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So I finally got around to modeling an actual Belial. I decided upon using the Space Hulk model I picked up on ebay as the base for Belial, it has a significant amount of embellishments, so I thought it worked. The model was constructed mostly of adding some DA bits (shoulderpads, banner, sword, etc.) but I did try out some green stuffing with creating a cape for him - my first attempt at it. I choose not to go any further though, not adding a robe.

I know many people like characters to be unhelmeted and I think that's the one downside of using this mini. I just didn't want to remove it though, those models are so nicely sculpted, I couldn't bring myself to chop it up any further. But that's okay, Belial didn't rise to the ranks of Master of the Deathwing by charging into the fray without the proper protection... okay, maybe he did back when he was Master of the 3rd Company, but now he's much more careful.

Not quite sure how I'm going to blend the red base of the model into the base itself yet. I might paint the one as a peice of scrap metal, or blend it more into the cork (which will be painted as stone).

So what do you guys think? Does the absence of a robe hurt it? None of my other Deathwing are robed, so I figured why start now.





And here is a comparison shot with his battle brothers...


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I love the space hulk Termies. It's a shame you can't buy the box set anymore =(


Anyways, I'm liking what you've done here a lot!. Great use of bits. Also, for a first time sculpting a cloak with GS, that looks fantastic. I never would have guessed it was a first timers attempt. The first cloak I sculpted was a mess of finger prints and over stretched GS.


My only critique at the moment would be the bit of a mold line I see on the right arm. Other than that slap some paint on this I'm looking forward to it!

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Thanks guys. Yea, I\'ll have to go back over him and check for lines.


As for the cape, I thought the same thing once I had him all together. When I was making the cape, it was just his legs/back, no arms or front toros/head yet. It seemed much bigger until I added the bulk of those massive claws and shoulder pads.


I'd be worried to try and go back and correct it now though. Maybe I could bulk it out with some sort of trim or tassels of some sort. Or maybe just the edition of some longer purity seals trailing off to his left side of the cape - so composition-wise, when you are looking straight at him, you see more filling that negative space between body and arm.

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I'm thinking that maybe rather than enlarging the cape, I could add some sort of streamer like scrolls to each side as in the example -


Just a thought for adding some bulk to that particular area. Of course I could always just redo the cape or use it as a base for expanding it.

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It'll probably look better painted but the space hulk base makes his legs look weird at first glance.

Nice conversion!


Yea, I guess you can say the pose does not photograph well. Because of the running type pose, the legs, especially his right, seem small when photographed straight on.

The pose/perspective is also giving me a hard time with showing up the cape from the front. The cape is actually flowing out behind him a tad, so from a front taken photo it appears thing. At any rate, I decided to go with the suggestions to enlarge the cape, at least slightly.


As I said, from this perspective the cape is obviously larger but still look subtle -


Overall I'm happy with it. I have to finish a few Vets before get to painting this, and of course I may still do some tweaking.

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  • 4 months later...

In light of the new FAQ, I decided to model my command squad with TH/SS. Below is the progress.

The Apoth has a kitbashed searchlight and a servo skull count as narthecium/reductor - obviously the marine will have his hands full, if a squad mate needs a stimpack the servo skull can handle it while in combat. Alternatively, I'd like to think the little guy can also assist with harvesting geneseed. It was really just an interesting conversion facilitated by me not wanting to buy and figure out how to model the actual narthecium on him, I think it works though. The Thunder Flail and Thunder Maul I'm going to explain as relics of the Great Crusade. Yes, I'm sorry, I cut up another beautiful Space Hulk mini, but his level of detail just made sense for this quasi command squad.

They will all eventually get shields akin to that CML fellow on the right.


A closer look at the little port I modeled for the servo skull for when he needs to sync up with the Apoth.


Hopefully we see some paint on them minis soon. ;)

Unfortunately I'm very slow going. I turned my attention to a tactical squad of Consecrators, so the only paint Belial has is a black primer. Then of course I jumped over to this Command squad because I needed to actually be able to field them in some capacity. Now that they are more or less together I'll probably move back to the tac squad which I'm just about painting 6 of.

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