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Question about modelling plague marines


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I am building a renegade warband and I want to include some plague marines. I was wondering if I have to model them as bloated, leaking freaks or could I use regular CSM and say that they have expecially resilient skin or hide or something. Maybe if I used some type of shield. I mean is that acceptable?
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Check the codex for the pictures of the Purge and the Cleaved. Both of those groups would be considered Nurgle worshiping, and neither goes for the bloated look. Yes, fluff dictates that all who achieve Plague Marine status are bloated and gross, but on the table, I don't think you'd find anyone that minds.


If you run a mixed bag of troops, just make sure your opponent knows what's what before the fight starts.

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Y buddy who is an iron warriors player has his possesed as cyber looking marines with blades and saws and his "plague marines" are extra armored cyborg looking heavy troops. I do not think anyone would mind the counts as so long as ts explained to the opponent and the models can clearly be distinguished
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