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New member. Me. Hi.


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Hi all, I've been lurking and pilfering this board for info for the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd better sign up and join in. I've been into WH and 40k specifically since before you could buy 9 lead terminator marines for 10 round English pounds so that gives you an idea of how old I am and where I live. I remember the old days, card figure Blood Bowl was my first actual game. After a fairly long absence from the sport I've decided to dust off my old miniatures and actually finish painting the buggers.

I'm still figuring out my own chapter although I've got most of it nailed, just need to work up the courage to offer forth an IA.


I look forward to splashing my half demented ravings across the forums and pilfering yet more information from this quite amazing website :tu:



Edit: damn smilies aren't working.

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