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IA: Death Eaters

Crusader-Brother Rigal

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Death Eaters

[img; background-image:url(http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/bl.php?text=Homeworld&fontsize=25&bg=D03437[/img]

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Death Worlds Riga & Kiev

The Death Worlds of Riga & Kiev are also key recruiting and even occasionally training grounds for the Death Eaters. Both are just a small warp jump away from their home world of Plolav. Most marines of the chapter refer to these worlds as the sister planets or the twin worlds. This is due to the near identical climate, terrain and even continent layout of both worlds. The local wildlife is what makes these planets into Death Worlds. Wolf like creatures, referred to as Vier to local tribes, run rampant in packs all across the plains and hills of these cold planets. It is unsure how the local primitive tribes of these two worlds survive or how long they have even been on these planets. With the arrival of the Death Eaters a center of worship swirled around the chapter by these local populace. They believe by offering them the strongest youth of their tribes to the chapter a blessing is granted to them allowing them to survive. The more hilled and mountainous areas of these planets are usually where the tribes are found sense those areas offer the best protection against the Vier. This is believed to reinforce the use of assault marine squads by the chapter much like the Blood Angels.



The Death Eaters remain adherent to the Codex Astrates Organization of Companies. The only slight difference is the Sanguinary Guard act as the Honor Guard for the Chapter. The second would be that of the extremely large number of Death Company they maintain. With this large number the Death Companies of each Company are formed into what can almost be considered the 11th Company of the chapter though not officially according to records. As mentioned those marines that have succumbed to the Black Rage do not stay with their company those marines are then regularly replaced by the reservist companies as quickly as possible. Due to the high recruitment rate it has been easy for them to replenish their ranks in a timely fashion.

Each of the major houses, as referred to by the chapter, have a say in testing and selection of the chapter master. These houses are as follows:

- The Librarius, Led by the Chief Librarian
- The Reclusiam, Led by the High Chaplain
- Sanguinary Priesthood, Led by the High Priest
- Sanguinary Guard, Led by the Captain of the Guard

With the passing of each Chapter Master these four houses meet and discuss the election of the next which is then followed by testing for those mentioned. The current Chapter Master was selected from the Sanguinary Guard by a unanimous decision by all four houses, the exact reasons are unclear at this time.

Combat Doctrine

Unlike their parent chapter, and many of their brother chapters, they do not form strike forces made up of a variety of companies. Each battle company fights as a stand alone force only assisting each other in great need, such as the current siege of their home system by ork forces. No battle group has emerged with a particular style of combat as a favored one. Though assault squads seem to be used as a first strike method from them all companies a majority of the time. When in the field the battle companies will call for reinforcement by the reserve companies to replenish those who have fallen plague to the Black Rage.

The Death Companies of the Death Eaters are a true wonder of berserk fury on the battle field. Those marines who have succumbed to the Black Rage are used almost always as an initial strike force to take major strong points from the enemy. Their deployment style has been seen in a variety of ways. Most common is seen as a drop pod assault deploying Assault Marine Death Company troops into the thick of an enemy line to disrupt and confuse the enemy while the main forces are deployed striking key targets and points in the enemies line. It can be noted that Death Company Marines seem to be deployed as Assault more often then Tactical.

Please see My Projects topic for the outline.
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- Possible mutations, mainly going to probably enhance the effects that the organ granting memories from consumption. May remove or enhance/dumb down other organs.


Makes sense.


Just as a comment - when I see a BA Chapter mentioned in the context of the Cursed Founding, I always wonder how the mutation was supposed to help with the Black Rage.


- Chapter Masters and Company Commanders rumored to eat the corpse of the previous CM or CC. Playing with as potentially using it to enhance their command abilities.


They don't have to eat the whole corpse. Even just parts of his brain would (logically) be sufficient. Hell, even drinking his blood might do it.


- Also rumored that the dead marines recovered are fed to their death companies. Playing with this with a possible mutation that enhances the organ that grants minor memories to the marine when eating an organism. Potentially using this as an attempt to cure them of the black rage.




- Death Companies are high in number. It varies company to company numbers are between 10-50 marines lowest to highest. (Still playing with this may have the chapter reform them into an 11th & 12th company, or turn some of the reserve companies into complete Death Company squads.)


Why are there so many?


* * *


Looks interesting.

To answer your one question Octavulg,


I haven't yet decided exactly why. It may deal with whatever other mutations I may add into the mix aside just the one enhancement I know I will have in there. When I get back home and add some more fluff I will be reading my BA Codex again to freshin up my memory and find a justification.

Just as a comment - when I see a BA Chapter mentioned in the context of the Cursed Founding, I always wonder how the mutation was supposed to help with the Black Rage.

You could suggest that if falling to the Black Rage requires you reliving the last moments of Sanguinius life (and therefore his death) that maybe they were aiming to highten a marines memory, either to ensure he would keep a stronger grip on reality as he would remember what was true and what wasn't, or they were hoping that more white noise would reduce remembering the right thing (i.e. they were remembering little Timmy's Christmas and not remembering daddy getting beat down by Horus). What actually happened is they could remember the beat down all the more clearly.

Well I assure you all they have no relation to Hogwarts or Valdimort (Probably spelled that wrong). I can't find any sources showing a previous chapter (Loyal or Traitor) by that name, so its mine *Holds it, stroking the letters* My Precious!


Wow that was alot of different forums that poped up on a google search. I should name a captain Voldemort just for fun though. Better yet a librarian.

Wow that was alot of different forums that poped up on a google search. I should name a captain Voldemort just for fun though. Better yet a librarian.

Ha, nice.

Personally, though, I'd go with Captain Riddle, or possibly Captain Marvolo (both parts of Voldemort's real name) as it's less of a smack in the face, and more of a nod and a wink. -_- :P


You could also give them skull tatoos on their forearms when they become full-fledged marines, but that's where I'd stop with the HP references. ^_^

Updated the topic for the IA Format. Will work on bits and pieces here and there and post the finished first draft tonight. If you want to check out the outline follow the link in the first post to the My Projects Topic see Chapter 10.


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