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Playing armies


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Greetings to all yours:

I´m a new member and i hope that we´re communicate very well.


Well, this is my first post and i`m playing with CSM between my brother and me, and really i`m looking for many options for plays formats composed of 1250, 1750, 2000 and 2250 points, we have a lot of units (nicludes many HQ like the special characters, some lords many units and vehicles, very fast, elites, heavy support and all that, etc). But with a lot of points i don´t know very well how build a "GOOD ARMY" or a "PROPER ARMY" (this is my case, of my brother not) Because when i play i made the mistake of underestimate units and don´t use it, because are too expensive in points, or are too bad for that they do that. ¿Any idea of how i can play with versatility?


My case:

1. I play too fast

2. Use a combination between shooting and close combat. BUT i`m inclinate more for the close combat. But always fail in any moment, not always, but fail.

3. My problem is that separate my units a lot. And commit the error of doubt when i make a move (i.e. when i do an action, but when the time of make attacks, charge and another stuffs comes, i dare not much)...



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1. I play too fast

no such thinc exists . unless you forget to do stuff , but then you dont play fast . you play bad.

2. Use a combination between shooting and close combat. BUT i`m inclinate more for the close combat. But always fail in any moment, not always, but fail.

spam stuff and never use singles , cheaper doing more or less the same is better . flexible is better . read the 5th ed rules , think about cover +4 , true LoS etc what sucks with those ? If you make a hth army then the main goal is to overload the abilty to counter by having a lot of units [that still work in hth . spaming 5 man units is not good] . chaos is not the optimal list for pure hth armies because A our LR arent good B if we do a LR rush we dont have support units , because our only working ones are in the HS section. C we cant just buy LR for termis and free up slots in the hvy because first we dont have the points for stuff like that till 2k pts played and two our termis as base for a hth army suck [because they are bad in hth ].

3. My problem is that separate my units a lot. And commit the error of doubt when i make a move (i.e. when i do an action, but when the time of make attacks, charge and another stuffs comes, i dare not much)...

then dont.




also chaos does not scale well after 1850 pts .

Sample army

2xDP wings warp time

2x8zerker fist

2xPM meltax2 fist

6 oblits

at more points we :

-buy termis and add LR .

-buy more troops

-make oblits 9 man

- add termicid.

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