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Two Handed Power Swords


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Okay, so I really want to build a Dark Angles company master with just a power sword/relic blade when I'm using C:SM (the reason just a power sword is because I mostly play small games, I want to stay cheap).

So I want the sword to be two handed, preferably over his head. These are my options as I see it. What do you think the best choice is? Or do you have better suggestions?

Convert Korsarro

Convert the vanguard veteran with relic blade

Convert Ezekiel

Convert Astaroth

Convert Gabriel Seth

Sculpt a model (I have never used green stuff though)

Make from various plastic bits (I was thinking of using the sanguinary guard with double handed power axe thing and converting it to a sword)

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All the metals models you mentioned except the vanguard sarg will require you to be some form of sculpting genius. I strongly recommend the vanguard sarg as his arms are seperate to the body and thus can be put onto any torso you desire. They're also far far far more pose-able than anything else.


Also in his favour is that his sword is bad ass and requires no modification.



Well Astorath and Gabriel Seth would not fit to well I guess.

Astorath has an axe and as I understand you specificly want a sword. He also look pretty not dark angel like with his bloodveine armor.

Seth is a pretty cool model - as far as the body goes. If you paint the wings white they would also fit the dark angel fluff I guess. Problem is he definitely wears a chainsword.


JamesI is right about the blades of the Sanguinary Guard - but looking at the pictures I guess Gabriels hands are way to far apart to fit the short grip of the guards swords in.




Just found this one while comparing the pictures: maybe it is an inspiration ^^


Hahaha. Finally found it.


Created + Painted by a friend of mine - SideshowScott on this forum. Its (one) of his captains, and has a relic blade and jump pack, but it has the vanguard Sergeants power sword as suggested by LardO'Blood:




*edit* picture didnt work, put as a link instead *edit*


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