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Your intended chapters

Dark Apostle Thirst

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I know I have several chapters whirling around in the back of my head. I know that Ace has a couple by his sig, and so do others... So I started this thread to post your intended DIY chapter's names, colour schemes, and what geneseed they use. No geneseed bashing, not even if they are traitorous or Space Wolves. It would also help if you made a brief description on their character as well.


I'll wait until this thread gets attention until I post my own... Speak, my friends! :yes:

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I am currently working on two chapters. The first one i started already posting in the liber, but is currently completely reworked.

They will be Iron Hand successors that have fallen to tzeentch, in there search of improving there mind and defeating there flesh.

The second one is a chapter that has partly fallen to slaanesh, but turned against there corrupted brothers and are now on a hate driven rampage crusade, hating every one even the imperium (because they destroyed there homeworld). They will likely have Ultra or Dark Angels genseed.


Sadly i have no good names for both of them yet, but will perhaps ask the liber for help in this subject.

As they both change they will have two paint-schemes. The Tzeentch chapter will be simply metall with a colorful gloom (going for the change aspect of Tzeentch) in the end. And the second chapter will stop cleaning there armor so they will be very dirty and muddy, with the old scheme shining partly through.

If not space marines projects count too:

I also plan on doing a beastman mercenary clan. they will be used as captain shrike with scouts, for running through cover and being harder as normal humans, preferring shock attacks. They will not be chaotic, but will sell to the highest bidder, but not jeopardize there existence.

Sure, why not.


EDIT: Updated the colour scheme because I don't want my spine used as a flail. :P

Probably not final design, but a bit of an improvement.

These are the Steel Dragons, an Iron Hands successor who conduct lightning warfare, hitting the enemy with everything they have almost at the same time (bombing runs by thunderhawks and artillery strikes from Thunderfire cannons, followed extremely closely by the reckless charging of, well, everything else)

They don't play nice with others, and absolutely despise anyone who dares interefere in their combat zones, the implication being that the Steel Dragons are thus too weak to complete their missions alone. Their hatred of weakness makes them borderline psychotic, and in the event of marines not performing to their personal insanely high standards, they punish themselves and push themselves even further in training.

Their geneseed is Iron Hands, and a bit mutated, causing occasional failures of organs, something which just serves to infuriate the Steel Dragons even further.

Their homeworld will basically be a blend of chinese and japanese cultures, although probably without the samurai. :D



And these are the Twilight Talons. I'm considering renaming them the Penumbral Talons, or something else that implies both light and darkness. :)

EDIT: Heru's scheme kicked the stuffing out of my earlier effort, so I'm stealing his idea. ;)

They're a DA successor with more than the usual number of psykers. They've fought the Eldar pretty much since their inception as a chapter, and the high number of Librarians is partially a response to that, to ward off the psychic attacks. On the flip side, they've been accused of sorcery on occasion, and although they've undertaken several penitent crusades, they still come under occasional Inquisitorial scrutiny.

They always have at least one Librarian with them when they fight; to start with this was to aid against the Eldar, and slowly became traditionalised into a sort of ritual that the TT/PT refuse to break from. Oddly though, the chapter has a dislike of excessive psyker activity, and sees it as a necessary evil.

The Twilight/Penumbral Talons have 12 companies. Only the first (veterans) and twelfth (scouts) number a hundred marines, the other ten are made up of 80 marines, and only three of them are reserve companies. This is mostly so that they can cover more ground to search for the Fallen, but began a way of engaging the Eldar on multiple fronts more easily.

Regarding their homeworld, I intend to have them recruit from a place that reflects the nature of the Chapter. So in short, a good, well-developed world with plenty of recruits who are both strong of body and mind, but once you get past the gloss of the place, it'll have a dark side.

Also, their homeworld is going to have vaguely French sound to the names, but only because there aren't too many French Marines about. :P


And that's what I'm working on in the background. :sick:


Viator, Tactical Marine


The Viators. Descended from the Iron Hands, they are a relatively high-tech Chapter. Chapter's theatre of operation and homeworld is in the Veiled Region, isolating them from the rest of the Imperium aside from a few Mechanicus enclaves. Share their parent chapter's beliefs (Iron Fathers). Otherwise, they follow the Codex Astartes. They have a eugenics program of the homeworld (Civilized World) breeding the population into the best Space Marine candidates possible. Obsessed with purity, but bear no grudge against psykers, since the Emperor was also a psyker. Chapter symbol is a black sun (occult symbol).



Sons of Nemea, Tactical Marine


Spartans in space. Descended from the Ultramarines via the Sons of Orar. Chaplains are known as Heraclidae, don't see eye-to-eye with the Ecclesiarchy. Share many traditions with the Ultramarines (like the gladius, only Nemeans call it the xiphos). Merciless, brutal, and very proud. Chapter symbol is a red lambda.



Howling Angels, Eagle Warrior


Aztecs in space. Descended from Blood Angels. Organized into warrior societies, i.e., Eagle Warriors=Assault Squads, Jaguar Warriors=Scout Squads, Otomies=Vanguard Veterans, Shorn Ones=Death Company. Prefer close combat, and HAET Orks with a passion.


EDIT: Damn, this is a really long post.

Spartans in space. Descended from the Ultramarines via the Sons of Orar. Chaplains are known as Heraclidae, don't see eye-to-eye with the Ecclesiarchy. Share many traditions with the Ultramarines (like the gladius, only Nemeans call it the xiphos). Merciless, brutal, and very proud. Chapter symbol is a red lambda


Remind you of anyone, Ace? <_<

Spartans in space. Descended from the Ultramarines via the Sons of Orar. Chaplains are known as Heraclidae, don't see eye-to-eye with the Ecclesiarchy. Share many traditions with the Ultramarines (like the gladius, only Nemeans call it the xiphos). Merciless, brutal, and very proud. Chapter symbol is a red lambda


Remind you of anyone, Ace? ;)

The Spartans? ;) Why do people only read what they want to read and ignore a clearly stated source... <_<


The only thing you might be talking about is the Red Lords, who have Corax's geneseed and are known for extensive usage of whirlwinds + magedoses of purity.

I will just post the list of IA articles in various stages of work or different drafs of the same on my PC. The number in brackets is the number of different drafts.



BA/Sons of Amit (2)

DA/Angels of Malediction (3)

UM/Vanquishers (5)

Mix/Crimson Giants(IT) (1)

UM/Midnight Guard (2)

???/Light Bearers (7)

MLeg/Emerald Legion (1)

???/Grey Falcons (11)

SoH/Saggitarians(IT) (2)

IF/Fists of Vengence (1)

UM/Incendiators (2)

BA/Crimson Falcons (1)

SA/Monitors (3)

UM/Eagles of Prandium (1)

UM/Scions of Ultramar (1)



White Templars (3)

Destroyers (14)

Angels Vermillion (1)

Iron Warriors(IT) (4)

Wolf Brothers (1)

Patriarchs of Ulixis (1)

I have a week off work next week, so I may actually get time enough to be able to do the Steel Wings and the Bahltimyr Reavers justice B)


However, I may still put them on the back burner and have a go at something else entirely because, despite making extensive notes etc, I've lost my way on them both a little and want to start a new new Chapter altogether. Not sure about specifics (Geneseed, Loyalist/Traitor etc) though.....

:: Looks at Ace's colour schemes ::

I take it that means you approve and you can't take your eyes off them. :(


...Or not. <_<


:: Looks at Ace's colour schemes ::


What ... the first is nice, the second ... well I won't even talk about it. (you said no geneseed bashing, said nothing about color scheme bashing :P )

Feel free to criticize them. The Emperor knows I do that enough people that I deserve everyone else's revenge. :D

The TT/PT scheme is going to be half light, half dark, and since I like blue, that's what I went with. The purple I might change, if I can find a better colour.


And the Steel Dragons' scheme I'm actually pretty darn pleased with, although I might make all of the torso armour orange (instead of just the top) and maybe make the soft armour darker.


Spartans in space. Descended from the Ultramarines via the Sons of Orar. Chaplains are known as Heraclidae, don't see eye-to-eye with the Ecclesiarchy. Share many traditions with the Ultramarines (like the gladius, only Nemeans call it the xiphos). Merciless, brutal, and very proud. Chapter symbol is a red lambda


Remind you of anyone, Ace? ;)

Reminds me of plenty of DIY's, actually.

None of mine, though. My only UM sucessor is a semi-crusading, non-codex chapter who prides themselves on going any distance to help a brother astartes and have a vaguely generic-desert-culture theme going on.


Who is it meant to remind me of? :huh:

Alright, I have decided to present three (er, 2 and 1/2?) IAs, and three color schemes for each chapter involved...

First off - the Angels of Adamantium, pure jump pack chapter who are descended from the Iron Hands. Have obsession with speed, which results in a mix between Astarte's reflexes and the speed of pistons in mechanical limbs.


Second and a half off - The Lords of Shadow, who have an intense brotherhood with the Hunters of Truth (DA successors), so much that half their color scheme is the same green of the Hunters. When they discovered they had traitor geneseed, it was the Hunters of Truth who helped them and suggested that they take the path the Dark Angels do - hiding their shame and hunting down those who have betrayed the Emperor.

Lords of Shadow


Hunters of Truth


:: Looks at Ace's colour schemes ::

I take it that means you approve and you can't take your eyes off them. ;)

...Or not. :P

:: Eyes Ace's spine ::

Feel free to criticize them. The Emperor knows I do that enough people that I deserve everyone else's revenge. :D

The TT/PT scheme is going to be half light, half dark, and since I like blue, that's what I went with. The purple I might change, if I can find a better colour.

The colour choices are alright (it kind of gives a Transformers: Decepticons feel), it's just the placement that is completely wrong. The way you have them is jarring and over excessive, it also doesn't help that you just use the white background (gridded helps the eyes focus on the design).

Another thing you tend to do is colour the soft armour and piping. No Chapter in their right mind would bother doing that, you can't paint it as it's flexable (which in certain enviroments would make the paint flex off or compromise the part's flexibility) and having it produced in those colours is resource wasteful, considering that those areas most likely get replaced allot (due to being weaker than ceramite plating). Then there is the grill, which you wouldn't paint either because if a marine needs to switch to using that for air intake and it's clogged with paint, he is going to have a problem. Their colouration shouldn't really be part of the scheme, and you don't really want to draw the eye to those sections (tactically or aesthetically).

In my first saved painter selection, I have those bits pre-coloured and the grid pre-added, so I don't treat a fully white marine as my starting point. That saves me from trying to do silly things with those bits.

Helmet pipes and grill = Chainmail

Abdomen pipes = Charadon Granite

Soft armour = Chaos Black

Finally there is the issue with not committing to the scheme, if you are going to do halved, commit to it. Don't go making the shoulder trims and wrists the colour of the other side, it just makes it look disorganized.

Now this is my take.


Note: I also flipped the colours around because something just didn't sit right with them the other way.

And the Steel Dragons' scheme I'm actually pretty darn pleased with, although I might make all of the torso armour orange (instead of just the top) and maybe make the soft armour darker.

I guess I just don't like the whole painting only the top half of the torso thing. It reminds me of those old pop-culture (80s/90s?) half tank-tops that nowadays are kept alive by the stereotype gay culture...

Mentorizing it (as in the Mentor Chapter colour placement style):


Feel free to do with all that as you will.

:: Toys with the spine-flail ::

Edit: :: Looks at DAT's schemes ::

I think you like teal too much. ;)

:: Eyes Ace's spine ::

Aww crap. :)


Another thing you tend to do is colour the soft armour and piping. No Chapter in their right mind would bother doing that, you can't paint it as it's flexable (which in certain enviroments would make the paint flex off or compromise the part's flexibility) and having it produced in those colours is resource wasteful, considering that those areas most likely get replaced allot (due to being weaker than ceramite plating). Then there is the grill, which you wouldn't paint either because if a marine needs to switch to using that for air intake and it's clogged with paint, he is going to have a problem. Their colouration shouldn't really be part of the scheme, and you don't really want to draw the eye to those sections (tactically or aesthetically).


While that is indeed common sense, I find that common sense and 40k don't always blend together well. :P

Also, I personally really dislike colouring the soft armour black, even on my real-life marines. (I use dark blue instead, which would look awesome if I could paint worth a damn)


I tell you what though, that scheme you've done for the 'Talons is pure magic - consider that swiped. :lol:

The Dragons' one, though, that'll go back to the drawing board a bit. I think having the belt and codpiece is brown rather than orange might work better, but I'll throw a few other ideas around and see what I get. ^_^

Well just cause you asked I have (from likelyhood to ever have a IA done down)


1. Iron Dragons - Already started. An arthurian themed traitor Chapter.

2. Exculpators - A Crusading Chapter whom believes they have to, by their action, atone for the sins of man and the general weakness of man.

3. Sons of Bennu/Eternal Legion - Again started already.

4. Chevaliers - A Chapter based off the the ideals of French nobility/knighthood, whom use the SW Codex for heros leading units of aspiring heros, basically.

5. The Black Lamenters - A Adeptus Praeses Chapter whom got stomped by Chaos and are now basically a Chapter of Chaplains.

6. Angels of Evisceration - read Flesh Tearers by adifferent name (with slight Angel conotations)

7. The Angels of Decay - Nurgle Ultramarines

8. The Paladins Sanguine - Khorney (heh) Blood Angels with a knightly kick.

9. The Illuminated - A cultish/Word Bearer Tzeentch Chapter

10. The Disciples of Ariah - Slaneesh warband.

11. The Leopards Argent - A Chapter based of me...


Note that the Chapters, for the most part, get less well developed as the list gets further down.

Heh, and I thought I was going to be busy. ;)

Some of you guys have a lot more chapters than me.


Granted, I haven't posted anything about the Beige Templars, Emperor's Gardeners, Brawling Eagles, Sanguinary Bees, Evil Hair Marines, Explosive Cougars or the Horrible Bar Stewards. But frankly, you're better off not knowing anything about any of them. :P


And besides, I'm sure if posted even more zany colour-schemes, Heru would pull my spine out for real. ;)

Although I do have a potentially badass concept for another serious chapter, I should at least finish writing about one of the other six before I even start on a new one. :)

Who is it meant to remind me of?


My previous "attempt" which you critiqued famously... Spartans in space...lambda...oh why did I mention it? :wallbash:

Well I suppose it was a long time ago...


The Spartans? Why do people only read what they want to read and ignore a clearly stated source...


Pardon? ;) I don't understand what you mean; I was just asking Mr. Debonair whether or not he remembered a certain IA, that's all.

Granted, I haven't posted anything about the Beige Templars, Emperor's Gardeners, Brawling Eagles, Sanguinary Bees, Evil Hair Marines, Explosive Cougars or the Horrible Bar Stewards. But frankly, you're better off not knowing anything about any of them. :wallbash:


To be honest, I know about the above than I ever have about my own Chapters.


Emphasis mine.

Who is it meant to remind me of?

My previous "attempt" which you critiqued famously... Spartans in space...lambda...oh why did I mention it? :wallbash:

Well I suppose it was a long time ago...

I'm going to assume I gave you a traditional Liber welcome, back in the day. ;)


Granted, I haven't posted anything about the Beige Templars, Emperor's Gardeners, Brawling Eagles, Sanguinary Bees, Evil Hair Marines, Explosive Cougars or the Horrible Bar Stewards. But frankly, you're better off not knowing anything about any of them. :P


To be honest, I know about the above than I ever have about my own Chapters.


Emphasis mine.

Just be glad you don't know as much as I do. :P

Who is it meant to remind me of?

My previous "attempt" which you critiqued famously... Spartans in space...lambda...oh why did I mention it? :wallbash:

Well I suppose it was a long time ago...

I'm going to assume I gave you a traditional Liber welcome, back in the day. ;)


I remember that! I'm pretty sure that is one I gave a miss because of certain.. Creative differences; I couldn't think of anything nice to say :P

I've got a number IA/ITs that could use expansion, and none in the Librarium yet. However, the only one that doesn't have a color scheme and fairly established article are the Red Bruins. They are based on Pacific Northwest indigenous culture, most specifically Tlingit. Their color scheme is going to include black and read, much to Octavulg's dismay. See the link in the link in my sig if you care.


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