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Completed Ultramarines Captain


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Here's another mini of mine, this time, it's a Captain of the Ultramarines. Fluff so far is nonexistant, but I can tell he'll become the leader of my strike force. I've converted him from a Master of the Chapter, used a head from a terminator squad (the shooty one) and used a metal storm shield from the old terminator range. Converted that, too, because a shield without a handle is pretty much useless.


Hope you like 'em, C&C appreciated.


Btw, my girlfriend made fun of me and him. Fun of me because I hadn't been able to come up with a name yet, and fun of him... well... let's say she just gave him the less fortunate name of "Captain Hodenkinn". Which would translate into "testicle chin". I hate her for that, I really do.


Aye, it's exactly the text from CMON, but here's a small addition:

Finally decided which bases to use! Forest leaves. Made from dyed marjoram!

And if you'd like to vote, just click on the pic!

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@ Disruptor_fe404: Thanks for your comment! Aye, there's lots of them these days, but of course that's due to the sheer awesomeness of the set. They're not that hard to do, because the kit is easy to assemble: just join the arms, the head and the backpack and bang, you're done. Now if you'd like to swap some pieces, basically the only thing you've got to do is to make sure nothing's looking odd. This is the kithe model I used:



@ MagicMan: This is actually the first time someone called my painting "brilliant", thanks a lot for that!

Sad but true. I think he'll never lose that nickname... Perhaps he'll be a bad-@$$ in combat one day, and friends and foe alike might say he's just that hardcore because he's got two sets of balls. ^^


@ AlexCrute: Thank you! You know, I'm quite interested in medieval stuff (one of the many reasons why I study history) and therefore I couldn't let him go without a proper shield - one which might actually do some good to him.

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@ Disruptor_fe404: Aye, you're welcome ^^


@ Brother Nihm: thanks a lot, that's what I wanted to achieve. An experienced commander, leading his strike force from a random point somewhere in a forest world. So that makes me even happier ^^

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@ smallvictory: Thank you; and you're welcome. Chaplain Hairyballsface shall be my next project ^^


@ WingsOfTheFalcon: That's been one of the first things my girlfriend told me when I first showed her Captain Hodenkinn. Perhaps I should have inverted the colours of the cloak; perhaps some litanies would have made the difference.

I think the major issue here is the storm shield, however well-painted it might be. It's grey, which is neutral to most colours, and blue, which is the miniature's main colour. The gold is a common highlight, while the black can be found in every recess.

But to be honest, I couldn't come up with a better solution. I definitely wanted to incorporate the armour's main colour; and what else should I have done? A metal shield? That's very unusual within the chapter, at least as far as I know.

If you've got any advice, I'll take them for the next storm shield bearer. ^^

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@ WingsOfTheFalcon: That's been one of the first things my girlfriend told me when I first showed her Captain Hodenkinn. Perhaps I should have inverted the colours of the cloak; perhaps some litanies would have made the difference.

I think the major issue here is the storm shield, however well-painted it might be. It's grey, which is neutral to most colours, and blue, which is the miniature's main colour. The gold is a common highlight, while the black can be found in every recess.

But to be honest, I couldn't come up with a better solution. I definitely wanted to incorporate the armour's main colour; and what else should I have done? A metal shield? That's very unusual within the chapter, at least as far as I know.

If you've got any advice, I'll take them for the next storm shield bearer. ^^

Hi fella, I think having looked at it a bit longer that for me the problem is that there doesn't seem to be any white apart from the Ultra chapter symbol on the pad and certainly the 'Eavy Metal team seem to use it quite a lot on Ultra minis to break up the sea of blue. If you take a look at the image below (Winterdyne not GW btw!) you can see that not only has white been used to break up the blue, but also red has been included as a spot contrast colour to draw the eye in.


I don't want to sound too critical or harsh because I think you've painted & converted the mini magnificently but I also think it needs a bit more work before it will really scream 'Captain' and with a little bit more time to add some bling, you'll significantly improve the final result.



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@ Dorns_fist: this was the most difficult part about the bugger - I had to convert it from a boltgun arm und a Sanguinary Guard angelus boltgun hand ^^


@ WingsOfTheFalcon: Don't worry, I won't rip your head off. ;-)

White as a means to improve the overall look is something I did for almost every marine I've posted so far, but this time I just didn't want it. Company markings, liturgy and such is usually my favourite part to paint; but as I don't have the steadiest hand around I just feared I'd ruin some difficult part. I might consider adding a "II" or some extract from th codex astartes some day, but as for now, I just don't dare. oO


@ Saphos: Mighty thanks! ^^


@mega_marines: I thought something similar when I first had the idea. I wanted an officer, loaded with dignity and experience, a shining example for every battle-brother around, being so powerful that he would be able to stop in the middle of a battle to observe the field, without fear of getting slain. I wanted a portrait of this strong character, I wanted a holy man and a god of war.

And now the fella doesn't even have a name. Save for "Hodenkinn". Thanks, Lisa! *grumbles*

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Now I've stopped staring at his chin... my input:


I think the colour scheme's nice as is.


I think you can make him pop a bit more by having sharper highlights on the upper edges and corners - pure mithril on the gold and almost white on the blue. Try blending up lighter on top, it'll help define the shape of the mini a bit more.


The white on the shield too - just the upper panel blend that up a bit more to have a definite lighter tone at the top - it'll help draw the eye upward.


Nothing wrong here - it just feels like you've stopped before it's done - push all the highlights up (in a literal as well as figurative sense) a bit and it'll be awesome. Except the face, that looks spot on. :-)

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@ winterdyne: Thanks, man!

I've considered this before, but I wasn't sure about stronger highlights. I didn't want to add too much white into the mix, because I've made some baaad experiences with too strong highlights. "Sadly", I can't show you these wasted fellas, because they're long gone. "Sadly". *cough*

Jokes aside, I do appreciate your advices, but to be honest, I don't want to change this cappy any further.


But the next sarge/cappy/champ will be done with one additional highlight, I promise. ^^


/e: and heck, leave his chin alone ^^

Hate my girlfriend, but don't make him feel uncomfortable. :-D

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@ ancient god: Looking better than one would expect after hearing the name, huh? ^^


@ gil galad: feel free! I'd love to be the source of inspiration for an international contest :-)


@ mega_marines: Sounds good... But I think I'd write it like "Veratus", as an hommage to all the roman sounding names from Chaos Gate. Perhaps this shall become his name. Thanks! ^^

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@ ancient god: Looking better than one would expect after hearing the name, huh? ^^


@ gil galad: feel free! I'd love to be the source of inspiration for an international contest :-)


@ mega_marines: Sounds good... But I think I'd write it like "Veratus", as an hommage to all the roman sounding names from Chaos Gate. Perhaps this shall become his name. Thanks! ^^



Haha, your model. Go for it.

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