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Campaign Idea


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Okay guys, my friends and I are going to try out a campaign. In a nutshell the idea is this: DA attack eldar-inhabited planet looking for fallen, tyranids appear, etc.

Here is what I've done so far, C&C appreciated!

Part I: Decidit Angelo

“Fallen sightings have been confirmed. The local Eldar refuse to give up the Fallen marine known as "Bobby." Requesting Deathwing back-up immediately.” – The words of Dark Angels Company Master Sammael of the Ravenwing before the Invasion of Loquit

Army Rules:


1. The Dark Angels player may choose up to 400 points from the Dark Angels codex, but is required to have at least one Deathwing Terminator Squad or Company Veterans Squad and may not use the following units: (The Dark Angels player may take the Land Raider Imovabulios as detailed below.)


• Devastator Squad

• Techmarine

• Chaplain

• Company Master

• Command squad

• Tactical Squad

• Assault Squad

• Scout Squad

• Land Raider

• Land Raider Crusader

2. The Eldar player may choose up to 500 points from the Eldar codex but may not take vehicles with over a total armor value of 38.

3. The Tyranid player may choose up to 800 points from the Tyranid codex but may not take models with over 3 wounds. All Tyranid models must pass a leadership test to attack a Dark Angels model or an Eldar model if there is a closer model from the other army. The Tyranid force starts arriving from reserves on turn 3. On turn 3 a 4+ is required to come in, on turn 4 a 3+, on turn 5+ arrival is automatic.

Game Rules:

1. The Eldar player sets up all terrain, at least two bastions are required.

2. The Eldar player deploys. The Tyranid player deploys everything to arrive from reserves.

3. The Dark Angels player may launch up to 1+D3 S10 AP1 big blasts.

4. The three players roll off to see the turn order. *Note: The Tyranid player can’t go first so he/she must roll off with the player that lost the Eldar v Dark Angels roll!*

5. Game commences following the rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book, unless specified here.

6. The Eldar objective is to survive the entire game, the Dark Angels objective is to destroy at least one bastion and to kill a model, designated by the Eldar player. The Tyranid objective is annhiliation.



Land Raider Imovabulios: 185 points

Type BS F S R

Tank 4 13 13 11

Special Rules:

• Assault Vehicle

• Power of the Machine Spirit

• Unstoppable: The Land Raider Imovabulios cannot be immobilized for any reason. If an immobilized result comes up roll a D6. On a 1, 2 or 3 it suffers a weapon destroyed result (Weapon removed by the controlling player). If a 4, 5 or 6 is rolled it cannot shoot the next turn.


• Twin-linked Heavy bolters

• Two sponson mounted twin-linked plasma guns.

• Smoke Launcers

• Searchlight

Transport Capacity:

• Sixteen models

• Models in terminator armor count as two models

Access/fire points:

• No fire points

• Models may disembark from the front or side hatches.

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3 steps:

1. I wanna play a land raider at 400 points!

2. It will need to be under 250...

3. So it needs bad armor, but something to make up for that! Hey, DA are immovable, why not make a LR to represent it?

I'm going to take a big step and say it was designed to hunt fallen or other high priority chaos targets, hence the plasma guns.

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