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Angels Sanguine army in the works


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Whats up B&C, its been forever since Iv post anything up. I got the idea to start another army after selling my BT army (thread is still over in the BT forums). This tiem around we're going to go for Blood angels painted in a quartered angels sanguine scheme. These are the first 2 test minis, They have a few differences, mainly one is more purple than the other. Look for any and all feedback before I set colors/highlights in stone. Also, these pics kind suck. I was trying to color correct and ended up messing up the white saturation so the black highlights dont look right at all. anyway... here they are:







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Alrighty, got some more work done. Working on getting better color curves... Looking for any pointers. 9 assault marines with black hats, 9 with red, and a guard unit. next up will be the hammer Sargents.

































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Bloody nice work man! To be honest I've no criticism or pointers so far, they look damn fine as they are. Only niggle is that I prefer the gold on the test minis for some reason although it may just be the lighting in those photos.


Its the photos, or the color correcting I did (or lack of rather). The two test models are in the squad of red lids. I made all the AS the same colors including the gold. Thanks for the nice comment. =D. Goal with this army is to improve over my last one. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...=133215&hl= So far Im very happy with how things are coming out.

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They're quite nice, but am I right in seeing that their helmets aren't half n half?


This is correct, squad 1 is red lids, 2 is black. The third squad will be half and half matching the chest, so red on his right of lid, black on left. The fourth will also be half and half, with the inverse of chest colors (red left side, black right) Did this for two reasons, 1st was to quickly tell the difference between squads from a down angle while playing. Second is to have matching die to the lids so I can roll all my reserves at the same time. First squad will be all red die, second will be all black die, (both with white pips). Third squad will be red die black pips and last AS will be black die red pips. Sang guard will have gold die black pips, Vang vets will be black with gold pips. (VV will be same colors as AS but with gold lids). Honor guard with plasma guns x4 will have some either black/gold/or red with blue (whichever I can find)... thats over 1850... I'll have to get creative after that O.o.


This all may be going nerdcore... but hey, its my hobby =p. I think it will be cool to roll reserves 7 at a time with 7 different dice to match the theme of the squad. If the opponent doesnt want me to, I wont mind.


Edit: you may also notice the legs are the inverse of the chest. They are not exactly like angels sanguine, but they're pretty close, and I like chapter fluff/name. If I get a census that people dont like it or call it out of cannon I'll change the name to Sanguine Angles, but I don't see it coming to that. =p

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That Sanguinary Guard squad looks excellent! Would you care to share your gold recipe? I'm planning on painting my own soon and am looking for input. ;)


Gold was based in Scorched/dwarf. Then dwarf, shining, burnished. burnished/mith as a final highlight. Watered down to 1:1, at least as always.

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Thanks mate! GW has also been doing the Scorched Brown mix thingy, I might have to try that.


I used to go with tin bitz, brazen brass, then up the line... but since they quit making brazen it seemed to make more sense to me to cut bitz out as well. So now I go with just start at scorched/dwarf. It makes the golds a wee bit bright across the army imo.

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Lol, you went from 2 test minis to an army, always loved quartered/halved schemes and this looks badass, keep em coming, looking forward to seeing some vehicles ;)


I dont plan on adding vehicles until I get over 1850 so its going to be a while. I'll have to bust out the ol' badger for em though, I am looking forward to it. However, I did get the two Sargents with hammers done. Next up is are 3 priests. They all have jet packs and with combi meltas. I just got em primed and the gun conversion was a pain. Anyway... here are the hammer doods.











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Those two sargeants...the way they look so much alike...forgive me, but I must:





Excellent looking army thus far.


lol. Thanks for the comments so far. I just noticed I missed the little bolts on the hammers. =/ My pictures sure are grainy, and tips on how to fix it?

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Thanks IronKobra and James. I'v been working on three priests now... I would like to call em a labor of love, but I dont really like the 1998 minis. Im just trying to get through em. Should have em done this weekend. Gonna also try to get them in with an army shot. I prolly wont take close ups of em, they look bad. Donno if its the model, me hurrying... but they look like crap. We'll see when they get finished.
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Got priests done. I dont care for them much at all. C&C wanted please. Picture quality is really low this time too. Meh :down: :confused:








Here is an army shot with the hammer and priest doods in.





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