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All glory to the first legion!


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Hail brothers.

I just received a package from a good friend, he is repaying a debt to me with an army I sold him nearly 2 years ago..or more. I now have a full battle company of dark angels again. and more deathwing squads than I have counted..maybe 10 squads or more.

I know how "underpowered" the dark angels are I have been working on my space wolves all year and the differences in the army are huge. Recently I read an article on BoLS about fun armies and winning armies. I think Goat boy did that one..?

(So now with the first legion back home with me I though I need to play this army again.) Being that the universe at large thinks our codex is poor I was thinking that this would be my fun army for a while we have some new players coming in and the Angels will of course destroy all who appose them but these games should be very back and fourth. I spend a lot of time painting and modeling my armies... though I don't know what I did this week of my own...

I was thinking about the whole army having studded shoulder pads. but where can I get nearly 100 of them? I have briefly looked at a bitz store on line and they are nearly $3.00 each... dose anyone produce such pads in bulk?

My plans are also to try to salvage the best termies out of the lot for my deathwing and part with the rest at a later time.

but wouldn't studded shoulder pads on termies be amazing?!! This was such a sweet deal for me. I also received a load of rhinos , razerbacks and other tanks! I have a landraider I never fully built in a box I may add to this army as well.


The sad part is that when I sold them they were in very good condition newly painted and all and they have taken on so much damage over these last few years .. But looking at how much my painting had improved! I will be repainting this army!

And so ends my return to the rock! and starts anew the march of the first legion.

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I got some pic's last night during a game I played with a friend. He is just learning to play and is using a necron army I painted a few years ago. We rolled up capture and control with easy 12" deployment zones. He wanted to get more units so we played a 2000 point game.

I used 5 tac squads, 1 devastator, 1 assault squad, 1 drednaught, a company master and a librarian. all foot slogging.

I gave him the necron codex last week and have encourager him to read it. I think he barely skimmed it.

he made his list asking those strange nob questions that only a mother could love. and we setup tp play.

The game took a while and we only played 4 turns it was getting "early"

I am hooked on combie-weapons and my hero's will be using them when possible. My assault squad killed a toumb spider in close combat?! which I never thought they would do so quickly. I know he will read about his monolith now I did not tell him all about it because I want him to read his codex and learn. But after the battle having had his codex on that page all game I had to tell him he needed to spend more time looking at what it could do. I hope he reads it and has some questions now that he has played a game.

I got some desert yellow for the robes as well as some bleached bone. I am hoping to air brush the robed areas with out repainting the armour.. I think that will pill the army together but if a repaint is to happen then I am thinking about using decals this time.


More soon... (and yes that means pis"s!)

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Good looking Angels uberwolve :tu:.


Looking forwards to seeing your army re-emerge from the chrysalis so to speak.






On 'Crons - forget the 'Lith – tell him to go 'Destroyerwing' with plenty of Scarabs too for good measure ;). It's fast and fun!

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Nice looking minis! I like how the DA symbol is painted, instead of the usual scribble you see.

I know some people take a little drill bit, make small holes using the bit without the actual drill (just using hands), and then glue in small BB pellets for the studded shoulder pads.

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The robes on the Sgts are repainted. I Know I will for now be painting the robes throughout the army but the armour.. I'm seeing just how massive a full repaint will be. Also I am torn. what do I do about my deathwing? bone or black?

no rush though.. they aren't going anywhere any time soon... unless its to the game store.

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So I got a lot of work done this morning. As mentioned above.

So here are some pic's.

If they decide to load..

Also A short you tube clip was taken before the pic's which I can like as well.

Not a lot to show off just yet..but these posts keep me excited about the projects I work on.



the robes were "based" in scortched brown.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the banners :tu:. Not so keen on the red bolter casings used together with the brown robes though if I'm honest as they're too close in hue. But in their entirety a good looking force.


edit: OK just noticed the brown is the 'basecoat' :blush: my bad /edit




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I was thinking about the whole army having studded shoulder pads. but where can I get nearly 100 of them? I have briefly looked at a bitz store on line and they are nearly $3.00 each... dose anyone produce such pads in bulk?


The best I came up with was 3 for $4.50 off ebay. I bought 9 in total for my Consecrators, and the seller combines shipping ($3.50) so that worked out well.


I do not know of a more bulk method than that, I believe they are in Tactical squad boxes, but you only get one per box, so you can see why they might be a bit pricey.

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yes, you have a good point their.


Seems the dice gods love to keep things rolling and they have seen fit for the brothers to leave me for a new player. My friend wants to learn to play and has played 2 games now and bought them from me..

Leaving me with very little .( which is a very good thing!) honestly I am happier now. I am left with the Death Wing. A very large collection of 2ed metal terminators! how cool is that! I have a totle of ..correction. 50 terminators. heres the brake down.

20 2ed terminators and 30 new plastics models. 1 chaplin dred 1 chaplin/termie a plastic librarian termie and parts to my old Balial. and 11 extra terminators that are not included.. The army that I parted with had 20 terminators included in that which helped seal a very good deal for my friend. He wants to play chaos in looking into marines and was also given a Dark angels codex to get him playing! ( propper? :blush: )

I am also lucky to still have16 plastic beakies! from 1st ed! as well as a few ancient heroes from way back then.

I know that this collection is borderline ridiculous but with no raven wing it shouldn't be too over the top. though most games shouldn't see it all being used. I like that it is a very low model count army.


I have so much work to do!

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