtesy of my good friend GlauG). Anywho, on to the pics! First, the sword.




Now, Mr. Captain-man himself.






That's...about all the progress that's been made so far. It's going to be slow and gradual, but I've given myself the goal to wrap him up and paint him. Let's see how long that lasts...anyway, as always, C&C is welcome.



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