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The Unforgiven - A Firey Greyknight army


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Very nice...


Does the name of Unforgiven have anything to do with the Dark Angels? If not, I must kill you. After making you confess of your sins, of course.


No, the original idea was that these Gk were ones that had fallen to the temptations of chaos, but then seen the light. The chapter masters refused to let them back in on the principle that they could not be trusted, but gave them their tainted armor and sent them on a crusade of death/honour. Thus, they are Unforgiven. Anyway, that fluffs down the drain now the new dex explicitly states that NO Gk have ever fallen to chaos.....


Ah, then you are spared the tortures of the Blades of Reason then... At least for now... :D


Anyway, threats aside, I wouldn't say your fluff's gone down the drain. Nothing like a bit of uniqueness to brighten up the game. And if some GKs did fall to chaos then surely you don't really think the Chapter Masters would tell anyone about, do you? I mean, my chapter did it...

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Very nice...


Does the name of Unforgiven have anything to do with the Dark Angels? If not, I must kill you. After making you confess of course.


No, the original idea was that these Gk were ones that had fallen to the temptations of chaos, but then seen the light. The chapter masters refused to let them back in on the principle that they could not be trusted, but gave them their tainted armor and sent them on a crusade of death/honour. Thus, they are Unforgiven. Anyway, that fluffs down the drain now the new dex explicitly states that NO Gk have ever fallen to chaos.....

Actually, it says that in Codex:Daemonhunters too.



Your knights here are treading pretty near to one of my own ideas.

Well, partially my own ideas, partially adapted from something outside 40k...which I adapted partially from 40k.....

(basically an idea that has been dragged around to wherever I could take it, all the while gathering its own flavor.)


It's good to see a visual incarnation of some of the same concepts to see how well they might actually translate into model form.

Lookin' good, man ;)


Have you considered kitbashing Legion Of the Damned and Power Armoured Grey Knights together for some interesting results?

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First off, a brilliant application of the LotD concept to the GK models. I never would have put those two together, but you have done a masterful job. Bravo!


About the only thing that wears on me just a little bit is the power weapons. After all the effort you have gone into for the armor, you really ought to go back and address all the power weapons. It's that last bit that will help them go from "excellent" to "awesome".



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About the only thing that wears on me just a little bit is the power weapons. After all the effort you have gone into for the armor, you really ought to go back and address all the power weapons. It's that last bit that will help them go from "excellent" to "awesome".




Hmm, have to agree with Honda here, you painted a pretty awesome power weapon on the dreadnought, I think the other models deserve equal love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, thanks for all the comments. With the looming release of the new GK, ive pushed to finish my first interceptor squad. These guys sport custom teleporter packs made from the shield generator pylons from the Battle for Mcragge set. It allows me to have a new unit ready for gaming, and they will hopefully be more durable than the GW ones.


I took the advice with the NFWs, and added that blue flame effect. It definately looks allot better than before.


My only avalible lighting is very yellow, so bear in mind the colours are less so in real life than compared to in these photos.










And a total force shot


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You just made me jealous (wich is a sentiment I can't stand) : jealous of the fluff idea/colour shame, & jealous of the painting standard.

Great job,



Edit : on a further note, I think with your fluff, you need a "count as" crowe... the leader of your force who just have to redeem himself by wielding the worst ever artifact any GK could encounter, and still assume it!

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  • 1 month later...

So ive finally go around to doing some more painting - Yay.

Three more terminators, two of which are the new plastics. I still prefer the old metal models, some of the casting on the plastics is shallow and at funny angles.



This guy is a paladin for the original squad






This one is my temporary master until i get round to converting a suitble model




And I finally started to paint these on a production line, which should speed things up slightly


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Oh good! It's still going! I was a bit worried this was one of those doomed-to-incompletion-projects. Strange how happy I always seem to be when proven wrong.


Anyway, things continue to look good. I'm intrigued by the wispy look of the energy tracers on the hammer in particular. It's unorthodox, but it seems to fit the theme rather nicely. Much better than the crackling lightning effects we're all so used to. I hope to see that more often. ;)


Edit: At second glance, some of the details are a bit lacking by comparison. The metallic chest icons in particular seem unusually flat in particular. Is that deliberate, or accidental?

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Edit: At second glance, some of the details are a bit lacking by comparison. The metallic chest icons in particular seem unusually flat in particular. Is that deliberate, or accidental?


Its probably because the chest icons on the new termies are painted to be stone not metal. The reasons being my boltgun metal pot was left outside for a weekend with the lid off, so its gone rockhard and my local indie store has none in stock.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update:


Only had chance to finish one more terminator, but several are almost done.



Also, this is my planned scheme for a squad of purifiers. I wanted them to stand out from the rest of my army, as they are a class apart from standard GK, but I also wanted them to fit the flamey theme. Im not to sure if I like it, but I am overly critical of my own work.




Personally, I dont think the blue stands out enough from the black undercoat, but I cant think of any other colour to use.

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Warp gate objective. Originally i wanted to have a piece of painted plastic in the middle making it look more portaly, but its a real pain to cut something to fit.


I did the same thing! Only mine was for my Dark Eldar Webway Portal marker. I wanted to cut a piece of transclucent red plastic to fit inside, but determined that it would be too much of a hassle. Here's a pic:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Taking a break from painting flames, I decided I wanted to add another assassin to my army. I decided on the Callidus, but the models look so stupid in my opinion. Long flowing hair and boobs aren't what I would think a stealthy shapeshifter assassin would choose to have in a battle. I couldn't be bothered to buy one and convert it, 'cause my GS skills are terrible.


So, after some internet trawling, I found this guy:




Its the Hassassin Fiday model from Corvus Belli's Infinity range. The model is a really nice sculpt. Clean, detailed and properly proportioned.



This photo shows how oddly shaped the GW assassins are; short legs; wide bodies and huge hands.

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Warp gate objective. Originally i wanted to have a piece of painted plastic in the middle making it look more portaly, but its a real pain to cut something to fit.


For the warp gate, you could make a swilly pattern from a piece of clear plastic card with the pattern drawn in clear/coloured clear resin


As for the Grey Knights themselves, they are beautifully painted :)


Also, this is my planned scheme for a squad of purifiers. I wanted them to stand out from the rest of my army, as they are a class apart from standard GK, but I also wanted them to fit the flamey theme. Im not to sure if I like it, but I am overly critical of my own work.




Personally, I dont think the blue stands out enough from the black undercoat, but I cant think of any other colour to use.


You could make the blue flames a bit bigger, also the flames on his weapon should be blue ;) or how about painting them white with blue flames? Make them stand out as purifiers (As black doesn't really seem like the right colour for them, but thats just my opinion) ^_^

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