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I'm absolutely new to airbrushing but having seen the almost flawless effect that can come of it I really want to use it more in my painting. I consider myself pretty dab with a regular brush. I really wanted to use it for blending on PA and TDA. Any help on choosing an airbrush compressor? etc?

Any help would be appreciated!

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I'm in your boat.. I'm a glacially slow painter and have decided to try the airbrushing route too...


I did some research [ read: A LOT ] of reserach and settled on the Badger 175 Crescendo model [ it's a dual action, internal mix, bottom feed ] style and a TC-16 Mini compressor.. They just got ordered today actually. I won't get them until Christmas however.


I'll keep you posted on how they work out, right after I build a portable spray booth that is.



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