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annoyed by necrons

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friend of mine started getting necrons and has gone for the most costly and annoying units, monolith and night bringer, and lots of destroyers&lord.

the night bringer is not all that anoying, but when he does some random thing with monolith and spawns a whole heap of dead guys at it and they come back to life it gets very anoying. although some things i think he might be cheating and purposly not understanding the rules for necrons, as i havnt read the necron codex to see so>

some help would be useful.......

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friend of mine started getting necrons and has gone for the most costly and annoying units, monolith and night bringer, and lots of destroyers&lord.

the night bringer is not all that anoying, but when he does some random thing with monolith and spawns a whole heap of dead guys at it and they come back to life it gets very anoying. although some things i think he might be cheating and purposly not understanding the rules for necrons, as i havnt read the necron codex to see so>

some help would be useful.......


If you brake necrons in combat and run the down they can never ever ever get back up... take power weapons... get into combat... kill stuff... enough to make him fail his leadership... run him down... I would say plasma cannons but you are using chaos :'( Defiler battkle cannons woul;d be nice for taking out the destroyers but they will be vulnerable to the destroyers themselves...


Basically ignore the big stuff... Monolith and Night bringer... and focus on killing stuff with the necron rule... kill 75% of that (normally most of that is made up of warriors but in a destroyer heavy army it might not be)...


The real issue is getting to the necrons... sneaky chosen... stuff in rhinos... stuff on bikes... stuff with jump packs...

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Plasma Guns/Melta Guns in Rhinos. Daemon Princes with MoN (to protect against small arms fire). Zerkers with Power Weapon Champions.


Basically, everything Chaos has outclasses Necrons. Nightbringers and Monoliths can't do jack if you eat up anything with the Necron rule.

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Plasma Guns/Melta Guns in Rhinos. Daemon Princes with MoN (to protect against small arms fire). Zerkers with Power Weapon Champions.


Basically, everything Chaos has outclasses Necrons. Nightbringers and Monoliths can't do jack if you eat up anything with the Necron rule.

Plasma go through Necron's armor, but it doesn't go though "We will be back".

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Break out the Zerks.


It has been a while since i have played against necrons but I can tell you what.. a few squads of 8 zerks in a rhino with either a power weapon or a power fist and just shove them down his throught. He wont know what hit him. Do yourself a favor and go pick up a Khârn the betrayer model and throw him and only him at the nightbringer and see how that makes him feel. When you wreck his 200+ point model with your 165 point model. This is also a situation where lesser summoned daemons are useful.. Anything in hand to hand pretty much murders necrons.. Not to mention if you kill the entire squad through sheer volume of attacks they can not get back up. If he is smart he is using a res orb so try and focus on the HQ first. He may also be using the stupid night shroud or whatever it is that allows him to teleport his squad out of close combat anywhere else on the field (normal deepstrike rules apply) They can be a pain in the butt... You just need to stomp them outright.

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Break out the Zerks.


It has been a while since i have played against necrons but I can tell you what.. a few squads of 8 zerks in a rhino with either a power weapon or a power fist and just shove them down his throught. He wont know what hit him. Do yourself a favor and go pick up a Khârn the betrayer model and throw him and only him at the nightbringer and see how that makes him feel. When you wreck his 200+ point model with your 165 point model. This is also a situation where lesser summoned daemons are useful.. Anything in hand to hand pretty much murders necrons.. Not to mention if you kill the entire squad through sheer volume of attacks they can not get back up. If he is smart he is using a res orb so try and focus on the HQ first. He may also be using the stupid night shroud or whatever it is that allows him to teleport his squad out of close combat anywhere else on the field (normal deepstrike rules apply) They can be a pain in the butt... You just need to stomp them outright.


I doubt that Khârn would wreck the Nightbringer... he strikes first but I doubt he will kill the nightbringer in one turn... the Nightbringer however will almost certainly kill Khârn in one turn of combat... However he is good to chuck at a unit of Warriors and he should be able to take a Necron Lord...

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I have only played necrons once and it was before i used chaos. I would take a raider heave list full of bezerkers with a DP with MoN as brother shas pointed out. Then just consetrate on his necrons and slaughter them in close combat. Khârn is always fun so i say give him a try.
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Pick up or borrow the Necron Codex, read up on what truly count as Necrons (hint: not much), target those EXCLUSIVELY, and remember to laugh/smile when you achieve Phase-Out.


Old and broken codex is old and broken.



The only exception to this is if he fields a Destroyer-wing list, which he doesn't appear to be.



My 2 Kraks

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While this look easy to mech up and rush for Necrons, they have Fusions Riffle that can glance all vehicules. Yes, even their basic weapon will glance Raiders, and they bring lot's of them. That's not always easy to move around with LR as they get more shots. They have a decent chance to stun and shake it. Hopefully, once you are close. You know that they'll have troubles. While Monoliths doesn't count for "Phase out", they can teleport Warriors away. That's really nasty.


I find that playing Necrons is a hunting game for their Warriors.

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I play Necrons.... and I play them in 5th and have beaten some of the power armies up. There are ways to win with them in 5th edition but trust me when I say this: The only way to build a truly effective Necron army is to use non-necron units, and then USE these non-necron units to buffer and protect from phase out.


Things like Nightbringer are a big risk for Necron players because guys like mephiston can one shot them out of existence. But the Deceiver is huge. Monoliths are huge for recycling and/or rescuing from close combat. Pariahs DO have limited workability in fear based lists, but they also are not necrons. Tomb Spyders are very important road blocks, but again... they are not necrons.


There are two effective close combat strategies. One is a total blow out assault where you know you can wipe the squad in a turn. (This makes WBB nearly impossible and removes the chance of Mono-jumping).

The second method is to multi-assault as hard as you can across as many units as you can. You use the total combat resolution to force as many break checks as you can.


That's' my two cents. Necrons are terrible to play in 5th but they do have some tricks up their sleeves and if you don't go for the phase out you are really making it more difficult than it has to be. Before the game starts ask your opponent what his phase out is. Look at the squads on the table, and find your quickest route there. It's really underhanded and one of the biggest handcuffs of the codex.... might as well use it.

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Yep, as has been said, CC is key. The Nightbringer isn't really that bad, it's the Deceiver that is a pain since it can choose not to fight you when you charge it, making it impossible to pin down and it charges whatever it wants in turn, causing issues. If he really takes a lot of the big pretty stuff though, he's actually hamstringing himself as warriors are 18(? I think) points a piece and they are still required in pretty large amounts to prevent phase out.


Oh and they are absolutely abysmal in CC, almost any properly kitted Chaos unit will kick the living daylights out of them and force a break check at -3 or more giving you a good chance to wipe em, you do that and there's no monolith gate double WBB tomfoolery to worry about. It requires a bit of luck on your end, but if you can lock 3 or 4 of his units in combat concurrently you will almost certainly win the game unless he has 3 monoliths, but if he does at any reasonable points value he will barely even have those 4 units to lock.

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I wonder how you can loose against such a weak Necron list, unless you play lots of points.


Also breaking Necrons in cc is a good tactic. But dont get to overjoyed on this, a good Necron players will most likely thin your forces down enough so you wont be able to deal that devastating punch in cc.


Also take a look at this vid

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  • 1 month later...
I think you are all missing one extremely one awesome thing in our army the beautiful DEFILER when I play against necrons I bust out 3 of them and necrons wont get the WBB roll if you beat them with 3 strength 8 ap 3 pie plates every turn. you bash them down to the point where they will phase out just kill all off the warriors and anything with the "necron rule" ignore the monogay and the night bringer shoot down the bringer and just sweep up with troops on anything lefft over after the artillery has cleared
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I had my captain(relic blade arti armor), solo(the combat squad he'd been with had been rapidfired by the selfsame unit of warriors...no survivors), charge a 18 man unit of warriors(the turn before it was two units of 10...stupid WBB) that had just been portaled the other night, he killed 4 and took no wounds. Failing the LD test at LD6, they proceeded to fail their initiative test to flee(I2 vs I5) and were cut down. Of course had the unit had a Lord leading it, he would have carved my captain at least a couple new orifices(hooray cheap as chips invuln ignoring CCW?) and may have tied up combat, not to mention allowing them their WBB from his relic blade, but as it is he swept twice his value in troops at least, giving them all no chance at WBB.


Sweeping advance wins vs necron troops(a powerfist should help to ensure you win combats). Go for phaseout and avoid shooting anything that's not a "Necron"(ask your opponent to read the phaseout entry to you also if necessary). Ignore the monolith(it's tough and doesn't contribute to phaseout) unless you can hit it with a S10 DCCW or demolisher, or lots of lascannons(also blew up a monolith with a lucky lascannon shot the same night, but that sole survivor devastator made back the points of the rest of his unit handily). Ignore and avoid any C'tan(they're slow and super hard to kill). If you're playing objectives KILL SCARABS(2+ turboboost save jetbike moving 3W swarm bases contesting your objective, yes they are).


Necrons in general are pretty poor in 5th edition. However, Necrons in the hands of a competent player will be able to win or tie at least 66% of games due to shenanigans.

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