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A count as Belial


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Nope first time I've seen those.


Actually I thought this excorcist look more like termy armour as it's higher at the back – certainly an ornate order version of it anyway. [Oopps scratch that it's 54mm.]





I was just thinking the same thing, as well as being the better model I think - even at a higher scale.


Also, the Exorcist helmets might be god for Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons, again except for the Scale.

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Yeah, thats right.............wrong Scale *argh*

maybe a Primarch for 30K Players.....



Well then let's "rename" the Thread:

I'm looking for a Belial (first I was addicted to Lysander, but well it's not that burner anymore)


The Kabuki one's (the one with the Lion Shoulder Pads) are hard to get (nearly impossible for me)

to see here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry2563845 (scroll down)


what would you suggest? any Idea?

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hmmmm have to search for that WD......


Any specific? What I did not want is that 08/15 Termi with BlingBling.......it should be somekind of "special" Character (the SpaceHulk twin LC Termi is a good start........but to be honest who sells ONE SH Mini??)

Could be a Poser, eh why not?

Huron (FW) is great, no question, would be a NICE Belial.........BUT: no 2nd LC...... ;(


well it's not easy... ;( ;( ;( ;(

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it should be somekind of "special" Character (the SpaceHulk twin LC Termi is a good start........but to be honest who sells ONE SH Mini??)


ebay... I see the LC one up there now, along with the stormbolter/powersword with cape fella - which, if you convert it to have LCs, might work well (or use as is). In face, the whole set of termies is up there.

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On Theme:

I'll get some CSM TermiGeneral LC's soon, together with his cloak.....

maybe THIS will be as good start for Belial........


Many people use the Chaos Lord as a base, yes. My only qualm with his cloak is it is so ragged. If I were to use it, I would fill in some of the holes and tears with green stuff.


Don't know if you have seen this thread already, but you might find it a good source of inspiration -



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Here's a quick shot of mine.....mostly in WIP Status (Details, Face, Crux,..)

It's just the angle of the Hands I don't like... (a kind of straight Forward)....and the mini overall.......to mutch "hidden" Detail...

But have a look:


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I think it looks pretty good. For the longest time I was trying to see if I could find a deal on Lysander model on ebay to do the same, but than I just settled on using a Space Hulk mini.


I see what you mean about hiding detail though. You seem to still have some of the fist on his leg plate there.


If it's the arms you don't like, perhaps you could reposition? Maybe the left arm drops down a tad. The model's pose itself gives me the impression that Lysander is doing more of a brisk walk - perhaps getting into position - rather than an attacking run, so the arm being down could help.

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Alrighty then...here's mine

not painted though :/

fully magnitized

Belial himself (sorry for kinda unfocused pic. hard to take a decent picture when there isnt any paint on it to give it some shadows and whatnot


I cut up a DA I con back banner thing and shaved most of it off so it was thiner, cut off the wings and then glued them back on with some GS in there to fill in the gaps. i think im goin to use that same idea with some other models and icons



Lightning Claws

(and yes those are space puppy claws) they look better on a Deathwing termi IMO (and would look better once painted)



Storm Bolter power sword


storm bolter is from the pred. kit and the sword is the emp. champ. with greenstuff to fill in the words


i also cut the end of the handel and reglued that to make the handel seem longer



Thunder hammer Storm Sheild

the only thing that i regret is not haveing thick plasticard for the sheild... maybye ill fix it or somethin later




and then all the bits



enjoy :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, today the guy from Poland was in the Mail.....


Quality is quite good (got worse from FW)

BUT SICE DON'T FIT FOR 28mm PA.........*oii*


But look @ the Pic.....i've placed huim next to Lysander (witk another 40mm Base added to compare size)

Well he will go as Belial in Ancient TA with SB and Sword od Silence.......but noway to get any Claws, Position from hands won't work with that (wich will just look silly)


But.....here he is....


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