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[Commission] Scibor-sculpt Space Wolves


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Fantastic squad of really individual and cool models! Did the client specify the colour on the pelts? This is really my only critique as I think the grey/white pelts and cloaks don't stand out enough when all the armour is grey and the bases also are in the same colour range.





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I made some minor fixes to the sculpts - generally shortening overlong arms, and putting caps on the weapon staves rather than the pointy toothpick ends that were there.

The colour choice is mine - the client just specified he wanted a worn, weathered feel to the unit. I wanted to keep the colours muted, for a colder and more worn-out feel to them. The other option would have been red or brown cloaks which I don't think would have worked so well in that regard. That's just my first instinct opinion though.

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Winterdyne, you are a brave man for choosing to paint Scibor models. Having painted a few in the past, the sheer ridiculousness of the assembly and parts of the models blew my mind, and the poor quality of the sculpts/casts overall have always kept me away from painting more. So more than the painting itself, I applaud you daring to tackle these models.


That being said, they look great, and the color palette is superbly minimalist.


I too initially thought that the pelts would have benefited from a different color to pop them out more, but in retrospect you already have the vibrant (but deliciously cool) yellow shoulderpads, and the burgundy/merlot details that already provide enough color accent that the pelts don't necessarily need more color contrast to add variety. Besides, they're highlighted just slightly brighter, and offset by the fact that they are mounted close enough to other parts of differing colors (the green cloaks, the yellow pads, the silver trims and weapons, the black iconography) that the pelts still pop despite being similar in color to the armor.




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Thanks... personally I do think I'll charge more for 'awkward factor' next time I do something like this. I knew it'd be tricky from the off though. These have been pretty much an exercise in differing tones in similar ranges - the greens and greys are all really desaturated. That said, they're also production lined, so the pelts are all painted much the same. If each were an individual character I'd be looking at unique patterns on the pelts, some freehand of some sort on the cloaks (tricky, as they're not 'proper' shapes - very raggeddy and uneven), that sort of thing, which would again help the various parts pop without necessarily adding much to the palette.
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