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Pre Heresy Luna Wolves


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How about putting two on top of each other? Kind of a Chaosified version of the twin-linked Bolter of the Adeptus Custodes, according to Adrian Smith's artwork. I also found this pic.



They look cool but they make no sense - how do the bullets get into the top barrel if both mags are underneath. I think a step too far for even 40k physics. :D

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Nah, not really. It could have a slightly slower rate of fire, putting up two bullets from the mag at a time, but still be able to function. It is just a matter of how the the upper barrel shuts itself after a bullet is inserted, and after that the lower barrel does the same and you can fire again. It is just a bit more complicated, not at all impossible, I think.


- Natanael

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Wah Ho!


Just great struff! :D


But I have a question: Is it that all the PA marines have a pistol on the right hip, pouches across the back and a knife on left hip with grenades somewhere in the mix?


If so ... is it crowded? Does it give the Marine a "real" look to them?

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Nah, not really. It could have a slightly slower rate of fire, putting up two bullets from the mag at a time, but still be able to function. It is just a matter of how the the upper barrel shuts itself after a bullet is inserted, and after that the lower barrel does the same and you can fire again. It is just a bit more complicated, not at all impossible, I think.


- Natanael


A good point but it would still be very inefficient and horribly prone to jams and component failure. For me that doesn't really fit with the Luna Wolves reputation for brutal efficiency. If it doesn't work, ditch it! Also with their premier position as the Warmasters legion I think it's reasonable to expect they would be among the first to get hold of some shiny new stormbolters.


Maybe I'm trying to over justify a purely aesthetic decision. :D

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Wah Ho!


Just great struff! :D


But I have a question: Is it that all the PA marines have a pistol on the right hip, pouches across the back and a knife on left hip with grenades somewhere in the mix?


If so ... is it crowded? Does it give the Marine a "real" look to them?





They do indeed all have all the kit. It's something I've always done with models, be it guard or marines. I think all combat troops should be fully kitted out with pistols, knives, extra ammo and grenades and all the other accessories of war. I think it looks more businesslike, less concerned with the aesthetic.


Also, they are all supposed to be grey hunters rules wise so it does serve a WYSIWYG purpose.

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Nah, not really. It could have a slightly slower rate of fire, putting up two bullets from the mag at a time, but still be able to function. It is just a matter of how the the upper barrel shuts itself after a bullet is inserted, and after that the lower barrel does the same and you can fire again. It is just a bit more complicated, not at all impossible, I think.


- Natanael


A good point but it would still be very inefficient and horribly prone to jams and component failure. For me that doesn't really fit with the Luna Wolves reputation for brutal efficiency. If it doesn't work, ditch it! Also with their premier position as the Warmasters legion I think it's reasonable to expect they would be among the first to get hold of some shiny new stormbolters.


Maybe I'm trying to over justify a purely aesthetic decision. :D


Well, you keep them if you like them :P I just think that the "custodes-stormbolter" has got more of a PH-feel to it. The army looks stunning anyway so you can get away with some stormbolters in the mix ;)


- Natanael

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This is my favorite force of Luna Wolves. Very unified, very businesslike. I just love all the conversions you've done and the painting is excellent.


Also, I'm sorry if it's been stated previously, but where are the helmet crests from?

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Also, I'm sorry if it's been stated previously, but where are the helmet crests from?
The helmet crests are from Warlord Games Praetorian Guard 28mm.

This took me a little while to find, the little bugger was well hidden. I hope that helps DP :(



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Also, I'm sorry if it's been stated previously, but where are the helmet crests from?
The helmet crests are from Warlord Games Praetorian Guard 28mm.

This took me a little while to find, the little bugger was well hidden. I hope that helps DP :cuss



Awesome. Much thanks, Ludo! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Consider the termie gorget idea stolen. Absolutely brilliant. Also, can I request a tutorial on how you did the back arch trim and the shoulders on the termies?



The back trim is just the Chaos terminator trophy rack cut down.


I would like to say the shoulders were all made from scratch but only Abaddon's were. The others are from Maxmini.

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You are equal to Eavy Metal, and have clearly been doing this longer than some of the younger members have been alive. Your care of the your miniatures is extremely evident - not only are you buying enough resin for any entire army of pre-heresy marines, you put in the time to make sure your models are completely aligned with the fluff, and the level of detail you put into the basic trooper is astounding.


Inspiring, to say the very least. Those previously mentioned younger members should take lessons from you.



Enough praise... There is very, very little I can give in the way of advice. I might suggest that with the bitz you use, make sure you don't accidentally mix in some post-heresy stuff, especially in the arms. I doubt you would make a dumb mistake like that, but it's worth making sure that it doesn't happen.

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