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Crusader-Brother Rigal

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Hello All,


I just wanted to take some time before I started posting up my works here on this wonderful forum. Oddly enough this is the first chance I have gotten to post anything. So, straight to what I have going on then. I like to set myself up with fairly big projects with the things I do. What I have done is written done some basic outlines which I will share with you now for 10 chapters I will be working on. Some basic things to know going into reading them is I have done at least one chapter for each of the gene-seeds, excluding the Leman Russ which may come at a way later date if I can find a way to not have my chapter turn entirely into wulfen. Also chapters 2-4 on my list are related chapters 3 & 4 are the successors of chapter 2 they all play to a plot line for chapter 2 and reasoning for a major change in the chapter.


In addition I will likely use this topic as a way to keep track of my progress through these 10 chapters. I will supply links to each IA as I post them up here in the Liber. May even put up a completion date after I complete final draft. So I hope you enjoy! :P



Chapter 1:

- Ultramarines trained, as well as gene-seed.

- 26th Founding

- Codex Adherent Structure

- Use a different naming convention for Ranks

- No mutations in their gene-seed stock

- Themed with Greek/Roman influence

- Use an Arena style games for entrance into 1st company as well as position of company commander


Chapter 2:

- Imperial Fists trained, as well as gene-seed

- 4th founding (May change it)

- Codex Adherent until a major event deviates them to a Black Templars similar structure.

- Recruit from multiple worlds, this shows in how the marines decorate their armor.

- Crusading Knightly Order themed (Kind of cookie cutter for IF in my opinion)

- Two successor chapters are made from their stock.


Chapter 3:

- Chapter 2 trained, as well as gene-seed.

- 21st founding

- Known Mutations in gene-seed possible cause of chaos corruption later in their history

- Turn to chaos sometime between 21st and 26th foundings

- Destroys Chapter 4 the second successor of Chapter 2

- Is the cause of Chapter 2's deviation from the codex astrates

- Chaos Undivided

- Barbarian Theme


Chapter 4:

- Chapter 2 Trained, as well as gene-seed

- 23rd founding may make it later

- Destroy between 23rd- 26th founding

- Codex Adherent

- Knight Themed

- No Mutations


Chapter 5:

- Salamander trained, as well as gene-seed

- 21st founding

- Known Mutations

- Chapter avoided black skin but not the Red Eyes and Slot reflexes

- Differ from Codex

- 10th company is another reserve company, one scout per-company.

- A giant lizard accompanies the scout like a tracking hound.

- Considered a great honor to become a scout as well as tragedy. Playing with a last surviving squad member becomes a scout.

- Dragon Themed


Chapter 6:

-White Scars trained, as well as gene-seed

- 21st founding

- Codex Adherent Structure with 10 companies

- Ranks and company layouts differ from codex

- Use Gorilla Warfare tactics

- Take trophies, Primarily the weapons of enemy officers they slay, other things like skulls and ears have been taken.

- Freedom Fighter/ Asian theme


Chapter 7:

- Iron Hands trained, as well as gene-seed

- 26th founding

- Good Ad-Mech relations

- Hunt for relics for the Ad-Mech

- Suppress emotions through additional implants and possibly drugs

- Codex Adherent

- Possible signs of turning to chaos or renegade

- Star Trek's Borg themed


Chapter 8:

- Raven Guard trained, as well as gene-seed

- 26th founding

- Cult theme

- Does not adhere to codex

- No none mutations

- Inquisition has investigated them more than once


Chapter 9:

- Dark Angels trained, as well as gene-seed

- 13th founding, going to change this after I read about the 13th founding last night.

- 1st company dedicated to the hunt of fallen.

- Chapter Master and 1st company only ones of the knowledge of the fallen

- Follow the Dark Angels Structure

- Exile theme


Chapter 10:IA: Death Eaters

- Blood Angels trained, as well as gene-seed. Training Cadre From some 1st company veterans and 4th company sergeants.

- 21st founding

- Mutations, enhanced Omophagea, this enhanced version gives almost full memory of whatever is being consumed by the marines. The effect is also expanded from not only just flesh but even organs and just the blood itself.

-Mutations, coming about from a still undetermined cause, most thinking the enhanced Omophagea, something within the Marines brain causes some strange activity which leads them to be likely to succumb to the black rage. This is also due to the fact that the chapter follows the same process as their parent chapter in awaking the gene-seed, by using direct samples of Sanguinius' blood.

- Chapter Masters and Company Commanders rumored to eat the corpse, drinking their blood or eating their brain as well, of the previous CM or CC. This is done to enhance the abilities as Leaders.

- Also rumored that the dead marines recovered are fed to their death companies. This is done in hopes that it will cure them of the black rage, rumors say it has worked. However, there is no record of this being true.

- Death Companies are high in number. It varies company to company numbers are between 10-50 marines lowest to highest. Some say this because of the enhanced omophagea that causes this to trigger more commonly in the marines of the chapter.

- Inquisition is getting more and more interested in Chapter due to practices. Investigations continue on about the chapter my lead to them being excommunicated or exterminated.

- The recruitment of the chapter is said to be one of the highest due to the large number of death company. The main bulk of their recruitment comes from the hive world they call their homeworld. As well though some recruits are taken by some death worlds that are close by in the system. These planets worship the chapter as gods and present the youth as sacrifices not as actual recruits.

- Follow the same structure as the BA due to the high number of Death Company they have to alter this slightly. The Librarius, Reclusiam, Sanguinary Priesthood and the Sanguinary Guard are all part of the command structure should the chapter master fall to the rage or in battle. They all take up a consul format in order to elect and test the next chapter master. Each of those cabinets act separately with their own ranking structure recruiting from the new recruits of the 10th company. This fact is excluded by the Sanguinary Guard who only recruit from the 1st company veterans. There are times were Sanguinary Guard will accompany a member of the other three.

- Lithuanian/Russian Themed character names.

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Let me first welcome you to B&C and the Liber.


If you haven't looked already, we have 2 good IA guides here, one is stickied at the top of the Liber, the other is the Octavulg guide ... in his sig.




As for the Chapters ... only 1 really stands out for me, that's number 10. The others may develop to be great, but just the basic outline doesn't stand out. I look forward to seeing them in the works.

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Thanks, for the feed back there Ecritter. I have no specific order I am working these in. So as soon as I get my hands on a BA codex I will probably start up on number 10 for you. ^_^


I'm not a BA nut myself, just the theme you presented for them stands out. I'm known for odd chapters ... so don't take my word for it. ^_^

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Not entirly sure which chapter I am going to start with I only have one color scheme picked out thus far for one of the chapters (Chapter 2 to be specific). If anyone has a request on a chapter they would like to see first let me know I'm pretty flexible. Pay day is tommorow so I can stop by my local store and pick up my bi-weekly pieces and/or book.


Plan to start it by this afternoon.

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I'd reccomend you do them one at a time, too, I tried multiple chapters... it didn't work :sweat: So I'm going one at a time myself and am still on the first one.


Ditto, a thousand times.


I'm sure many Liber veterans still enjoy an occasional chuckle at my feeble attempt to write four IA's at once.


Needless to say, not one of the four is finished yet. And that's a year and a half after I started them. :P


Some interesting concepts here. Take your time, develop them slowly (and ideally one at a time ^_^ ) and you could have some good chapters on your hands. :pinch:

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Currently at work will start to post an outline for Chapter 10. I picked up a BA codex and read it except a couple of battle sections. So it will be a rough outline for the moment till I get home and work on it more I am currently at work. Look for it here in a few hours.
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I'd reccomend you do them one at a time, too, I tried multiple chapters... it didn't work tongue.gif So I'm going one at a time myself and am still on the first one.

It depends on the method of doing multiple chapters at once. I might have a couple of IAs in the build at one time, either in different stages or at similar stages. When I get bored with one, I have another to jump to. Mainly, it is focussing on one even if it kills you but knowing when it is time for a rest.

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I really am going to work on them one at a time but if I have a good thought for one while I am working on one I have it in a outline to add to so I have notes and what not to work with.


Chapter 10 link is up though it is clearly visable in the topic listing here in the Liber. But its their so you don't have to back out or if I don't get to work it for a while.

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Speaking as someone who has three Chapters on the go at the moment, doing them one at a time is a good way to wear yourself out and wear others out. Mix it up a little.


This is not to say that you should post several Chapters all at the same time. But if you're letting one lie for a little while to see if it's finished, it often makes sense to work on another one in the interim.

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Octavulg... Thank you, because you have just given me a reason to go after the Lords of Shadow!


It makes sense too. I am slightly tired of the Wraiths, the bloody thing won't cooperate. I bet I'll feel the same of the Lords soon but when I do I can just go back and finish up the Wraiths.


Thanks, Thirst

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