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DIY IA: Obsidian Fists

Iron Father Ferrum

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So, after a break in DIYing, I've decided to revisit my Imperial Jagers and rebuild them under the name Obsidian Fists. First step was to change the heraldry, since I suck at painting large areas of white and my old scheme was primarily white. So being a Dorn-descended chapter, I decided to work off of gold as a base instead of white. The problem I'm encountering is in the accent color. The main trim is going to be black regardless, but I can't decide on what to do for the chest eagle -- more black, or red. So I figured I'd ask y'all for your input before proceeding. Which one looks better? And if the red, should I use it for the pauldron trim as well?


Old Scheme




All Black





Touch of Red


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Only two votes, but the reds have it. That being said, the more I look at it, the more I don't like the red. My bolter casings are going to be red, and I don't want so much red on there that it overpowers the black (they are, after all, called Obsidian Fists). I'll do a test mini soon and come back to that. I've also started to double-guess the name; Obsidian Swords sounds better.


In the meantime, I've done some serious work on rebuilding the IA and figured I'd post it up piece by piece as I finish 'em and let the Liber wrecking crew tell me what's good, what's bad, and what definitely needs some help. So to start, the Title section and Origins coming soon.

I generally dislike brighter colours on the chest eagle. Metallics seem to make me happy, as do 'stone' textures when done right.


^ wot he sed guv'nor. A dull metallic on the chest eagle might work better than the red in my opinion, the rest of it isn't bad at all.


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