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Ironhands Themed Army


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I have finally forced myself to complete and add to the army to be able to play all sorts of options -- Been working on it for 7 years off an on -- more off than on as I have only played 2 games in that time period.

It wont win any paint awards but draws a lot of attention on the table as a whole.

Trying to get a good group shot of entire force.


If I decide to keep it I have a thunder hawk and some scouts to paint and would like to do an iron father on bike or 2. -- the new FW mk armor and dread really make me want to spend more money.

I intentionally made this army so expensive in the base cost that I would not be inclined to sell it due to not being able to break even much less turn a profit.























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Matching helmets -- matching torsos- guns- backpacks- legs and so on ---


one of the most frustrating aspects of massed combat games is figuring out who goes to what squad in HTH or waiting on some one to move models and then figure out how is who --- This is my solution to keep things simple on the battle field.


the 5 man dev squad with HB is the IW chaos marine head and the other 10 man LC squad head is from marine vehicle sprue

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Nice looking army, I like the matching helmets and shoulderpads, very game friendly.I really like the idea of painting some of the vehicle armor plates black to break up all of that grey, I'm painting my first rhino as I type this and am doing the same thing, glad to see it works out well. I also appreciate all the extra work that went into those bikes adding all those bits, gives a lot of personality to what sometimes comes off as a boring troop choice.
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Huh....so someone out there does like the Iron Hands after all. :P


Great work on these, the use of blue and metallics was a nice touch in particular. There are enough black and white armies out there already.


Interesting conversions as well (i see some mold lines though, tsk tsk!). That one biker, with the storm shield on the side, is that the Ultramarines tank commander character?

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it is the ultramarine tank character guy --


The base color is a americana cheap paint burnt umber over black then heavy dry brush of Tan Earth from model color range.


I am not totally sold on the blue either -- there is always a better color but once I got to about 3 vehicles and 4 squads it made more since to continue than redo -- Now it is what it is

I really liked the painted 2nd ed black Templar's scheme the black with a bright blue gun case and went with something along that line

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