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Pre Heresy Luna Wolves


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Indeed we do Kingsandy.

Well I have been busy over the New Year weekend and came up with this:

First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon (before he went all weird and Chaos and failed 13 times in a row)

Here's the prepainted version:




And here's him painted in the black Terminator armour of the Justaerin:





And here's him next to one of my normal marines for scale purposes. As you can see he's a little, umm.... large.... As Abaddon should be.


And before you ask The reason the Luna Wolves symbol is different is because he's supposedly the full moon quarter of the Mournival (and it fit in better with black armour).

I hope you like and I will get on with Justaerin squad now.

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Looking nice dude. I think the GS could have been a little smoother in places but once painted it came out nicely (And not that I can comment too much on that ;))


One thing is that I think the legs look a little lanky now that they have been extended. Id really recommend filling in the "piping" on the backs of the legs to solve this (if you can be bothered now that its painted ;))


As always the freehand looks awesome and the posing is nice, looks like he's about to turn and own someone. Unfortunately my version of Grimnar is going to have to pone him in his heretical face ;)

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I know Koran. I'm a bit out of practice with greenstuff. As for the piping I know you hate it but I like the idea of having the exposed structure to the rear and the heavy armour plates to the front. Terminator armour is designed for the frontal assault.
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  • 2 months later...

Hello again all!

I realise I have been neglecting my posting of lat so here's an update on what I've been up to on the Luna Wolves.

The current Land Speeder converted to look more like a MK II




2 current Rhinos converted to look like the original MK I





A Drop Pod



The Justaerin Terminators - Stretched so larger than a conventional Terminator and given the correct shoulder pads. I think I'll paint these next.



And a couple of shots of the army as a whole - Unfortunately my camera ran out battery at this point so only a couple of poor images.



But as you can see I have now assembled the whole 1750pts and I've played a couple of games. One against Korans Spears of Ultramar Terminators which ended as a very tight draw and one against a Salamanders army that really didn't last very long. So a good start overall.

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Realy superb and amasing work done here mate and a truly awesome army and painting too!!! Big salute and My favorit army!!! Love it so much!!!

Abaddon looks realy nice and true to the art!


Big salute and a great cheer mate!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the positive comments all,

I have now finished the Justaerin Terminators so here they are:

All have been converted so they are taller by stretching the thighs and torsos.

Here is the whole squad together



Then Power Sword and Combi-Melta


Cyclone Missile, Frost Blade and Storm Bolter


Chainfist and Storm Shield



and Power Axe and Storm Shield



Finally here they are with Abaddon



I also took a quick one of one with a normal marine to demonstrate the height difference.


So with that done I should really get back to doing some more power armour.

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Hmm, next time you should try to make combi-bolters instead of storm bolters. I know Storm Bolters were sort of around during those days, but the combi-bolter just looks a tiny bit cooler and aesthetically a little bit more fitting for a pre-Heresy army.
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Hmm, next time you should try to make combi-bolters instead of storm bolters. I know Storm Bolters were sort of around during those days, but the combi-bolter just looks a tiny bit cooler and aesthetically a little bit more fitting for a pre-Heresy army.



I know what you mean and I did consider it but a general dislike of the combi-bolter models caused me to think twice. I much prefer the look of the storm bolters.

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