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Your intended chapters

Dark Apostle Thirst

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I remember my first attempt at a chapter over at Warseer... They were the Angels of Adamantium... They had a small system that they recruited from and had jump pack equipped Devastators.


Good times... I got eaten alive :Troops:

::Evil Grin::

Yes, I remember these guys.

I remember that you were there, too... And MaDdoctoR, and Jlmb_0127 (I think, I don't remember exact username numbers and capitilizations), and some guy with an avatar of a space marine sitting on a toilet reading White Dwarf.


I only remember those two (that is, Jlmb and Maddoctor) because they actually tried to help me, and the toilet guy because he was the first to reply to the thing and totally chewed me out. Jlmb actually pointed me to the DIYing guide here which led to me becoming a user here and being heavily involved in the Liber. I hold those two as examples of how you should... be? with authours with poor DIYs.

Second, the Legio Invictus (name is WIP). They are definitely deep, deep, deep in the work in progress stage. The basic idea is Iron Hands, Raven Guard, or maybe Dorn successors who were devastated by losses defending a Forge World and cut off from most Imperial support caused by a mix of their own pride and outside betrayal. Instead of going the usual route and hating everyone or whatever, they become very close with the Adeptus Mechanicus in some good and bad ways and become withdrawn from the rest of the Imperium. Not enough to be called renegades but some people in power don't particularly like the fact the the Admech has some new lapdogs.

You might want to read Titanicus for all things dealing with the Legio Invictus :Troops:


Seriously, don't name your chapter "Legio" anything. Legio is used to denote Titan forces.

Seriously, don't name your chapter "Legio" anything.

er....Legio B&C? :)

I assume you haven't seen our numerous Titan hangers. :)

This is a typo, of course. He means a Titan Hangovers. ;)


*ouch* Thats harsh...I always imagined Octavulg or someone else hitting the bottle while in a Warlord... :)

Seriously, don't name your chapter "Legio" anything.

er....Legio B&C? :)

I assume you haven't seen our numerous Titan hangers. :)

This is a typo, of course. He means a Titan Hangovers. ;)


*ouch* Thats harsh...I always imagined Octavulg or someone else hitting the bottle while in a Warlord... :)

No no no, I meant the Titan coat hangers! You know for hanging your Titan on. Anyways the Titan closest (where you hang the Titan coat hangers) is over here.

Well, I rediscovered my old Brawling Eagles colours:


The vague idea behind the chapter was that they were frankly embarassed by their colour-scheme, but can't change it because one of the HLoT or someone else important picked it.

So, other marines insult them. And then the Brawling Eagles, well, brawl with them. Hence the gradual slide of the chapter's name from Soaring Eagles to Brawling Eagles, even on official documents.

So, other marines insult them. And then the Brawling Eagles, well, brawl with them. Hence the gradual slide of the chapter's name from Soaring Eagles to Brawling Eagles, even on official documents.


My chapters will join the insulting :eek

See you in the brawl, then. :P

Which of my Chapters do you want to fight first?


I'm sure the 'pastel marines' can't be that hard to beat. :P


Ever heard of the Devils of Del'agro?

They said that, too. :huh:


So did the Obsidian Tridents. :P


And the Wild Dragons.


And... well, you get the idea. None of them survived, is my point. ;)

Second, the Legio Invictus (name is WIP). They are definitely deep, deep, deep in the work in progress stage. The basic idea is Iron Hands, Raven Guard, or maybe Dorn successors who were devastated by losses defending a Forge World and cut off from most Imperial support caused by a mix of their own pride and outside betrayal. Instead of going the usual route and hating everyone or whatever, they become very close with the Adeptus Mechanicus in some good and bad ways and become withdrawn from the rest of the Imperium. Not enough to be called renegades but some people in power don't particularly like the fact the the Admech has some new lapdogs.

You might want to read Titanicus for all things dealing with the Legio Invictus :huh:


Seriously, don't name your chapter "Legio" anything. Legio is used to denote Titan forces.


Very good point there. IIRC it was the Legio Invicta... but either way you have a very valid statement there. I've been away from 40k for too long. I would have caught that name no-no quick back in my prime.


EDIT:: Changed the last two names in my first post. Marines Ascendant was an old Vocates chapter so I'm using that as a stand-in name for now.

i always wanted to write up my chapter Hells Angels a Salamander successor chapter. alittle background that i have so far, created during the 26th founding the angels were to be deployed to the planet Pyrrus prime found by a mecanicus exploritor fleet and a colony was established to exploit the vast resources of the system. but being located due south-west of the tau empire it was felt that the budding forgeworld needed a chapter to help defend it. once arriveing to there new home the tau do indeed attack but are repulsed soundly. the magos in charge though belongs to a cult lead by the magos exploritor delphan gruss in the pursuit of located all the stc information they can find, but they take it even further and kidnap and force captured earth cast tau to help them re-learn imperial tech and creat a conterfit stc core. long story short they trick the hells angels intohelping themand then are givin access to "new" power armor and weapons supposeidly found in the stc that was "found" on this forgeworld...example of new power armor http://www.bulgarov.com/marine.html.


i just haven't had the time ot hash out all the fine points and such hope you like *g*

i always wanted to write up my chapter Hells Angels a Salamander successor chapter. alittle background that i have so far, created during the 26th founding the angels were to be deployed to the planet Pyrrus prime found by a mecanicus exploritor fleet and a colony was established to exploit the vast resources of the system. but being located due south-west of the tau empire it was felt that the budding forgeworld needed a chapter to help defend it. once arriveing to there new home the tau do indeed attack but are repulsed soundly. the magos in charge though belongs to a cult lead by the magos exploritor delphan gruss in the pursuit of located all the stc information they can find, but they take it even further and kidnap and force captured earth cast tau to help them re-learn imperial tech and creat a conterfit stc core. long story short they trick the hells angels intohelping themand then are givin access to "new" power armor and weapons supposeidly found in the stc that was "found" on this forgeworld...example of new power armor http://www.bulgarov.com/marine.html.


i just haven't had the time ot hash out all the fine points and such hope you like *g*


That looks an awful lot like a Marine from Starcraft. I think it's the legs.

So, other marines insult them. And then the Brawling Eagles, well, brawl with them. Hence the gradual slide of the chapter's name from Soaring Eagles to Brawling Eagles, even on official documents.

The Sons of Lightning will defend your marine's stupid color scheme and their honor! In exchange for alliances against the Xenos scum...

I have four....at the moment. :D

In alphabetical order:


Basically summed up in this quote:

"Battle-brothers! These xenos have sinned against the Emperor with their very existence! They are fortunate, for in His infinite mercy he has sent us unto them to give them the absolution found in death! Go forth and do His holy work!'


Fanatical Slaaneshi guys who believe Slannesh has told them to bring everyone ecstasy through agony. They also believe this applies to themselves, so in their free time they cut themselves.

Blood Talons:

Blood Angels who act like Dark Angels. Early on, they got horribly beaten by a renegade force. They dedicated themselves to tracking down said renegades and utterly destroying them. They decided the best way to go about this was to dedicate a single company to nothing but that task. Thus, they can carry on like a normal chapter while still going for revenge.

They also have a color scheme!


This is the normal scheme


This is the one for the guys that go around the galaxy killing the renegades.

Death Knights:

Their homeworld is effectively split into two halves. One half is like a Feudal world. The other is more like a Feral world. The differences between the two make for interesting times.


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