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which cool Jumppack to use for my librarian?


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Heya folks :)


i bought Sevrin Loth as my Librarian model.

as i want to play him with a Jumppack sometimes, i'm thinking about which cool Jump pack i should give him?

I dont want to use the sanguiniary guard ones, as i have them already for the guard itself, the vanguard veterans and my sanguiniary priests.


if you have a good idea, it would be nice if you can share it with me :-)

JUMPPACK QUESTION already off the table, see post #13 for more :)

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I went with Dante's pack.






I think it looks good but I'm not sure it would be good to use with a very light resin model. Might turn out quite top-heavy. But the plastic DC backpacks are very nice too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed that the metal jump packs I've got recently have been a little worse for the wear regarding quality of detail (misformed skulls and small details and such like) and were a little warped but I may have just got a few bad ones.


Also the DC packs have more BA iconography on them out of the box and are lighter and easier (in my opinion) to work on than metal.


Just green stuff in any the DC saltires and they'll look good.


Also a lighter pack will allow a smaller magnet for swapping out between JP and no JP.

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currently i´m thinking about the Jump pack and Wings of the Sanguinor.... would look really impressive on Sevrin Loth ....

If you are right and i can just give the base a lot higher weight, it would solve the metal problem!

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You'll need a lot of weight in the base to make a very light resin model stand squarely with that back pack though.


Korloth, I've experienced the same thing about the older metal models. But let's face it, some of those molds are from the nineties...

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You'll need a lot of weight in the base to make a very light resin model stand squarely with that back pack though.


Korloth, I've experienced the same thing about the older metal models. But let's face it, some of those molds are from the nineties...


I appreciate they are a little old. I remember when they were released. I think I may have got one that had been sat on by a Troll though as it's intake vents didn't line up (i.e. the pack was twisted) on top of the odd deformity in the details.


I still like the metal packs but feel the new ones from the DC box are a better choice on a resin model merely down to the weight and BA specific detailing on them. Plus they should have nice crisp detail to go with the FW model (which I want but need to tell the missus that I MUST buy yet more toy soldiers on top of the many many boxes of unpainted and in some cases unopened models!).


I think one of the DC JP has not got any big DC saltires on it. Its got three blood drops on the top of each intake vent and loads of purity seals all over it. Thats the one I'd choose for the Librarian.

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If you don't mind adding another winged JP might I suggest High Chaplain Astorath, Redeemer of the Lost's JP as the wings seem to arch forward slightly in an agressive looking manner. Combined with Servin Loth's pose I believe would make for a very intimidating presence about him, especially if you've placed him on a stone slab or other raised piece of terrain.


The only downside I can think of to using Astorath's JP is that you may need to cut off the scrolls that hang from the JP.

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  • 1 month later...

*bump* :P


after some searchung arround i decided to go with the Sanguinor Jumppack.

painting is on its way, but i have a few questions to answer, and i´m not sure. so here's the new question:


which color would you use for the helmet?





the original model has a white helmet, surrounded by the blue thing. as the shoulder pad with the eagle will be BA red, but the red area will be relativly small.

here is a picture of it:




as you see, the red part is relativly small. someone menthioned that the helmet could be painted red too, but i dont think that a signal color like red will look good on a blue model.

currently i´m thinking about just leaving the helmet white like the original modell or to give it the same blue as the rest of the power armour.






do you have any ideas?

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Go with the blue Helm, i like to reserve white for Sanguinary priests. Besides the Aquila and Thunderbolts will look great picked out in gold over a blue helm.
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