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Inspirations for Alpha Legion army

Kitchen Knife

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Hello to the chaotic bunch!


Due to some very persistent colleagues at work, I'm now slightly forced to start a 40k army (Alpha Legion to be precise).


Right now, I'm collecting ideas for conversions to make SM and CSM miniatures more alpha like (you know, the sneaky ninja stuff ^_^ ).

The first idea was to use the "umbra ferrox" bolters from forgeworld (bolter with a scope, for sneaky sharpshooting alphas) and maybe some torsos with robes, where I can add some camouflage colours (to make the infiltrating choosens more sneaky and blablabla...)


It would be really great to hear some other ideas and inspirations for an AL Army.

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I like the idea of camo cloaks. That sounds like a pretty cool idea indeed!

As an aside, it may be an idea to limit the types of helms you use, as the ones with horns don't really scream "stealthy" when you consider the Alpha Legion's methods.

Other than that, you seem to have some cool ideas already.

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The Dark Elf regiment boxes from the Warhammer Fantasy range have lots of nifty bits and pieces (in the hobby, we call them "bitz" for short) that are good for Alpha Legionnaires. Specifically, the sea dragons cloaks from the Dark Elf Corsairs are a good way of picking out Aspiring Champions or whole squads of Chosen; there's even a tutorial for them on the B&C (Linkage)


I would also take a look at some of the converted models on Cool Mini or Not; this one, in particular, always struck me as sheer awesome.


I would also second Ageis' promotion of the Serpent's Lair. I duck my head in there from time to time, lots of good ideas over there too.

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Hello again.


@ Aegis

Thanks for the link. Been sniffing around in the lair for the last hour and found some nice ideas.



As my miniatures haven't arrived so far (lazy FW!) and my skills with green stuff are quite rudimental, I tried some cloak making on a regular SM. Feel free to critizise it (and how to make it better :P )





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Pretty much what the above guy said, but it's a great start. Also, perhaps make the whole cloak somewhat smaller, as this would help emphasise the stealth aspect of the robe without swamping the marine underneath.
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I used the robed marines on the Dark Angels sprue on GW site. They are pretty good to go for this, and I painted them one of the darker greys (maybe shadow) followed by two washes with leviatan purple. It gives the look of "camo" without actually going "camo". Maybe "stealth in the shadows" is a better way to say it that camo.
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Could do with being perhaps a little smoother and "form fitting"... At the moment, it looks too heavy and unwieldy for a Space Marine to wear in combat


Or alternatively, you could cover it in leaves and other junk, as if the legionnaire had been waiting still and camoflagued, and now is throwing off his disguise to go into battle without it.


Congrats on choosing the best Legion aswell :D

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Right now, I'm still waiting for my FW delivery.

I think I'll go for a happy mix of DA-robes in camo, some disguised CSM emerging from the vegetation und maybe (through some dark sacrifices to the dark gods) I'll gain the awesome chaos gift of green stuff crafting. If the green stuff thing doesn't work, I can still make plague bearers out of them... :lol:






My FW stuff has arrived! Finally!


And here is the first idea of an AL-choosen.





2. Update


First idea for a camo-robe (the photo although is a little bit crappy...)



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