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Sharp's Stuff

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Hey all. I've started to pick up some more steam with my projects, so I thought I'd start a topic for my finished projects.


Here's my first one, a completed Terminator for my Dark Angels successor, the Angels of Retribution. The idea for the chapter is that it is a collective successor of all the Unforgiven chapters that marines from the Unforgiven chapters are seconded to for temporary service. This terminator is a Consecrator marine, thus the black helmet with red stripe. All the marines in the chapter will have the black/bone quartered scheme.






What do you guys think? Comments and criticism welcome. :)

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Looks like a good start. The bone is nicely done, as are the greens and grays.


Two bits of advice: the black seems a bit flat. A secondary highlight may help to make the segments pop a bit more (i.e. Codex gray over a wider highlight of 50:50 Black and Gray). The battle damage also seems a bit strange. The chunks of paint that are missing are fairly large, but they're limited to only a few points. "Less is more" is the rule of thumb for battle damage, but I think you could afford a bit more here and there.

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Looks like a good start. The bone is nicely done, as are the greens and grays.


Two bits of advice: the black seems a bit flat. A secondary highlight may help to make the segments pop a bit more (i.e. Codex gray over a wider highlight of 50:50 Black and Gray). The battle damage also seems a bit strange. The chunks of paint that are missing are fairly large, but they're limited to only a few points. "Less is more" is the rule of thumb for battle damage, but I think you could afford a bit more here and there.

Yeah, I agree with both your points. This is my first real try at black, so I'm still figuring out how I want to do it. As for the battle damage, I should add more probably. The problem for me is that my brush work isn't tight enough to do really small patches of battle damage. This one was an experiment, and I'll probably leave off doing more until I'm able to one, buy a brush that can hold a smaller point and two, get better at applying very small areas.


Looks nice man.



Can imagine that colour scheme becoming a real bitch once you've got through a few models though.

Heh, yeah it's a little more difficult than I was shooting for at first. However, Dheneb Stone and Gryphonne Sepia are my friends.


Not bad, I'd add a bit more, brighter blue to the eyes/sensors to provide a bit of relief from the cream and black.


Well done

Good point. I think I'll go back and hit the eyes and lenses with some Ice Blue/white. That should help.

This looks like it may be a bit of effort to do over the course of a whole army, but you know what? If you manage to do it, I shall tip my proverbial hat to you so far, it will hit the ground.

Well, I've got a Terminator Squad, Veteran Squad, and a Rhino all started with it, so just maybe I can get this going somewhere. We'll see.


Thanks for all the kind comments, guys. I hope to be able to get another model or two up in the next day. I'm not that quick of a painter. :/

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for smaller battle damage try using the foam from a blister pack. tear a small chunk off Apply your chosen base colour to the sponge, dab it like 4-5 times to its quite dry and then dab in on the model.


et voila!

Yeah, I think I'm gonna leave off the battle damage until I feel more confident with it. Thanks for the tip, though. :(


And progress! I finished my second terminator, Brother Sigiel. He's an Angel of Vengeance, so thus the black helm, shoulder pad, and red shoulder shield. After pretty universal criticism about the black, I decided to try a bit more aggressive grey highlights. I decided I like this better, I just need to get more experienced with it.







And a shot with his battle-brother. (sorry for it being a bit blurry)



Comments and criticism welcome!

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Much better. Indeed, get much better and you may get added to my topic tracker...


Not to sound moany, but the line where the black meets the cream on the groin guard is a bit wobbly. It's only minor, but it does effect the over all look. :tu:


Again, good job!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Much better. Indeed, get much better and you may get added to my topic tracker...


Not to sound moany, but the line where the black meets the cream on the groin guard is a bit wobbly. It's only minor, but it does effect the over all look.


Again, good job!

Thanks, Zincite. It'll be fixed. :)


Oh, man, those claws are sweeeeet. I really like the colouring and effect on them.

The highlighting on the black have really helped your work here; that Terminator looks great. I think I'll be monitoring this thread for further developments.

I'm glad you like the claws. I was going back and forth between that effect and a more traditional lightning effect. It's good to hear they are well received.


Well damn. My first foray after getting back to painting after my crazy busy holidays (70+ hours worked in 5 days kind of busy), and this happens. Even though I have an indoor spraying area, my sealer frosted, something that has never happened before. I'll have to buy some paint on sealer (something I probably should have been using for a while) and try to fix it. While it's not nearly as bad as it could be, it actually looks worse in real life, and it's enough to bother me. We'll see what happens.


Anyways, I wanted to get some progress up, and I'm still pretty happy with the base. It's my first attempt at blood effects, and even though I had to use an improvised system, I don't think it's terrible.






It's definitely not my best work. It was interrupted by my work, left off for a bit, and when I came back, I had lost a lot of my drive for it. I really had to force myself to finish him. While there are some areas in which I'm pleased, overall, I'm just glad to have him done. Well, I hope to be more positive in my next update.


Of course, comments are more than welcome. While I might have identified areas that I wish were better, the eyes of the internet are always much more discerning than mine. ;)

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I myself love doing the quartered paint scheme for armies. It's a lot of effort but once it's done people are always happy to see it on the table. The only concern I have with your models so far are the symbolson the shoulders and knees. I think they need to be a different color to break up the overall color on their respective parts. Your second terminator for example, has a black shoulder with a dark grey symbol and a black leg with a dark grey knee symbol. Maybe some brighter highlights on the symbols to have them stand out more from the shoulder/knee.


Other than that, keep up the good work!



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Well, the last two members of the squad are done. They're not up to my usual standard, I feel and I have some mixed feelings about them. The passion just wasn't there for sundry reasons. However, I still did want to get them posted, and now I can get a group shot of the squad.










The shield reads Victus. Kinda looks like Vicus with the shadows.


And the obligatory squad shot:



Cheers! Hopefully it isn't quite so long before I have a completed mini. As I've been working on a few minis simultaneously hopefully it won't. :lol:

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Thanks for the comments, guys.


And here's my next model:






Pretty simple, but it was the first Rhino I had ever done, as well as my first attempt at mud effects.


Comments and criticism welcome! :cuss

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it was longer than I anticipated. Moving has really slowed my painting.


The Land Raider Crusader is as finished as I can get it. When the micropens arrive, I'll get some black writing on the paper and some white on the black areas. To break up the large areas on the top, I tried some new freehand. Hopefully it doesn't detract from the model. ;) Some people were already calling it garish, so it can't help I think.







The filigree was an experiment. I know it's kinda random, but I liked it.


Comments and criticism most welcome! :HQ:

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a test speed painted Dark Angel I did as a proof of concept for a prospective commission job.







I actually find it funny how long it's been since I painted a regular power armored Dark Angel. Comments and citicism welcome, as always.

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The mud effects on the rhino remind me of my car... So well done!

Sweet freehand on the Landraider! Also a cool Dark Angel, not too fond of the scheme personally, but it looks good :P

Thanks! :D


And to further my challenge a little bit, here's Elias, finally finished.






Man, I really need to get a new comp so I can take pictures that will actually work. :/ Sorry bout the pic quality.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

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Hmm, I think Elias would look better if the colors weren't all over the place. Try limiting your pallete a bit. IMO he would look better with red loincloth and red eyes.

He still looks great though, I admire how fast you churn these guys out. I can only stay focused long enough to do 1 guy, then I look at the rest of the grey plastic squad and just walk away.

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