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DA in the Future


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Ok, new question. If (when?) we get a new codex, do you want it at par (competition wise) with, say, C:SW or will you settle for a nice, fun codex without a ton of cheesy stuff?


I'm tempted towards a less ambiguous codex that can be powerful but won't attract tons of people because of it's power. Right now the DA are about as exclusive in real life as in fluff, and I think it's neat so I would like to keep it that way a bit. On the other hand, new players would be nice.

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Definitely the not cheesy, not overpowered codex. It will stop the swarms of SW players we see today from just jumping on until a new codex comes out, it will make it so that it's not just a steamroll win, but rather a game requiring good strategy and tactics, it won't make people think that we just play because it's an easy codex(this is not intended to insult wolf players in any way), and finally, it won't create the constant DA vs. DA that is seen today with SW and BA, though we do have the best fluff reasons to do so.
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