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what do with some chaos marines/rhino


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Hi Chaos Guys & Girls,


I got given some chaos boxes for xmas to fight against my blood angels that i have about 2000pts worth.


As my blood angels is my first and only set of warhammer 40k i was wondering what legion and what setup i should do with the following

and any suggestions on what to add to it so its a equal to a 2000point list.



1x Chaos Rhino Boxset

1x Chaos space marine boxset (think you get 10 guys with a icon and champion?)


Also recieved a small box with 3 chaos space marines with bolters (think its like a starter box?)


Thanks for reading


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Well first off, welcome to Chaos! The warp touches everyone eventually... :)

Just to clarify, in the 10 man chaos marine set, yoou get enough parts to make 10 marines, with special weapon choices (flamer, plasma gun, meltagun) a heavy bolter, a choice of several icons, and many different parts to customize the aspiring champion.

With what you've got, choosing a warband or legion is purely a personal decision. It could be based on a colour scheme you like, or your playstyle. E.g, close combat = World Eaters, holding objectives/taking a lot of punishment = Death Guard, etc. Your choices are really unlimited.

As to moving up to 2000 points, theres a lot to add. You're gonna need an HQ, and this could be affected by the Legion you choose. Many just go for a Daemon Prince, but I'm a fan of the terminator lord myself.

I'm not really experienced enough to write a proper wipe-the-the-floor-with-everyone list, but I might recommend Obliterators, Chaos Terminators, Khorne Berzerkers (if you feel like adding cult troops) and another squad of chaos marines to expand your list.

I hope this is some help, and again, welcome to chaos. :)

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Thanks for the replies :P


I was thinking of going down the route of using the Black Legion, i seen some pictures of them and they where also in the DoW II , i noticed in the pack you get different icon's i guess 1 for each chaos god but there is another one in there that doesnt say (or maybe it just a general chaos icon?)

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I just made up 2 chaos sm's with melta's i found a unused melta from my ba's set. So i think i got seven left to build including my champion but im not sure if im suppose to give them bolters or chainswords? suggestions?
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I just made up 2 chaos sm's with melta's i found a unused melta from my ba's set. So i think i got seven left to build including my champion but im not sure if im suppose to give them bolters or chainswords? suggestions?

Read the codex, you'll see there is no in-game differences.

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above photos aint brilliant, there off my mobile but thats my csm's with 2 melta, champion with powerfist and 3 extra csm with bolters.

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sorry guys yeah i just used the citedal black primer? i really did enjoy putting them together :D


Now im trying to find a better guide than the gw guide in painting black legion, ive tried doing a search on bolter but it came up with all sorts of posts and nothing that i needed.

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I wouldn't say im 100 % sold on black legion, ive just seen them via the Dawn of War II game. There scheme seems quite starter friendly to paint but i'm open to other suggestions,

at the end of the day i got to feel some connection to them like i did when i did some blood angels.


I want it to be one of the orginal traitor legions and i know it was the black legion (horus) that killed the primach of the Blood angels so on that level it connects to 2 together, however saying that is there is another traitor legion out there that has a quite straight forward paint scheme and connects to the blood angels in some way ( ie some major battle) then by all means tell me and i go have a look.


Not going to paint them till sometime tommorow maybe day after, as i want to build there rhino and prime it also.

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Not really a fan on how that Gold is done, but hey.


Black Legion and BA do have quite a history. And Black Legion IS the most beginner friendly scheme there is. I started with Iron Warriors, and it's taken me 4 years to learn to paint nice looking barrier tape quickly. And yes, I do it freehand :D

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i will stick with black legion i think, ive printed the above article off so i have something to look out when i do get round to painting them, from what i gathered, it's gold trim on the top half of body armour with his legs being silver/chainmail colour trim
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there are a lot of ways to do gold, i always start with brown then mix it up.


Stater wise black legion are good, but they are not original traitor legion imo, they are what abbadon could scrape together of the sons of hourus and what other renegade;s swore to him. but they are big!

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