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DIY Blood Dragons (lots of pics)


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sorry it's been awhile since I've added everything. Still awaiting on the Death Co., and Sang Guards stupid me ran outta spray paint, and there is no way ill be damned by painting it free hand with a brush. but i did finish up a Baal/ Destructor Predator last night. It was used as my Inquisitor troops from my Daemon-hunters army, but was recommissioned as a different role in a newer army. the color were basically the same just a newer color change. and a little higher grade of detailing done. soon i will have the sang guard up then i will have to go out and by 3 more boxes to paint up, and 20 death co, urg I'm getting to damn old to be painting anymore. well here is the Predator with changeable turret mount. No magnets were harmed in the making of this.. Damn glue accident made it possible for me to "pop off", and clip back together.






the inside was from when it was used as a space wolves rhino. now i use it to house the assault cannon front when I'm using the auto cannon



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  • 1 month later...
Games-workshop black primer rocks!! I've got 20 Death Company primed and ready for the red satires. I've purchased 10 chaos raptors to use a myu veteran vanguard ( dragon warriors) It wasn't to hard to drimel the chaos star icons from rapter FYI. So as soon as I'm able to get time from my new Son i'll have them ready for pictures. look back in the future for more updates.
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Beautiful color scheme! I also like the re-purposing of the Salamander isignia's to your chapter, excellent idea.


I like the look of your assault squad, very cool, and I like the color scheme you used on your Predator. It looks great the way it is, but I would recommend using spray paints, or alot of thin layers to get a smoother result on the paint. I know from experience! My Rhino (my only vehicle) for my DIY chapter has alot of visible brush strokes. It's okay, but I want to do better. I have promised myself that I would invest in an Airbrush for future vehicle painting projects. With bright red and black you can just use spray paint and just tape off the sections you don't want painted in the other color.


My army uses an ultramarine blue basecoat which is harder to find then you might think. Citadel's Ultramarine spray paint, isn't really ultramarine, and it's hard to find another alternative. Bright red will probably be easier to come by and Chaos Black is excellent.

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I love the overall look of your marines. Nice cohesion. Because you use a lot of decals, might I suggest some Micro-sol and Micro-set? Your decals will look smoother and more painted on. Try it and you will never use decals without it again I assure you.
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