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Dark Angels on Deathwatch - do they stop hunting the fallen?


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If he's aware of them at all, it is unlikely he would be able to prosecute his Chapter's vendetta against their Fallen brethren while he is seconded to the Deathwatch. Typically, the Dark Angels do not tend to second those who are aware of the Fallen's existence to the Deathwatch; if they are, though, they have to tread on eggshells to ensure that the rest of his Kill-team does not find out about them, if they somehow run afoul of a Fallen Dark Angel. I doubt that a Dark Angel who is seconded to the Deathwatch and aware of the Fallen would ever fully relinquish his Chapter's mission, but he must certainly be more circumspect about how he approaches it.


I play a Dark Angel in the Deathwatch RPG, and have considered such things. While mine is not the final voice on such things, this is how I interpret the Dark Angels' attitude towards hunting the Fallen while assigned to the Deathwatch.

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I would doubt that the Dark Angels would send someone to the Deathwatch who was aware of the Fallen. Not necessarily because he was aware of the Fallen, but because the only brothers who know of the Fallen are of Deathwing rank or higher. These figures will be too important to send off to do the Inquisition's bidding.


I'd imagine instead that the Dark Angels would send only Battle or Reserve Company brothers to the Deathwatch.

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I would doubt that the Dark Angels would send someone to the Deathwatch who was aware of the Fallen. Not necessarily because he was aware of the Fallen, but because the only brothers who know of the Fallen are of Deathwing rank or higher. These figures will be too important to send off to do the Inquisition's bidding.


I'd imagine instead that the Dark Angels would send only Battle or Reserve Company brothers to the Deathwatch.


Deathwatch RPG book says the contrary. DA send marines to the deathwatch, even if they know of the Fallen... That way they can keep tabs on the Fallen since they roam the galaxy and pass information to their chapter. Pretty good move if you ask me. :)

The caveat is,, the DA marine will not hunt actively the Fallen... he must pass info for others to do so.

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it is fairly likely that some members of the Deathwing/innercirlce have been seconded to the Deathwatch. Since they go to a =I= station it is likely that they can access data from the =I=, and forward that to the rest of the innercirle/ravenwing. As long as they have a clearance, it isn't likely to raise any flags back at =I= HQ.
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Ah, cool. Makes sense. That book keeps coming up in conversations these days. Would you say the RPG book is worth acquiring for someone who's not interested in role playing?

Depends.. most of rulebook is rules, they have some cool info, but some of it we already know. If you have money to spare it's a nice buy. If you're on a budget, you'll probably want to skip it.

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i didnt want to descend that far into geekdom ( although role playing is good and am kinda hooked now......)


...We play glorified G.I. Joes with figures we spend hours creating sometimes to the exclusion of social interaction. Descent into geekdom achieved.

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There are multiple bits of information on Dark Angels hunting for the Fallen in the Deathwatch RPG. In once case a Blackshield Watch Commander goes missing during a battle despite the rapid intervention of a Dark Angels battle-group, the implication is that he was a Fallen and the Dark Angels captured him. Another references a Dark Angel Watch Commander spending all of his free time investigating the backgrounds of various Black Shields within the Deathwatch, obviously we know why.
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Based on this thread, I've found myself with a copy of the darn rulebook. The most distressing part is that I'm as interested by the rules as I am the fluff on the Dark Angels. I find myself thinking about role playing the darn thing and how I would go about it. Thus far I am resisting. Paper RPGing is a level of geekdom to which I am loathe to descend! :huh:
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We've had potential sightings of "The Fallen" on several of our missions. Figures keeping to the shadows, seemingly robed in them.


Then resulted in my Character wanting to invesitgate. (Was a DA Techmarine) However in the end it transpired he himself had fallen. (As an aside apparently Lance Strikes can be incredibly accurate XD)

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Based on this thread, I've found myself with a copy of the darn rulebook. The most distressing part is that I'm as interested by the rules as I am the fluff on the Dark Angels. I find myself thinking about role playing the darn thing and how I would go about it. Thus far I am resisting. Paper RPGing is a level of geekdom to which I am loathe to descend! :(

i'm that one step further. found myself with too much time on my hands because of having a cold and i've actually got copies of the sheets needed to create a character. just need to find a d5 and d10 to fill it in now

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Based on this thread, I've found myself with a copy of the darn rulebook. The most distressing part is that I'm as interested by the rules as I am the fluff on the Dark Angels. I find myself thinking about role playing the darn thing and how I would go about it. Thus far I am resisting. Paper RPGing is a level of geekdom to which I am loathe to descend! :lol:

I went to similar process and couldn't resist.. i'm already playing it, and with the right group it's great fun. Our GM is a usual RPG'er but doesn't know first thing about 40K excpt the basics.. My group is composed of long time 40K players but it's our first pen and paper experience... sometimes players and GM clash because we know much of 40K background specially about SM.

It was a real blast and it's a joy to see character evolve mission after mission. I love my heavy bolter DA devastator and I'm always poking fun at the SW player a rivalry to see who kills more xenos.

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For what it's worth, I'm actually playing a DA Librarian in a game right now, with an obsession with secrets... He has the only Forbidden Lores beyond the basic ones you start with in the group. ;) We have yet to come across the Fallen, but he's certainly using his =I= resources to look...
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  • 2 weeks later...

having just got hold of the rules our group is starting up a little mission based game, rather than a whole campaign like other rpg's we'll do a mission once a month and keep our char sheets for each different missions. we've done it by dice roll rather than picking our set things ourselves and we're trying to make it as fluffy as possible. so i picked my dark angel apothecary to which i rolled and got

1. served with the ravenwing for my history (was a gunner for an attack bike or land speeder)

2. scholastic demeanour

3. devastator armour history

so in picking my skills and what not i opted to make him really good at interogation, seemed like a sensible option to pick.

anyone else think of fluffy things that fit the above dark angels ravenwing apothecary in dev armour :)

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