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Your intended chapters

Dark Apostle Thirst

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The Ice Lords are probably the most done - they still get occasional refinements, but they're solid enough and in the Librarium.


The Bronze Prophets have gone through several drafts, and are close to a 'final' version.


The Stone Hearts are simultaneously fairly solid and nowhere near done. I have much, much more I want to do with them, and just need to figure out how to fit it all.


The Steel Dogs are being worked on, though I may rework them in the new FW format. It suits them decently.


I have an unnamed IT I have a concept for, but I need to come up with a lot more details for them.


And I have a few concepts kicking around that may find their way into Chapters again.

I'm going to assume I gave you a traditional Liber welcome, back in the day.


Yes, you certainly did... :P


I remember that! I'm pretty sure that is one I gave a miss because of certain.. Creative differences; I couldn't think of anything nice to say

Oh I see :wallbash:

Thank you very much for not doing so! I probably wouldn't be here today! ;)

God, if we are talking about chapters we have started then I have a lot of horror stories, especially from the early days. So, gentlemen of Liber, listen up to how the person who preaches about the pitfalls of making a DIY chapter found out about those pitfalls...


Cypher's Angels - A chapter dedicated to the work of Cypher. The plan was that he came down and talked to the CM of a new chapter, convinced him that his plans were good. They managed to convert the local populace and the chapter when the CM sprouted wings (hey, this was way back before the Blood Angel novels).


Ferrata's Legion - Extremely roman-esque chapter and the origin of my username. A chapter decimated down to the last company after a brutal Ork attack on their homeworld (in the Short Stories section there are stories under the name of Emperor's Tears that were originally for Ferrata's Legion). They became uber-city experts and close to their parent chapter, the Imperial Fists. They became so close to the Fists that when they decimated they almost acted as the 11th Company of the Fists. Origin of the Orange colour scheme for my main chapter.


Vulkan's Guard - Now onto my Salamander's obsession for a short while. Fast-attack Salamanders with the heavy use of bikes and armoured vehicles. Was planning on using the VDR rules to make flamer Predators, Rhinoes and Land Raiders.


Wings of Death - I put them here because they have gone through many redrafts that almost makes them different chapters. I've had them abandoned by the Imperium on a drifting Battle Barge, heartless bastards who kill anyone who would run with the catchy tagline of "The Emperor will not save you now!". At least these finally got to a decent near-end version.


Disciples of Man - The good to the evil of the Wings. Never completed because it requires me to complete the Wings IA first.


Basilisks of Man - A cursed founding chapter that has auto-repairing brothers. However, due to the damage caused by their super-immune system, only one of their gene-seeds work. The chapter is slowly dying.


Death Hounds - A chapter so barbariac that it puts the Space Wolves to shame. I think I wrote a mini-IA for them for the Iron Man challenges.


And, I have to mention this chapter because it was the single most awesome idea ever and one I cannot take credit for. It was the brain child of Rogue Trader, a man many of you will not remember. The "Buttercup" Marines started life as a Blood Angel chapter that had found a way to remote trigger the Black Rage, so a sergeant could trigger his men to fall (almost like Inquisitors can trigger the things I have forgot the name for). The Buttercup term came from a joke about the enemy recovering the trigger word, that happened to be buttercup, and then playing Build Me Up Buttercup on the loudspeakers.


I hope this brightened up everyones night.

Yes, you certainly did... :D

Well, at least you survived.

And we did have a few spare bionic legs kicking about, so you probably hardly even had to wait for one. :P


I remember that! I'm pretty sure that is one I gave a miss because of certain.. Creative differences; I couldn't think of anything nice to say

Oh I see :wallbash:

Thank you very much for not doing so! I probably wouldn't be here today! :o

I'm sure it wasn't that bad.


...Reasonably sure.



And, I have to mention this chapter because it was the single most awesome idea ever and one I cannot take credit for. It was the brain child of Rogue Trader, a man many of you will not remember. The "Buttercup" Marines started life as a Blood Angel chapter that had found a way to remote trigger the Black Rage, so a sergeant could trigger his men to fall (almost like Inquisitors can trigger the things I have forgot the name for). The Buttercup term came from a joke about the enemy recovering the trigger word, that happened to be buttercup, and then playing Build Me Up Buttercup on the loudspeakers.


I hope this brightened up everyones night.

;) Magnificent. :P


Reminds me a bit of my Sanguinary Bees, who can manually choose to enter the Black Rage, but invariably die a couple of hours after doing so.

The first of my chapters are the Sons of Redemption who are descended from the Iron Hands via the gene-seed of the Red Talons. There IA has been reworked and is currently awaiting criticism.


The second of my chapters is the War Saints who are descended from the Ultramarines. They are an arrogant knightly chapter. There IA is being reworked.


The third of my chapters are the Prophets of Nightmare. A traitor chapter that are a warband descended from the Alpha Legion. They are still very WIP.


The fourth chapter is relatively new. They are also traitors that worhsip Slaanesh. The working name is the Terror Artisans. They are still very WIP.


The fifth chapter is also relatively new. However, I have been thinking of it for a long time. They are currently descendants of the Dark Angels. However, this is subject to change. Guerilla specialists. So far they are known as the Bleak Sons.


The sixth are going to be Khorne worshippers. Still WIP. They are known as the Annihilation Legion.


Yes, you certainly did... ;)

Well, at least you survived.

And we did have a few spare bionic legs kicking about, so you probably hardly even had to wait for one. B)


Thats very re-assuring....


I hope this brightened up everyones night.

Yes, you sure did ;)

Yes, you certainly did... ;)

Well, at least you survived.

And we did have a few spare bionic legs kicking about, so you probably hardly even had to wait for one. B)


Thats very re-assuring....

Hey, it coulda been worse. For my welcoming gift, I got a rusty leg that squeaks in wet weather or when I'm going up or down stairs.

And all I did was say hello. ;)

Yes, you certainly did... :D

Well, at least you survived.

And we did have a few spare bionic legs kicking about, so you probably hardly even had to wait for one. :lol:


Thats very re-assuring....

Hey, it coulda been worse. For my welcoming gift, I got a rusty leg that squeaks in wet weather or when I'm going up or down stairs.

And all I did was say hello. :D


I don't remember the "My First Time" in the Liber*.



*Must stop Italiscizing that....

Yes, you certainly did... :D

Well, at least you survived.

And we did have a few spare bionic legs kicking about, so you probably hardly even had to wait for one. ;)


Thats very re-assuring....

Hey, it coulda been worse. For my welcoming gift, I got a rusty leg that squeaks in wet weather or when I'm going up or down stairs.

And all I did was say hello. ;)


I don't remember the "My First Time" in the Liber*.

I remember my first attempt at a chapter over at Warseer... They were the Angels of Adamantium... They had a small system that they recruited from and had jump pack equipped Devastators.


Good times... I got eaten alive :D


I'll post a couple more chapters on my mind. I actually have one less to do, thanks to mon ami Mechanicum.

My DIY chapter are very much in the vein of "haven't got round to doing it yet" as it's been an idea I've had on and off for the last 20 odd years. Anyway, I have a name at last (The White Tigers) and some IA fluff that is coming together better than I thought. The IA guides by Ferrata and Octavulg are bedtime reading for me at the mo :D

I'd post the colour schemes but I'd need more than one post (silly image limits).

So schemes are here:

Loyalists and Renegades



Falcon Knights: My first Chapter, it has gone through numerous evolutions:

From "Purple Claws the Secret Legion",

to Warp Falcons "who had 7,000+ guys at the start that split into several successor Chapters",

then to Black Falcons "who had too many friends and tried too hard to work a name change".

Now they are a Ultramarine successor White Knight Chapter* that very recently (as in the 40k timeline) became a penitent Black Knight Chapter. All thanks to Extinction Agenda (see below) turning their beloved families against them, and then smashing them with the Extinction Curse*** (it took special intervention to break the curse).


* = Human friendly Salamander style, except still very linked to their original families. Also includes a prejudice towards those without families (orphans etc).


** = Still loyal to the Imperium, but now views everyone else with contempt especially regular "weak willed" humans. Share a similar attitude to the Marines Malevolent, except for the psyker hate.


*** = Used on multiple Chapters to varying effects, the other big name one is my Immortals.



Iron Raptors: Iron Hand successors through my Imperial Monarchs Chapter. They have a in slow progress IA. Basically they work closely with the Ad Mech to recover everything STC related. They have allot of influences tied into them, particularly dilluted Scottish.



Imperial Monarchs: Iron Hand successors (directly). Born in the 3rd Founding as a way of getting rid of those who thought the Iron Hands should give up their Clan company differences, so the Chapter would work more in unison. As a result the Imperial Monarchs are heavily non-Codex, and focus each Company on certain specializations, forcing the Companies to be more dependant on each other. When the Chapter sends troops to war it builds Taskforces led by temporary position Battle Captains (not related to the Company Captain position), comprising of units from each Company chosen for a certain goal.



Onyx Warlords: White Scars successors by way of the Storm Lords. Really complex Chapter, based partly on Warhammer Fantasy's Warriors of Chaos (thus diluted Vikings - unlike Space Wolves). Became heavily non-Codex over time. Was really Imperial Loyal despite worshipping the Gods of their homeworld*. Subject to numerous Inquisitorial investigations**, thanks to some of their Companies not playing nice with others. Current timeline they are traitor after they enacted vengeance on everyone involved in purging their homeworld (purged by an Inquisitor with Eccesliarchy, Astartes, Sorotias and Imperial Guard backing to protect the Chapter from "heretical influences"). I'm having too much fun with their loyalist time period though.


* = Explained away by each Grand Warlord (Chapter Master) as "aspects of the Emperor's Warrior nature".


** = The Grand Warlords become good at assigning the Inquisitors to the more normal Companies (like the Warmachines, and the Deathdealers).



The Immortals: Imperial Fist successor (haven't decided their geneline yet). Still heavily WIP in terms to homeworld and character. They were also hit by Extinction Agenda's Extinction Curse (along with their successor Chapter the Myrmidons), they though haven't been freed from it and suffer diluted effects. Unlike the Blood Angels genecurse, they don't fall to it's effects. They either suffer the curse (thus being unpredictably aggressive) or embrace it (becoming uncontrollable but virtually unstoppable). Those who embrace it become the Forsaken, and a locked away when not in battle.



Darkwatch: Dark Angels successor through the Angels of Vengeance. They are stationed along the Northern edge of the Astronomicon, where officially they watch for threats entering the Galaxy from the North or popping up in the border systems. Unofficially as members of the Unforgiven they watch for members of the Fallen seeking to sneak back into the Galaxy or attempting to hide in the border systems. They have allot of minor listening posts spread all along the edge, and their primary bases*


* =

+ The Watchtower: A massive immobile space fortress and monitoring station that sits out in the void between star systems (not the Galactic void). It has enough space to house the entire Chapter's assets and personnel.

+ Centurion: A base hidden within one of the thirteen moons of a Gas giant in an unpopulated star system (where they take the Fallen they capture).

+ Deadfall: The Darkwatch's primary recruiting world (it is a cowboy world :down: ).



Panther Warriors: Heavily WIP Chapter, based on the Black Templars organization wise (Crusader squads, lack of Devastators etc) except their Chapter is more Codex (ten Companies of one hundred marines etc). Very African tribal theme, they replace The Emperor's Champion with a Shaman, the Marshal rank with Chieftain and the Apothecary rank with Witch Doctor. They are a re-working of my old Void Talons Chapter. Don't know their geneline yet.



Black Wasps: A Current era Renegade Chapter (ie just turning). Created for a world wide campaign idea I had awhile back. Inspired by the original bad guys from the Astartes Vocates project, gonzilla's (SP?) Forge Knights and the Astral Claws / Red Corsairs. Personally I think Forge World got a couple of their new Astral Claws ideas from them ("The now Kal Nimrod violated the rules of the Codex Astartes building his Chapter up to a strength of 200%")... my blog is the 8th most viewed blog on the B+C after-all (17572 Views)*.


* = "Yes we all know I am a paranoid ego maniac... don't make me hit you with my spinal flail!"

On this subject though, I do think Forge World lifted the method of Successor Chapters (and other things) from the B+C (just like Relic lifted the B+C painter image for their painter templates).



Extinction Agenda: "SEcrets aNd l1es, seCrets anD lieS!!!"



Wolves of Horus: A greater Warband that serves under Extinction Agenda, their members are ex-Black Legion led by a mysterious figure known as "Horus the Reborn". Rumour has it that he is possibly a clone of Horus who survived the Black Legion's purge of the Emperor's Children's like Horus cloning project.



The Bloodborn: A greater Warband of Khorne worshippers that also serves under Extinction Agenda. Led by Barak the Blasphemer reputed to have been the first marine to worship Khorne (he was a Word Bearer who worshipped Khorne in secret before the Heresy).



The Knights of Excess: Yet another greater Warband that serves under Extinction Agenda (all my traitor Warbands do). The worship Slaanesh. They are led by Kyros the Decadent, and well he is so very undiscussable* on a "family friendly forum".


* = I know that isn't a word, I just can't think of the word that means the same thing yet keeps that sentence together...



The Blight: Nurgle version of the above greater Warbands that serve under Extinction Agenda. Led by Anhakar the Foul.



Wicked Gods: Part Red Corsair inspired, part Iron Gods inspired. The largest greater Warband that serves under Extinction Agenda. Led by Karam Gruul, The Hand of Death (their version of Huron) and Namtar the Master of Flesh (their version of Fabius Bile). The Latter actually studied under Bile at one point, as well as the Flesh Smiths of Commissar Molotov's Harvesters and the Dark Eldar Haemonculi.



Blood Kings: Traitor Chapter that serves under Extinction Agenda. Surprisingly not a Blood Angel successor or Khorne worshippers (they are more Undivided). Led by Moagim the Faceless Terror (Daemon Prince who used to be their Chapter Master).



And that is the major players. There is also a number of names and schemes who likely won't go much further than that, mostly predecessor Chapters like the Bronze Raptors (predecessor to the Falcon Knights) and successors like the Silver Scorpions (Falcon Knight successor) and the Forge Knights (Black Wasps successor, homage to gonzilla's old Traitor Chapter of the same name).

Merchant Marines, heavily dispersed across the galaxy in the protection of VVIP deliveries, Rogue Traders, Inquisitors, and Imperial dignitaries.


The Paradoxals, servants of Tzeentch and Khorne, who use trickery to enter battle unseen and yet herald it with a great explosion of blood in the midst of the enemy.


I remember my first attempt at a chapter over at Warseer... They were the Angels of Adamantium... They had a small system that they recruited from and had jump pack equipped Devastators.


Good times... I got eaten alive :lol:

::Evil Grin::

Yes, I remember these guys.

My new chapter the Void Wolves (name still WiP but want wolves in there)


Using Ragnar's company shoulder pads for the Chapter Symbol. I know its very similar to the IF colour scheme but in practice its a fair bit darker, especially after Ink washing.

Not entirely sure on the Geneseed stock yet but my old army was White Scars so leaning towards using them even though I plan on them being pretty much the polar opposite in terms of TT tactics. They have a 'pack' mentality, fielding as many marines as possible (4 tac squads in my 1k list, 5 in my 1.5k and 6 in my 2k list) and working together to bring down their targets.

Better get back on topic! :tu:


My intended chapters are:

- Scythebearers (obviously) - The IA is still in the cookpot at the moment with ideas brewing and being tossed around with some friends. They will be Codex-compliant with a few interesting twists.

- Axes of Remus - Massive Roman influence, but not in the ways you would think... very basic concepts thought out, but there won't be any development on these guys until after the Scythebearers are done.

Well, I hope to start a DIY chapter called the Storm Ravens around the same time I start getting some minis for them. Got a backstory planned out for them, but I plan to use some battles as inspiration.

Welcome to the B&C!

Storm Ravens...hmm...where have I heard that name before? Ah yes - you might know this already, but there is a character called Jagrelli Skyhammer from that Chapter in a White Dwarf article that talked about Apocalypse datasheets for Space Marines. He apparently pioneered the Suppression Force which consists of Whirlwinds and Land Speeders.

Thought that might be useful :)

Well, I hope to start a DIY chapter called the Storm Ravens around the same time I start getting some minis for them. Got a backstory planned out for them, but I plan to use some battles as inspiration.

Welcome to the B&C!

Storm Ravens...hmm...where have I heard that name before? Ah yes - you might know this already, but there is a character called Jagrelli Skyhammer from that Chapter in a White Dwarf article that talked about Apocalypse datasheets for Space Marines. He apparently pioneered the Suppression Force which consists of Whirlwinds and Land Speeders.

Thought that might be useful :)


Thanks, I'll see if I can work that in. I don't plan to use Whirlwinds or Land Speeders though, at least for a while.

Well I have a few IA floating around already, most notably the Angels of Perdition who are a brotherhood of relentless warrior-monks obsessed with keeping their minds in strong and psychological warfare.


Other than that I have a few projects I'm working on. I don't have any color schemes yet, but thats ok. :)


First is the Hellhounds. They are descendants of the Lion, but are a far-cry from the DA and most other Unforgiven chapters. They are violent, rough, loud, rowdy, and fiercely independent thugs living at the galaxy's edge. Their equivalent of the Ravenwing is basically a bunch of outcast privateers who operate almost completely apart from the rest of the chapter.


Second, the Marines Ascendant (name is WIP). They are definitely deep, deep, deep in the work in progress stage. The basic idea is Iron Hands, Raven Guard, or maybe Dorn successors who were devastated by losses defending a Forge World and cut off from most Imperial support caused by a mix of their own pride and outside betrayal. Instead of going the usual route and hating everyone or whatever, they become very close with the Adeptus Mechanicus in some good and bad ways and become withdrawn from the rest of the Imperium. Not enough to be called renegades but some people in power don't particularly like the fact the the Admech has some new lapdogs.


Lastly is something I'd like to call Project Mercury. That name is also a work in progress, but I won't get into much more than that. ;)


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