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The Unforgiven - A Firey Greyknight army


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Some of you may remember that I started a WIP of these guy a few months ago, but due to the pressure of school and the associated workload, I have had barely had any time to work on any of my models. So, as work tapers off towards the holidays, I have finally managed to finishs of the squad.


So, without further ado, I present Squad Invictus of The Unforgiven






Next up is a PaGK squad..... when I find time.

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Thanks for the comments guys, these are being entered in my local club's painting competition this coming Saturday, hopefully they will pick up something as I am still eligible (just) to enter the under 16 category ;)


Wow! They look totally bad*ss.

Do you have some fluff behind why they are differently colured from the other GKs?


Yes and no. I have loads of Ideas and the beginnings of fluff, but I have no finesse with language, so they end up being rejected and filled away in the bin each time I try to expand on them. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to lack of avalible paint stripper, the PaGK squad has been set back somewhat. However, the christmas holidays have given me plenty of time to make some headway into my army.


I hearby present my Dreadnought; Brother Ulexis







As for the Flame tutorial, I used this, with a slight modification. After painting on the skull white, i went over it again with sunburst yellow. I then painted some more white over that, and washed the whole area with gryphone sepia to help blend the colours into each other.


Its also worth noting that the larger area you paint this onto, the less effective it becomes. A dred is probably the biggest you can do without having to blend the layers.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys


Its been a while since I made any headway into my GK, but with their new codex on the horizon, i thought it was time to do some painting. I dont like the 4th terminator as much as the first three, for some reason i just couldn't make the flames work. Tell me what you think.




Inquisitor and retinue. The servitors where painted as an experiment with layering on flesh. The grey bodied one was washed, the blue not. Which do you think looks better?





Vindicare assassin



Warp gate objective. Originally i wanted to have a piece of painted plastic in the middle making it look more portaly, but its a real pain to cut something to fit.

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Ever seen Stargate or Stargate: SG-1? :P


It is the Fargate! We will put a wheelchair and pink mohawk on it if you have such trouble telling the difference! :P


Anyway, again, good stuff. The one thing that;s bothering me is the metal, like the silver parts of the vindicare's rifle. I can't quite explain it just now, but the best way I can think to say it is all very uniform :P .

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Very nice...


Does the name of Unforgiven have anything to do with the Dark Angels? If not, I must kill you. After making you confess of course.


No, the original idea was that these Gk were ones that had fallen to the temptations of chaos, but then seen the light. The chapter masters refused to let them back in on the principle that they could not be trusted, but gave them their tainted armor and sent them on a crusade of death/honour. Thus, they are Unforgiven. Anyway, that fluffs down the drain now the new dex explicitly states that NO Gk have ever fallen to chaos.....


Ever seen Stargate or Stargate: SG-1? ;)


It is the Fargate! We will put a wheelchair and pink mohawk on it if you have such trouble telling the difference! ;)


Anyway, again, good stuff. The one thing that;s bothering me is the metal, like the silver parts of the vindicare's rifle. I can't quite explain it just now, but the best way I can think to say it is all very uniform :D .


Admittedly, im not sure that i like that metal either. Its silver washed with blue wash in an attempt to get the brushed steel effect that the current Gk 'dex uses, but it ended but too bright. If i get the time, i might go over it and dull it down.

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