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Power armour actual colour

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I've been thinking lately about doing some battle damage and scratched paint to my marines and got quite puzzled when it came to choosing the colour... Boltgun Metal simply shines (pun not intended :D ) when it comes to this, but I never really imagined power armour as made of actual metal... After all it's made of ceramite plates. So what do you think, what's the base colour of ceramite?
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a basic google search says that ceramite is a ceramic meterial :D. so i dont know. a dark stone color, the foundation paint line have a decent dark stone looking paint. could be effective.


and yeah, boltgun metal or any metal color for battle damage always stands out and shines, doesnt look natural, on viehcles its understandable, but not marines,

GW Plastic Grey :D


I always thought of it as either a rock colored material or a dark grey metal. I remember some chapter doesn't paint their armor. It may be the GK. I'll check.


EDIT: Yes, it is. Ceramite is the same color as the GK:

Their armour is left unpainted, leaving the silver-grey of the ceramite exposed. This tradition is thought to have originated from their desire to lead lives of absolute purity. Upon achieving the rank of Justicar one may display their personal heraldry on a shield on their shoulder. In contrast to this their armour is highly decorated, encrusted with protective symbols and engraved litanies.


The Full Article

For those who have been into 40k and in the 40k web community long enough you might remember Closeau's Pink Panther Marines. Part of their background was that their armor was pink because they had found a huge store of unpainted power armor and the ceramites natural color was pink.
Ceramite is the same color as the GK:
Their armour is left unpainted, leaving the silver-grey of the ceramite exposed.


Thanks brother-buddy :D Helped me a lot, now I only have to figure out the exact shade of silver-grey :) You think mixing one of Citadel greys with boltgun metal will do? :)

  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys,


well as the title asks what colour is spacemarine armour unpainted?


i read that greyknights armour was unpainted and they are a nice shiney silver is this right??

i am plannning a small dusk raiders force (death guard pre-heresy) and apparently they were unpainted except some crimson shoulder pads and right arm


so am i right in thinking bright shiney silver? :)


Wisey B)

Dull gunmetal is the description you get from the Death Guard, though I'm not sure when they decided to not paint their armour (before finding the Primarch aka Dusk Raider era or after finding the Primarch Death Guard era).


I think the Grey Knights either use different metals (considering how well made their armour is) or extensively polish their armour.

I refer you to this thread from a few days ago: This thread from a few days ago.


On an unrelated note:

750 posts! Yee-ha!

Bah, call me when you get to 1460! Only joking of course, I remember celebrating my 1337 posts a while back, so I'm just as guilty!


Although, this Gray Knights thing is rather interesting. Does this mean that all the shiny Grey Knights are misrepresentations? Because dull and dark gray Gray Knights would look impressive.

this Gray Knights thing is rather interesting. Does this mean that all the shiny Grey Knights are misrepresentations? Because dull and dark gray Gray Knights would look impressive.


I second this. I may have to get some dark grey Grey Knights when the new codex (and models) eventually... eventuate. "They're so pure they refuse to allow such base things as armour polish to sully their armour!" and so on...


Edit: Can I celebrate 69 posts? Or is that sort of childish?


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