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Blood Angel Librarian and Sanguinary Priests


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Hey all - just a few pictures of my Blood Angel army update, which will hopefully grow into a brief project log, of sorts. ^_^ These are the main new non-special character models I'll be adding and hopefully painting up today. All comments and criticisms welcome as always!














Hope you like 'em! :blink:

Well, they are considerably later than planed, but a combination of not knowing when to stop and having friends round delayed things! :o


These are very much the basecoats for these guys, particularly the librarian who needs MUCH more work on the blue armour. The intention is to paint some detailing of the crystalline style onto the force weapon, with the blade having several more striped highlights.


Apologies for the dodgy camera work, I'm being too impatient to put together the full set up and tri-pod! These will follow when more work is done to the paint jobs.


The Vets are half of the squad assembled, but they've had the most work done paint-wise as they're needed more for the list I'm currently planning... :)


Cheers again for all the positive comments, they really do keep you motivated!
























Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated! Apologies for the lack of updates, the scheduling nightmare that is December has struck hard this year! :huh:


Deus_Sanguinius - nothing hugely special really for parts; Death Company Legs, Command Squad Torso, Missile Launcher Left Hand, Standard Bearer Right Hand, Sanguinary Guard Head (with crest cut down and plastic strip added), Psychic Hood made from a Shoulder Pad, Guitar Wire Cables, Custom plasti-card halberd blade, Forgeworld Purity Seals, Sanguinary Guard Jump Pack. Think that's all! ;)


GooseDaMoose - It is quite a simple metallic at the moment which I intend to work up quite a bit. Currently, it's a black then white undercoat, GW's Brazen Brass basecoat, then Tamiya Titanium Gold. I think. I will double check that actually when I get home. There is a Titanium Gold and Silver. Hmmm.


I'm not terribly happy with the Librarian's paint at the moment - I wanted a more grey, desaturated blue ideally and with the first round of highlights (not shown here, yet) its quite a rich colour. That, and I think the blade needs WAY more contrast, almost as if its a crystal or precious stone material. We'll see, not sure yet.





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