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WordBearers, question for you on artwork I'm making


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So I know this wont sit well with everyone, but I thought it only fair to ask anyway.



I'm currently painting Lorgar.

did I do that?

Yes, the next primarch I'm painting is the big 17. And it's pre-heresy.


First, let me explain "artistic liscence" as I understand it.

Artistic liscence is basically an artists way of making something different from how it normally is viewed, in order to make it look "cool" or "better".

Normally I dont work much with artistic liscence in mind, but this recent painting really got me worried.



You see, in my research, I started reading "first heretic", to get an inside view on how Lorgar looks and behaves. This helps in making the image look better.


So I was happy to read the descriptions, started sketching out a scene I want to display and suddenly realized- I gave him hair.


Why, you might ask (as he is supposedly "clean shaven" on his scalp according to the book) did I do that? Well, I got stuck on a line outside of the actual descriptions of him- he looks very much like the emperor. In fact, the description is that he is uncannily similar in visage.


In most images of the emperor, and quite some descriptions, he is depicted with semi-long hair, so I thought nothing more about it and sketched lorgar with hair.



Normally this is no problem, I re-read the descriptions (like I just did), find my error and alter it. Problem is- it alters the entire mood of the painting. From displaying a sense of betrayed by his father, to enraged, spoiled brat.

I'd perfer to not have the latter.



So the question is- would you guys lynch me if I painted Lorgar with semi-long hair?

It will make the image look so much better, but at the same time, I would want it to be something you guys would feel is okay.

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Do him however you want to do him. Its your work your artistic freedom. If you think he looks better with hair then he would without then its probably because he does. And as the Dornian Heresy goes everyone knows artistic freedom and deviation from the norm can produce some truly stunning work ^_^!
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eh, it's difficult to say. people probably won't gripe too much, but then they tend to lack certain artistic talent [that's not supposed to sound as elitist as it does]...


but it also depends how much you want to really adhere to canon fluff, after all the HH artbooks had some fantastic scenes in them, but conflicted with what was written at the time: like Magnus with 2 eyes but one was scared over, or the confrontation between the Emperor and Horus having those black-armored custodies


perhaps it's a ceremonial wig he wears, or he shaved and inscribed his scalp later


If you was a canonical commission, then maybe you'd have to nip creativity to adhere to what clients want, but if it's just for fun, go for it. can't win over all the people all the time.

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Well, as long as you remember that his skin is golden I personally see no problem with it.


HOWEVER, I can clearly see where some would sayers come from if they nit-pick on it as Lorgar WAS brought up in a chapel/monastery and I have a hard time not thinking he would keep his head shaved as I perceive as rule rather than exception within such gatherings. And that he wouldn't keep that tradition even after the Emperor and Magnus came and brought him into the Imperium.



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So I know this wont sit well with everyone, but I thought it only fair to ask anyway.



I'm currently painting Lorgar.

did I do that?

Yes, the next primarch I'm painting is the big 17. And it's pre-heresy.


First, let me explain "artistic liscence" as I understand it.

Artistic liscence is basically an artists way of making something different from how it normally is viewed, in order to make it look "cool" or "better".

Normally I dont work much with artistic liscence in mind, but this recent painting really got me worried.



You see, in my research, I started reading "first heretic", to get an inside view on how Lorgar looks and behaves. This helps in making the image look better.


So I was happy to read the descriptions, started sketching out a scene I want to display and suddenly realized- I gave him hair.


Why, you might ask (as he is supposedly "clean shaven" on his scalp according to the book) did I do that? Well, I got stuck on a line outside of the actual descriptions of him- he looks very much like the emperor. In fact, the description is that he is uncannily similar in visage.


In most images of the emperor, and quite some descriptions, he is depicted with semi-long hair, so I thought nothing more about it and sketched lorgar with hair.



Normally this is no problem, I re-read the descriptions (like I just did), find my error and alter it. Problem is- it alters the entire mood of the painting. From displaying a sense of betrayed by his father, to enraged, spoiled brat.

I'd perfer to not have the latter.



So the question is- would you guys lynch me if I painted Lorgar with semi-long hair?

It will make the image look so much better, but at the same time, I would want it to be something you guys would feel is okay.

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